Friday, October 17, 2008 Covers Snowmobiles

Towards South Africa 2010: dream Rwanda, Brazil crisis.

Other copiaincolla by with this view ( Stefano Cantalupi ) on the World Cup qualifiers in different continents. There are positive surprises such as Lithuania, Rwanda and Chile, but also disappointments such as Portugal, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, the national will redeem or risk elimination: A

600 days away from kickoff of the 2010 World Cup, let's see how you are doing the national chasing a place in the finals in South Africa. Among the revelations, failures and disappointments half, we plan to take a panoramic look at what is happening in the various continents. And to tell you some interesting player (which is not too popular) among those who are highlighting the national team of belonging.
UP - Let's start by talking about teams that are running above expectations, surprising a bit 'all. A caveat is a must: the qualifiers started recently and there riblatare time to complete the initial impressions, but our goal is to draw up an initial budget, considering what we have seen so far. We start from Paraguay, which is dominating the Conmebol. A surprise is not so much the fact that the 'Albirroja "have a good chance of going to the World (the company usually succeeds), but the rule expressed in terms of play and points compared to the rivals. Staying in South America, Chile is doing well, returned from a historic "first time" against Argentina ( image) and the fourth ranking. We come to Europe: Lithuania is the first (with Serbia) in a group where there are France, Romania and Austria who would have thought? Very well Slovakia, who beat Poland in the comeback and now leads the group which also includes the "cousins" Czechs. Special mention goes to Albania, capable of blocking Sweden and Portugal. In Asia, North Korea seems to have covered the gap with the best representatives of the continent. In Africa we're behind, there are still 20 national teams vying for the 5 useful places. Among these, some joyful and unexpected notes on the eve as Rwanda, Sudan, Gabon, Mozambique and Malawi.
BANKRUPTCY - There is already someone who has finished out of the game. Among the selections deleted, Angola and Senegal stand out. The Angola was present at Germany 2006, Senegal stunned the world in the 2002 edition. And as for the Concacaf, shall be recorded the poor performance of Canada, which just can not make a team with any acceptable level.
THE "BIG" IN TROUBLE ' - If Angola, Senegal and Canada there is no time to remedy, there are other national first band that can still reverse course after a mediocre start. The worst situation is that of Portugal, which in the first 4 games he only beat Malta: then home defeat by Denmark, Sweden and the goalless draw in another 0-0 draw against un'Albania reduced to ten men for half the race. Truly a journey with so unworthy of a national-level talent. In Europe, France and Romania also big risk that they see in their group away dangerously la Lituania e soprattutto la Serbia. Scenari foschi pure per la Repubblica Ceca, in pieno ricambio generazionale. Andiamo in Sud America: sul banco degli imputati c'è il Brasile anti-spettacolare di Dunga, ma non è che l'Argentina di Basile stia facendo meglio. Impossibile pensare che non si qualifichino per la fase finale, ma l'allarme deve suonare. Così come per il Messico di Eriksson, che ancora non ha vinto la concorrenza di Honduras e Guatemala per accedere alla fase successiva nella zona nord-centroamericana.
I NOMI DA SEGUIRE - Da ultimo, vi invitiamo ad annotare qualche nome tra quelli che si stanno facendo apprezzare in queste qualificazioni mondiali. Non citiamo i fuoriclasse, perché li conoscete già. Parliamo rather Valdez of Paraguay and Cabanas, who are doing great things white and red in the attack. O usually underestimated Cahill, midfielder who scores at all times, whether you do it for Everton or Australia. In Brazil you are saving the defender Thiago Silva much like the Milanese, and in Chile has taken a shine to the young star of Mati Fernandez, and the 21 year-old Martins is one of the few good news for Bolivia. In Concacaf are scoring goals in bunches two young men: the Jamaican Shelton and Ruiz of Costa Rica In Africa, the spotlight on Malian Bangoura Dinamo Kiev, the leading scorer Dagano Burkina Faso and Benin on the Omotoyossi. In Europe, Belgian Sonck is finally showing its potential, while it is a grace period (also in Cologne) for the Slovenian Novakovic. And if the Swiss N'Kufo is experiencing a revival, there is a giant '86 class on which we aim with your eyes closed: the Bosnian Dzeko and play in Wolfsburg.

