Un evento epocale” che riempie di “speranza” per “un mondo migliore”: l’ex-presidente Nelson Mandela e l’arcivescovo anglicano Emeritus of Cape Town Desmond Tutu, Nobel prizes for peace and delSudafrica modern fathers, have both sent a congratulatory message to Barack Obama, winner of presidential elections in the United States. "Your victory - it is stated in the message of Mandela - has shown that no one should be afraid to dream about changing the world (...). We acknowledge and applaud your commitment to peace and world security. We believe you will make the fight against the scourge of poverty and disease around the world, the mission of your presidency. " "The election of Obama - said Tutu - is an epochal event that fills the world of hope that change is possible.
E 'formidable: You are telling people of color to them, the sky has no limits (...). There is a new spring in front of us, now our backs are straighter. It 's almost like when Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa in 1994 "
(Source: Misna )
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