same time, it said in a note ( of 17 / 9, the day of, ed ) was also resolved to transfer the rights to Sky pay for the Football World Cup in 2010 and 2014 for a total of 175 mln €. The agreement enables
Rai used to transmit unencrypted the next Olympic cycle with the same coverage of previous editions but with economic conditions improved significantly to ensure air broadcasting the World Cup on the same terms as the previous edition but at a cost of 90 mln Rai in 2010 and 85 mln for 2014, against 108 mln spent on the single edition of 2006. This also allows the Rai to make a positive financial balance of 130 million economic conditions and a lot more 'favorable than those included in the projections of three-year plan. com / ren
(Sources: Ansa and )
Anyways ', then we will see further, it is a bit' vague.