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Basile leaves Argentina. It's up to Diego? Here

Alfio Basile ( image) is no longer the coach of Argentina. This was announced by the South American Football Association with a note on its website. The decision, which comes 24 hours after the resounding defeat against Chile (1-0 in South American qualifiers for the World Cup 2010), is "irrevocable" and for "personal reasons". Basile, as the statement of the federation, presented Thursday alle 21.10 (ora locale) le dimissioni al presidente Julio Humberto Grondona, che le ha accettate.
Per quanto riguarda il sostituto di Basile, in Argentina cominciano a circolare tante voci e alcune piuttosto affascinanti. Si parla, ad esempio, di una possibile promozione del tecnico delle giovanili della nazionale Sergio Batista: medaglia d'oro alle Olimpiadi di Pechino, verrebbe affiancato da Diego Armando Maradona. Altra voce quella che vedrebbe sulla panchina dell'Argentina la coppia Gabriel Batistuta-Nestor Sensini. Altre alternative sono quelle legate ai nomi di Diego Simeone, attuale allenatore del River Plate (non ha ancora però firmato il rinnovo del contratto), e di Miguel Angel Russo, allenatore del San Lorenzo.
(Fonte: )

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

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Zakumi, World Cup leopard mascot

is called Zakumi and the mascot is a leopard South Africa 2010.
Well, the news of September 22, I know, but I recovered a bit 'of work to catch up.
"Zakumi represents the people, geography and spirit of South Africa - said the general secretary of FIFA, Jerome Valcke - embody the essence of the next World Cup. We are sure that will bring 'great joy." The word "Zakumi is a composition that combines the syllable Za , which stands for" South Africa ", and the word kumi, which can be translated into various African languages with the number 10.

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: the point on Africa, Senegal and Angola eliminated

now it seems that all my "return" must begin with a justification of my long absence. Well, not this time. I'm working on an important project, but I will not go, for now. Then you'll understand why. Meanwhile, this is the situation of Africa, from ( Filippo Maria Ricci ):

