the bullshit of puffins.
This was the 150th anniversary of the unit 'of Italy, yet the kingdom of the two Sicilies pre-unification was one of the most prosperous countries in Europe, where emigration was unknown. Its strategic location at the heart of the Mediterranean and its policy of fierce independence clashed against the interests of the great European powers and the Savoy. The capital of the Two Sicilies was more than twice that of all other states in the peninsula together, and the debt was fully guaranteed, and the ratio of government debt, with interest, and gross domestic product was 16% in Piedmont was 75 %. In the south, until the unification of Italy, migrations were limited and temporary. The phenomenon was larger than that of Abruzzo, the seasonal maximum of up to 30,000, came in Caserta and in the Roman countryside.
In the north, however, the phenomenon was massive, several hundreds of thousands of people migrating, and of these, most definitely Now here I absolutely do not want to talk about the historical reasons that led allla disappearance of this state, but if you follow me, I'll talk ', perhaps also accompanied by some photos of the migratory movement that drove large numbers of Southern to abandon their lands and move to the rich and industrialized North .
emigrants Italy settentrionale partono per l'estero
L'Italia è stata interessata al fenomeno dell'emigrazione soprattutto nei secoli XIX e XX. Il fenomeno ha riguardato dapprima il Settentrione (Piemonte, Veneto e Friuli in particolare) e, dopo il 1880, anche il Mezzogiorno.Tra il 1861 e il 1985 sono state registrate quasi 30 milioni di partenze[1]. Nell'arco di poco più di un secolo un numero quasi equivalente all'ammontare della popolazione al momento dell' Unità d'Italia (25 milioni nel primo censimento italiano) si trasferì in quasi tutti gli Stati del mondo occidentale e in parte del Nord Africa. Si trattò di un esodo che toccò tutte le regioni italiane. Tra il 1876 e il 1900 l'esodo interessò prevalentemente le regioni settentrionali con tre regioni che fornirono da sole il 47 per cento dell'intero contingente migratorio: il Veneto (17,9), il Friuli-Venezia Giulia (16,1 per cento) ed il Piemonte (12,5 per cento). Nei due decenni successivi il primato migratorio passò alle regioni meridionali. Con quasi tre milioni di persone emigrate soltanto da Calabria, Campania e Sicilia, e quasi nove milioni da tutta Italia.
Poi col passare del tempo ha 'inizio l'emigrazione dei meridionali che da prima coincide con la reazione alla conquista del Piemonte e poi con la la diversa velocità di sviluppo tra il nord e il sud .
Il processo di industrializzazione, partito con l'unità d'Italia e con i capitali “drenati” al sud, ebbe una fortissima spinta, dopo la seconda Guerra Mondiale, per l'ingresso in Italia di capitali che ci arrivarono sotto forma di aiuti per la ricostruzione e sotto forma di capitali che, mutate le condizioni politiche l'industria estera impiegava in Italia. Questi capitali, manco a dirlo, dirottati quasi esclusivamente al nord, ebbero bisogno di mano d'opera a basso costo: i meridionali erano lì proprio per questo! Ecco la spiegazione del grosso fenomeno dell'emigrazione dei meridionali verso il nord d'Italia, dal 1950 al 1970, che a sua volta spiega perché i capitali, che del nord non erano, non vennero ben divisi geograficamente.
Quindi riassumendo Dal 1950 al 1970 gli emigranti furono per la massima parte Southern: Now, therefore, are well north while southern continue to feel sick. I only now go south to the north of Italy: then just now the north of Italy starts a real expansion. Nothing but talk! The industry, the real one, the North is born after World War II! World War II. In the years 1952 to 1974, about 4.2 million people are directed by the South for almost two thirds to the center-north of the country. The exodus reached its greatest intensity in the early '60s, when the country is going through a phase of intense development, the economic boom that is called the "Italian miracle" and that he saw about 240 000 people a year leave the camps, the country, the land in search of the future and luck. Un altro picco lo si registra fra il 1997 e il 2008, quando i meridionali emigrati al Nord in cerca di un lavoro raggiungono quota 700 mila. Vale a dire come se tutta Palermo avesse fatto valigie e bagagli e si fosse trasferita nel Settentrione.
