Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wachovia Atm Extensions

We are the state, Chinese to be exact.

Ok, ho un po' di tempo....vorrei scrivere un post.
Il cussore lampeggia di fronte allo schermo bianco e idee abbastanza interessanti non me ne vengono.


Oggi sono andato to eat with my Chinese colleague.
are strange to the Chinese.

He told me a bit 'in China (even if not returned home eight years), usual stuff ... extreme poverty, things that we can think of other things .... he did not say but I thought I saw him eating alone (inhuman noises while eating spaghetti mixed ... between the sucking and slurred speech .... then summarizes some good American custom ... and that's it is ... What's free burp in my face while watching the American tradition a person ... .. I just can not absorb it ...), but what surprised me is the fact that they can not (the Chinese in general ... tested with other as well) to talk male del loro stato e dirigenza politica.

Lui è il terzo figlio di sua madre...come ben noto in cina si puo fare un solo figlio, se ne hai due ti salassano di ne hai tre ti impongono il raschiamento obbligatorio....così è acccaduto a sua mamma...ovaie utero e compagnia bella nella spazzatura...ha fatto troppi figli! 3 per l'esattezza.
Al che gli ho detto....vedi che cazzo di leggi di merda che avete (ero nervoso io per la storia che mi raccontava) lui pacato e sereno (tanto non glielo hanno fatto a lui il raschiamento) mi dice che no è una cosa normale, sua mamma ha accettato bene quasta cosa che ne capisce le ragioni....


Yes, she understands why the state has imposed this, however, that the laws apply to all also for politicians (another bit 'and began to make him the mea culpa for his mom ... . boh ....) that if you do so you can not stand the system ...

I am appalled, but not too much more talking and more I realized that in them the concept of human right does not exist, subject to what the state says, and everyone shut up. E 'for their own good in the end.
fact if you try to point out to him working 23 hours a day for a fistful of dollars ... hungry for that and that in any Western state these rules would work he will never be accepted ... says, "but now it's loooong Meggle ... can not imagine what it was like 20 years ago" now .... much much better ...

And I think to myself ... oh say ...

But then I look at my iPod, even the box dl my iPod, a bank of ram I have around here on the work table, even before ... I look all around me ... and I see every object MADE IN CHINA ...

So what?
So what the hell do I talk to if I am part of the system that will allow China to be what it is and the Chinese to be treated as they treated?
I am, from the consumer side, the embodiment of Chinese politics.
All we are.
And the Chinese?

are well trained do not worry

When you wake up, then we are already to the next level ... the Nirvana to be exact.
I go to sleep.

Stay tuned ... you never know ...


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