Among surprises, drama, excitement and violence has closed the first of two phases of the first African qualifying World continent. The teams were reduced from 36 to 20, and already two of the five African participants at the 2006 German World Cup have not passed this primo taglio: il Senegal, che nel 2002 arrivò fino ai quarti di finale in Giappone e Corea, e l'Angola, che organizzerà la prossima coppa d'Africa, sono già fuori. Così come sarebbe rimasto fuori il Sud Africa, che ha chiuso al secondo posto il suo girone non riuscendo a qualificarsi nemmeno per la coppa d'Africa del 2010 ma che ovviamente sarà in campo nel "suo" mondiale in qualità di Paese organizzatore ( nella foto, il ct Joel Santana ).
SISTEMA COMPLESSO - Il sistema adottato per determinare il passaggio del turno era complicato: qualificate di diritto le prime dei 12 gironi, per stilare la classifica delle migliori 8 seconde che le avrebbero accompagnate it was necessary to arm themselves with the calculator: two of the 12 groups the way they lost a team from 4 to 3 national. So the runners-up of groups of 4 have been removed in the number of points with the fourth of their group to be equivalent to those of the groups maimed. For this reason, for example, Mozambique has passed that ended with 8 points and Angola and Uganda who had made 10.
THE QUALIFIED - These are the 20 teams in the draw on October 22 in Zurich will be divided into five groups: the first in 2010 and will go to the World Cup in Africa, second and third only to the continental competition. Just in 5 will remain empty-handed. There are the big boys such as Egypt, Cameroon, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire Ghana, Tunisia and Morocco, teams of middle range such as Mali, Zambia, Guinea, Algeria, Togo and Burkina Faso, and quite a number of surprises: Benin, Kenya, Gabon, Rwanda, Sudan, Malawi, Mozambique. Nigeria is the only one of 36 to have won all 6 games played.
the verdicts last round - A meager 1-0 away against neighbors in Gaborone in Botswana allowed to go to Mozambique, after 24 hours of anxious waiting to find out the final standings of the second. The network is crucial to Genito Bila, a defensive midfielder in the fifth season with the Budapest Honved. Morocco had to win and beat Mauritania 4-1 with goals from Youssef Hadji (Nancy) and networks and Zemmama Safri (both committed in Medio Oriente). A Bamako il Mali ha avuto ragione del Ciad solo nel finale, quando Tenema Ndiaye (Tours, serie B francese) ha segnato il 2-1: nello stesso girone il Sudan ha scavalcato al secondo posto il Congo grazie al 2-0 di Omdurman (di Tahir e Faysal Agab le reti). Grande partita al Kamuzu Stadium di Blantyre: il Malawi ospitava la Repubblica Democratica del Congo in uno scontro decisivo per il passaggio del turno: congolesi avanti con LuaLua ma eliminati dalla rimonta del Malawi a segno due volte negli ultimi 10 minuti con il nuovo eroe nazionale Mwafulirwa (da luglio in Svezia, al Norkopping): le Fiamme continuano a bruciare passando il turno in un girone dove c'era anche l'Egitto. Decisiva anche la sconfitta per 3-1 di Capo Verde in Tanzania, già Deleted: 9 points were not enough for the islanders to move forward. The beat Guinea 3-2 Kenya and was aided by the defeat of Zimbabwe in Namibia, Zimbabwe, 4-2 after the first 5 days he had collected only two goals. Please sign in Guinea Bangoura (Dynamo Kiev), Keita (Mallorca) and Zayatte (Hull). In Group 5 three teams have 12 points to close pairs: in front of goal difference puts Ghana, Gabon and the Alain Giresse with 1-0 on Libya which was enough to pass as one of the first and rather surprisingly remained outside . The decisive goal of the Panthers of Gabon has come thanks to the "usual" Bruno Mbanagoye, tip of Dinamo Minsk in Belarus.
VIOLENCE - Violent protests and serious accidents in Dakar after the 1-1 in Senegal and Gambia. The Lions of Teranga even close in the third round, behind Algeria (only one point more dangerous after the 0-0 with Liberia) and Gambia (paired in second place and qualified as Senegal). A win would have propelled the head of the group in Senegal at the second stage, but at 87 'the Gambian Tijan Jaiteh (Brann Bergen, Norway) drew the network of the Senegalese Kader Mangan (Rennes). The result has sparked the ire of the crowd, with offices, fire and prolonged violence inside and outside the stadium. Otherwise the source of unrest in Sekondi, for the first time in history the city hosted the Ghanaian Black Stars and the arrival of national enthusiasm generated uncontrollable. Smashed gates, running in place with fans overwhelmed and trampled upon, stadium filled beyond capacity limits. Local media had spoken of two deaths but the news was denied.
Adebayor and DOUBLE - Friday, Emmanuel Adebayor said he would not play against Swaziland in protest at the poor logistics improvised by his federation: Neutral on Saturday in Accra, Ghana, the Arsenal striker has taken the field and has 4 goals in the 6-0 final, which earned him second place and qualification to the Sparrow Hawks. Eto'o double for Meyong Ze (Sporting Braga) in Cameroon's 5-1 to Mauritius, and dell'ivoriano Sanogo (Werder Brema) nel 3-0 al Madagascar. Con Drogba infortunato davanti per gli Elefanti hanno giocato anche Baky Kone (Marsilglia) e Salomon Kalou (Chelsea) che ha segnato la terza rete. Due gol per Moumouni Dagano, capocannoniere della zona africana con 7 centri in 6 gare: il centravanti che ora gioca in Qatar (all'Al-Khor) ha contribuito al 3-1 del Burkina Faso sul Burundi che ha permesso agli Stalloni di confermare il primo posto del girone davanti alla più quotata Tunisia.
GOL ITALIANI E INFORTUNI - L'interista Sulley Muntari ha segnato la rete di apertura di Ghana-Lesotho (3-0 finale con reti di Junior Agogo e Matthew Amoah), mentre nel 4-1 della Nigeria alla Sierra Leone gol iniziale dell'udinese Chris Obodo e rete del 2-1 dell'interista Victor Obinna. To verify the conditions of the Mali Kanoute and Diarra, back injuries in Spain: the midfielder mainly concerned: Madrid is expected Saturday for the derby at the Calderon.