LE CAUSE DI ATTRAZIONE I fattori di attrazione possono essere riassunti in quel complesso di fattori economici, sociali e culturali che concorrono a fare prevedere delle opportunità maggiori e/o una qualità della vita migliore per sé da parte di chi emigra. I meridionali vanno verso le aree più ricche e industrializzate del paese. Nello stesso periodo l'occupazione agriculture has fallen by nearly nine to just over two million units: the former southern farmers were the first protagonists of internal migration and abroad. So much so that in one case in the movements of workers were still accompanied by their shift to the employment relationship tend to be stable: the classic example is the entry into the large modern factory, according to the prevailing model of development time . The so-called industrial triangle of Milan, Turin, Genoa and its great development embarked with territorial concentration of industry, thus attracting those people a large youth component and not with the inevitable difficulties and closures in early times anche di stampo razzista.
NON SI FITTA AI MERIDIONALI I meridionali furono dipinti in vari modi: come insofferenti verso il lavoro metodico e monotamente svolto, come incapaci di adattarsi ai ritmi ed ai lavori imposti dalle società moderne . In molti li consideravano sporchi, incivili e non erano rari cartelli come questi:
Tutti i meridionali a prescindere dalla loro regione di provenienza erano chiamati "i napule",era meglio non fidarsi e poi facevano arrivare troppi parenti e "coltivavano i pomodori nella vasca da bagno, quindi non erano da assimilare e non erano rari gli scontri .Ma le differenze fra sud e nord vengano enfatizzate eccessivamente perchè in esse confluiscono altre differenze.Il gran numero di meridionali che si trasferì negli anni 60 al nord non erano solo del sud: erano anche contadini che entravano nel mondo operaio, provenienti da piccoli centri isolati nelle grandi città, di bassa scolarizzazione e molto piu poveri- Queste differenze, credo, erano più importanti di quelle supposte "etniche" ma furono considerate erroneamente di carattere "etnico"Successe , insomma, quello che era accaduto per gli italiani sia del nord che del sud ,emigrati in America all'inizio del secolo per i quali venivano usati anche epiteti come "dago" e "wop" e i siciliano considerati "non white".
Italian immigrants in the U.S. at the beginning of the twentieth century
This form of racism was originated from the observation of the rough and merciless economic and social status of immigrants just landed in search of a job opportunity and social reintegration . Fortunately, these biases, if used, are often a mere support for the joke, without claiming any relationship with reality. \u0026lt;b>
THE ECONOMIC BOOM Yet the economic boon demanded more and more 'labor and it was so' that agriculture and small industries along with construction and retail trade, played a role as "the lungs of the new industrialization of the north. The southern lands were abandoned in favor of the Fiat, Montecatini, Sir, and Edison, the Innocents, Piaggio, of Alfa Arese and Magneti Marelli of Milan, which tended to model their production along the lines of the foreign . Other factors crucial to the economic boom were the cheap labor coming mainly from the south. It was so ', that with a blue suit wearing, Gennaro become' equal to Ambrose, the same as Massimo Pasquale, Rocco equal to Justin.
THE CONTINUOUS south 'impoverish The southern Italian appointment had come with the boom had still predominantly agricultural economy where people employed in this sector accounted for 40% of all workers against 30% of the national average in 1960 (excluding a few areas, most of the agricultural land was still occupied by an extensive type of culture). The estate was the predominant form of management and population pressure continued to remain high, industrial development was completely inadequate and based mainly on small businesses in semi-artisan character. With the "miracle" in the country broadens the difference in development of different areas. The national strategies of entrepreneurship, trying to integrate the economic fabric of the most advanced countries, helped to widen this gap, because the demands of competitiveness and attachments to the international standards of production had led to a concentration of investment to the industrial districts of the North , which already had a development well advanced. In this shift of capital to the South would mean dispersing technology and resources. So the South, the economic boom, was designed to have a subordinate role and serves the interests of the North Moreover, the absence of effective industrialization in the south was a guarantee for the large economic groups of the North, against any possible internal competition. It was so 'that increase the gap'. The concentration of large factories in the northern regions set in motion a migration from the agricultural South to the industrialized North, which the impoverished southern regions of human resources and to no avail to economic development with the South financing of the Fund for the noon which was an Italian public body already created 'by the government of Alcide De Gasperi to finance industrial projects aimed at economic development of southern Italy, in order to bridge the gap between the northern regions. In reality, ' even if major works were carried out for the south in particular for water and roads, it revealed 'a failure as it transforms' the politicization, a charity funding through the rain did not help' at all to the south
ADAPTATION Soon the workers had to find that southern charm the charm of the new metropolis of the North and stable work had side effects, most do not experience the gatherings in the streets and the great harmony between the neighbors they were used in the north took place all in the name of privacy.
meridionali nelle campagne del sud
Molti altri problemi si crearono per gran parte della gente immigrata dal Sud. Innanzitutto una situazione di disagio causato dalle diverse condizioni climatiche, dai problemi riguardanti la lingua, perché erano abituati a parlare solamente il dialetto e dalla difficoltà a trovare un’abitazione. Questo causo' notevoli disagi, e quando richiamarono al nord anche le loro famiglie , anche ai figli che dovettero affrontare la situazione quando iniziarono la nuova scuola al fianco dei bambini del luogo. Inoltre per loro era anche difficile adattarsi alla vita di città, estremamente diversa da quella a cui were used. These difficulties often had a negative impact on their tightening in the workplace and brought about a certain intolerance towards people in this society, which was cited as the cause of their problems. Adding to the posting of many fathers and children affected by more expensive and unimaginable hardships and sacrifices, the picture was complete. The first impression of the northern cities was, for the peasant immigrants from southern Italy, baffling and often paralyzing. What struck them most were the wide streets full of traffic, neon lights and billboards, the style in the north. For those coming winter, the worst thing was the freezing fog that enveloped Turin and Milan and made it seem a city of another country, preferably from another planet.
Those who were on their way, just come from relatives, friends and acquaintances. Who could not, and were in the first several years, found a bed in some little inn near the station, room for four or five and sometimes ten or fifteen. These inns typically also housed a restaurant, where newcomers could eat, badly, to 250-350 pounds. Those who could not afford these inns did not have to choose between the waiting rooms of railway stations or the empty train compartments. A ticket for 50 dollars for a nearby station were generally sufficient to be left alone, per tutta la notte, dalla polizia ferroviaria.»
Appena si sentiva pronto, e dopo aver risparmiato un po' di denaro, l'immigrato chiamava la famiglia a raggiungerlo. Spesso lasciava a casa, in campagna, i propri genitori, soprattutto se anziani, ma inviava loro denaro e li andava a trovare d'estate. Per la famiglia arrivata al Nord iniziava subito il dramma di trovare una casa dove sistemarsi. Le città settentrionali erano assolutamente impreparate per un afflusso così massiccio, e le famiglie immigrate erano pertanto forced to live, during the years of 'miracle', in extremely precarious conditions.
In Turin, the new inhabitants of the city are housed in the basements and attics of the old, in buildings intended for demolition, abandoned farms in the far periphery. Racist attitudes wherever they occur, and often the apartments were not leased to the south. La Stampa, the Turin daily, this did nothing to combat racism, but rather chose to extol the "virtues civilizing" of Turin. Was the most overcrowded in the attics of the center, where they lived at least four or five people per room. The same "room" often were nothing more than a single room divided by curtains and old blankets. Toilets and sinks were located in the hallways and were together for about ten families, at least forty or fifty people.
In small towns on the outskirts of Milan immigrants found a different solution to the problem of the house, the construction of so-called "core": groups of houses built by the immigrants themselves at night, without any planning permission, on agricultural land bought with their savings. The name 'Korea' seems to derive from the fact that these structures appeared for the first time since the Korean War. schools became the filter through which a generation of children learned Italian and became the southern North Atlantic. The teachers had to face thousands of problems, while the insufficient number of classes are often forced to double and sometimes triple shifts to. The children of new immigrants are enrolled in school during the school year: at the beginning they understood little of what they were told, many spoke only in dialect very close and often responded with silent hostility to the attempts of integration. The difference in level between North and South was so great that even the guys who had regularly attended school in the South, once in the North had to go back one or two classes. "
NOSTALGIA Emigration is always a sad phenomenon, it was less for these country people, six small countries in the south. For them it means' displacement, abandonment of the home, away from the natural environment and therefore settlement traditions, habits, customs, behaviors, long-ingrained over time. And, again, it meant trouble and inconvenience in the impact with the new reality, nostalgia for the homeland, the desire to keep alive the cultural and social ties with their land, to share it with their children. [IMG] [/ IMG]
In all, however, there was a labor dell’animo, ma doveva essere superato dalla necessita' economica, ma qualcuno , forse,pregustava magari un ritorno da improbabile vincitore. Ma molti in cuor loro sapevano che questa condanna obbligata, raramente avrebbe portato loro la felicita'.
LA DONNA Nei primi anni del grande esodo,non si può ignorare il ruolo svolto dalle donne. La prospettiva di futuro sia delle donne sia degli uomini è orientata ad un ricongiungimento del nucleo familiare.
La ritardata presenza delle donne nei flussi migratori è addebitata the so-called "temporary program", whereby women are still in the country of origin so as to manage those aspects that one day would allow the reunification of the family. The women stay home to care for their children and manage the best possible campaign or farm, which for years has been their livelihood, while the men return once or twice a year at Christmas or the summer.
THE IMMIGRANTS AND THE FIAT Many of the migrants moved to the south of Turin and in neighboring countries where the work is not mancava.La large company Fiat, but also many factories, industries and construction companies after having been drained by years the pool of workers composed of the peasants in the provinces of Piedmont and the Veneto by immigrants, are still in need of new workers. It then begins to draw abundantly in the south among populations accustomed to emigrate since the previous century in search of jobs. More than 50% of immigrants living in Turin are of southern origin and are mostly young people, 37% are aged between 15 to 24 years. They come from Sicily (16.4%), Puglia (15.5%), the Ca ¬ lips (7%), Campania (6.6%), Sardinia (4%), the Basilica ta ¬ (3 , 7%).
Some demographic data immediately give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat has happened in terms of population growth. Turin in 1951 had 700,000 inhabitants and its first few thousand belt. In 1969 the inhabitants of those cities of the first and second belt amounted to 1,600,000. Neighborhoods traditionally inhabited by workmen overload in those years of unprecedented mass proletarian. South Mirafiori increased from 18,747 inhabitants in 1951 to. 119,569 in 1969, Lingotto from 23,753 to 42,798, Santa Rita from 22,936 to 88,563. Employees of Fiat plants in Turin in 1950 from the 50,000 that were are now 128,000 in 1968 and 140,000 the following year, the cars produced per worker increased from 2.1% in 1950 to '11.8% in 1968, the number of cars salt produced in a year from 118,000 to 1,470,000, about six thousand per day and had a turnover affects the proportion of 1.33 trillion compared with 180 of the early fifties, the net profits in 1968 amounted to 34 billion and a half.
Establishments works a working class composite, a part still belongs to the old strain of 'workers' trade Turin, whose status is still a real know-how which is exercised in the course of employment, while others are assembly line workers, unskilled, all southerners. Here the rotation of the workforce is quite high, 10% each year leaves the Fiat and looking for another job, some will lay off 1,000 workers per month, 40 out of 100 new recruits drop out shortly after. The percentage of early increases in workshops where the work is heavy, monotonous, repetitive. In the first three months of 1969 the population of Turin grows to 8,989 units, including 7,103 new immigrants. In the 23 municipalities of the belt in two months the population grew to 3,830 units, including 3,123 new immigrants. Here, too, will check 'the housing problem.
FIND HOUSE IN TURIN and neighboring countries Similarly to non-EU immigrants today, thousands of southern living in inhumane conditions from the point of view of hygiene and living in attics and basements of crumbling historic center, extortionists from the owners unscrupulous, sleeping on makeshift beds, used in some cases for more workers, according to the distribution of factory shifts. Others, waiting for a place, sleeping in classrooms and smashed near the old factory or railway station. Who has the good fortune to find a home worthy of the name pays a rent higher than the salary he earns more than l0 thousand pounds per door "between 30 and 40 000 pounds for those who have a family and lives in an apartment, however, has no way to defend against claims of increased rent, and living the nightmare of being evicted at any moment. Who has no family or relatives as the guests eat and where it can warm pasta in restaurants, they carry the same factory in the shack to warm it back to 'lunch hour, some are beginning to discover the existence of the university canteens, and there access because the controls are very loose because they are kind of "liberated zones" by the student movement. Overall, the city will often react with annoyance and incomprehension of the reasons that underlie this degradation of social life and no shortage in those years, signs with the words "Do not rent to the south." The city is their hostile and suspicious, do not have roots, there are no established social relations, there is no membership, no identification.
TERRON This term spread from large urban centers of northern Italy with a strong pejorative connotation and often insulting and, as other terms of the Italian language and its dialects (peasant, farmer and peasant hick) was to indicate "serf" and "laborer agriculture "and was reported to immigrants from the South. The immigrants were then considered, as the peasants underdeveloped; somewhere else instead the term was meant to negative personal characteristics, including ignorance, lack of desire to work, contempt of certain rules of hygiene, and especially civic, remained, therefore, an insult aimed at clear discriminatory intent. She kept the pain, suffering and humiliation of emigration for those people who had fled the earth and the affections in order to survive and to live with tear dignità.Lo continued to be painful. Even if it was Italian like the others, the South felt the guinea embarrassed by an inferior race, a Southerner to be relegated to a fence. The North Italy manifesto 'against' new guests "misunderstanding, intolerance and mistrust. Abandon their home and family, going to work in big cities, living in a rented room with fellow workers or more in a cabin, accept the most menial and heavy rejected by local workers, feel abandoned and misunderstood by all, pass humiliation humiliation, sometimes go in search of the house and find signs, as happened in Turin, on the words 'is not dense in the southern', are all things that the mild Southern workers had to suffer in silence and alone. It was determined, therefore, a kind of specialization geographical scope of tasks of socio-professional teachers, landlords, employees, team leaders, all the middle class was the north back to the line workers employed, the vast majority were of southern origin.
THE TRAIN OF THE SUN A song of Mario Merola says, "or chiammane accussi 'do train alone, but is chiste or train from melancholy" (the so called 'train of the sun but this is the train of melancholy) I would also add the train of hope and rabbia.Arrivava every morning, around 9.50, download passengers, household goods and food, comes alla stazione di Torino Porta Nuova il "treno del sole", carico della manodopera indispensabile alla Fiat, in piena espansione e carico anche di affetti, ricordi, speranze e illusioni.
Eppure i due gruppi dovevano giocoforza convivere e seppure i meridionali sono stati "assimilati" perdendo la propria originalità, le due culture, che nessuno ha integrato, riemergono e talvolta si scontrano .
LA DISTINZIONE TRA EMIGRATI Tra i primi immigrati meridionali vi era una netta distinzione tra la minoranza che proveniva dalle città e la maggioranza that came from the country instead of the campaign. The "citizens" had more contacts, found a job, they could speak Italian well enough and were usually less disoriented in the face of city life. They watched with a touch of contempt that their country cousins, they say, went around "with the radio hanging from his neck, his shoes full of holes and spoke only in dialect." The immigrants did not enter immediately in southern factories engineering but made their entrance into the labor market as workers for the construction sector. Groups of workers, often from the same country or province and specialize in the same job, they were given simultaneously. Working hours in the construction industry era prolungato, l’avvicendamento frequente e le misure di sicurezza minime , molti furono, infatti, gli incidenti mortali sul lavoro.
ORGOGLIO E PREGIUDIZI Questa specie di diversita' che si era creata tra le due comunita' fanno nascere i pregiiudizi da una parte che tende di fare di tutta l'erba un fascio e l'orgoglio dall'altra di voler conservare di proposito le proprie radici. e di voler rifiutare gli usi e i costumi di una terra che non li accoglie volentieri. A questo bisogna aggiungere che in molti meridionali , specialmente napoletani e siciliani si acuisce la rivendicazione di una «superiorità» that once had towards the north that somehow they had taken from them for the development avvantaggiarsene.Quel people that today is called "guinea" and a land torn apart by indifference and criminal, but that once, not so long ago was a great nation, a country united and free for more than eight hundred years, many northern industries but, let us tell the truth ', sometimes rightly, it was difficult to reconcile the false and stereotypical image of southern-nothing or at most involved in fields or in small workshops by craftsmen with that of smokestacks and steam, shift work and banking in the south once boasted. Then continued to Evere ties with their land and speak their dialect, that dialect that only years after UNESCO will recognize ', relative to the Neapolitan and Sicilian native state, which means that among the languages \u200b\u200bof southern Italy and are considered separate languages \u200b\u200bfrom Italian Standard (Toscano) and dialects questo.Ecco what they thought of the Southern Piedmont: they have many children, both to keep the others will think, the ultimate disgrace is to have the horns, or make the barbers or policemen, always have a knife hand, rather than argue, we just help each other. The replica of the immigrants did not expect: the Piedmontese are cold and calculating, they think only of business, before making a decision there think at least three times, and believe themselves superior, and finally confirm the saying "fake Piedmont and courteous."
ENVIRONMENTAL AND WORKING WOMEN Farmers in the years of great rural exodus, the southerners in the following years, they began gradually to make the North a range of skills acquired professional or maybe just rough-hewn lands of origin, a kind of environment due perhaps to the family cohesion resulting ricongiungimento.A next family reunion and in addition to families who manage to avoid separation, we have new families who are made with people here in southern or northern, so-called mixed marriages. The family reunion and mixed marriages, albeit with different symbolic meaning, as recognizing the shift from an immigration transit, temporary, and economic, to the stabilization. It is in this period that many Southerners, they discover that a single wage is not enough, and then including daughters and wives devote themselves to the service sectors of employment (trade and handicrafts) or heads of households make do with two jobs, he also began to develop a tissue of small industries, in most cases family or organized around a system of working at home often in black, using the work experience gia'acquisite. Women, too, so entering the labor market not only in services but also in the factories themselves.
Southerners, in fact, begin to have an increased awareness not only of their rights but also of their duties, so that they can live better in the host society.
both economically and socially there will be 'so' a marked improvement, improvement also developed in the workplace, due in part to union demands. One of the merits of the Italian trade union movement of the seventies, was to have been able to associate, to wage battles on the objectives, relevant assertion of power, just starting with control of the working contract with the conquest of tools such as environmental commissions, records of environmental data and "biostatisticians, booklets and individual health risk. The rural exodus, emigration, the search for a better paying job in the big cities opened to the younger generations a horizon of opportunities unimaginable to older women. One of the most immediate impact of these new possibilities of life choices consisted of, but 'in many cases, breakage, often conflicted, consolidated bonds and family traditions. There are many young people who, in spite of parents obsessed dalle loro origini, non vogliono saperne di tornare laggiu' , si sentono ,oramai settentionali :tifano Juve, Inter , Milan e in un domani molto prossimo voteranno per la Lega. Dopo tanti anni , non si sentono piu' i “poveri meridionale impacciati, di una razza inferiore, un terrone da relegare in un recinto."
NON PIU' LA VALIGIA DI CARTONE ORA C'E' IL TROLLEY Siamo ora giunti alla fine di questa storia, di questo spaccato di vita della nostra Italia . Abbiamo parlato degli anni del grande esodo migratorio dal Sud al Nord , abbiamo accennato alle grandi difficolta' entry is set, prejudice, racism. All this happened in the 60 and 70. In the years of economic boom and now? 'In 2010 what happened? Almost nothing has changed. Or rather the cardboard suitcase has been replaced by trolley and young people, this time, no more 'semi-literate, but graduates continue to leave. Cold comfort. Unlike their fathers and grandparents, arrived in the rich northern regions in the fifties and sixties and seventies of last century with a suitcase held closed by rope, most do not seek jobs at Fiat or a ' another of the great factories of Piedmont and Lombardy, and even in the medium and small in the wealthy northeast. Link in public sector employment or as a class teacher in schools of all levels and still going gradoDal South emigrated to northern Italy, hoping to find stable employment, or precarious, but certainly more rewarding. is the framework outlined in the report that talks about''Svimez country split in two on the front of migration: a center-north, which attracts and distributes flows within it, is a South that expels youth and labor without replacing it with pensioners, foreigners or individuals from other regions.'' In 2008, the report continued, the South has lost more than 122mila residents to the north-central regions compared to a return of approximately 60 thousand people. And more than 87% of departure was the product of three regions: Campania, Puglia, Sicilia. Bleeding more 'strong' in Campania (-25 thousand), followed by Puglia and Sicily respectively with 12.2 thousand and 11.6 thousand units' less. In striking growth, in particular, are the departures of graduates 'excellent': in 2004 started 25% of graduates with honors South;
over three years 'later and the percentage' jumped to almost 38%. The report also says that graduates who move to southern central and northern undergo contracts less stable than those who remain, but they get more pay 'high. Another striking development and 'what the long-haul commuters'',''living in the South and work in the Centre-North or abroad, returning a casa nel weekend o un paio di volte al mese. Nel 2008, dice il Rapporto, sono stati 173mila gli occupati residenti nel Mezzogiorno ma con un posto di lavoro altrove, 23mila in piu' del 2007 (+15,3%). Si tratta di giovani con un livello di studio medio-alto: l'80% ha meno di 45 anni, quasi il 50% svolge professioni di livello elevato e il 24% e' laureato. Le regioni che attraggono maggiormente i pendolari sono la Lombardia, l'Emilia Romagna e il Lazio. In crescita e' poi il fenomeno dei pendolari meridionali verso altre province del Mezzogiorno: 60mila nel 2008, contro i 24mila del 2007.
Ad aggravare la situazione c'e' stata poi la crisi, che in molti casi ha costretto i pendolari a tornare a casa: se il movimento Sud-Nord e' cresciuto in the first six months of 2008, with the worsening of the crisis 20 thousand people are returning to the South, especially women. Italy, therefore, is still split in two, you continue to emigrate, but with a difference: those who emigrate now has the advantage of having studied, but is less strong. The immigrants of the sixties were strong because they were participating in a collective event that changed Italy. Emigration from the South is now an experience individually and perhaps even more 'unpopular because of the posts goes to aoccupare coveted by young people of the north, those young people who until a few years ago, had no problems with job placement after entered ninth grade in the factory now things have changed. Contracts halter push too piementesi Lumbard and to seek the permanent position in public administration. And the influx of graduates and professionals continues, no more dragging a cardboard suitcase closed with string, do not wear torn clothes, but have a modern trolley and a suitcase with the computer. But, like their ancestors, with sadness in my heart.