Monday, April 20, 2009

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The ANC party for Mandela of South Africa

Grande festa dell'Anc a Johannesburg per la conclusione della campagna elettorale in vista del voto di mercoledì. Lo stadio ha acclamato il premio Nobel e leader antiapartheid Nelson Mandela, 90 anni. La presenza del leader carismatico sudafricano, arrivato su un cart e apparso molto fragile, ha galvanizzato la folla e oscurato il candidato favorito alla presidenza, Jacob Zuma.
(Fonte: )

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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Peacereporter , come sempre, fa un lavoro splendido. CLICCATE QUI per leggere tutti gli articoli dedicati alla Rainbow Nation .

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Viva Zuma!

Jacob Zuma (nella vignetta di Zapiro ) può tirare un sospiro di sollievo. Dopo otto anni di indagini, oggi la National Prosecuting Authority sudafricana, la procura generale della Repubblica, ha annunciato di aver fatto cadere i sedici capi d’accusa per corruzione, frode, racket e riciclaggio di denaro contro il leader dell’African National Congress. Mentre i sostenitori di Zuma, candidato alla presidenza del Paese nelle prossime elezioni del 22 aprile , festeggiano una vittoria annunciata, i partiti di opposizione gridano allo scandalo e annunciano battaglia, parlando senza mezzi terms of " a black day for the law, intended to mark the history of South Africa ": "E 'a shameful day in the history of our country," said Bantu Holomisa, leader of United Democratic Movement (UDM). Along the same lines Mvume Dandala, candidate of the Congress of the People (COPE) for election to the presidency that will follow the April 22 legislative vote. "The merits of the case against Zuma - said the manager - we have not heard anything. People want to know the truth: he is innocent or guilty? "This question has not even responded to the Attorney General Mokotedi Mpshe, that in the definition" impossible and undesirable "a continuazione del processo ha sottolineato che la decisione annunciata oggi “ non equivale a un’assoluzione ”.
Nei mesi scorsi c’erano già stati interventi per impedire un processo a carico di Zuma. In settembre il giudice Chris Nicholson aveva deciso la sospensione del procedimento per vizi procedurali e denunciato presunte interferenze nell’attività della magistratura da parte dell’allora presidente sudafricano Mbeki. Questa versione è stata respinta in secondo grado alcuni mesi fa: Nicholson, si afferma nella sentenza della Suprema corte di Bloemfontein, “oltrepassò i limiti dei suoi poteri” e propose “una personale teoria della cospirazione”. Le accuse di interferenze mosse al governo furono strumentali alla violenta campagna di pressioni organizzata dalla dirigenza dell’Anc per costringere Mbeki alle dimissioni.
Voci sul possibile stop al processo contro Zuma circolavano nel Paese già da due settimane. Da quando, cioè, alcune anticipazioni della stampa locale avevano portato alla luce i tentativi del team di Zuma di affossare le indagini riguardanti presunte tangenti ottenute dal leader dell’Anc per proteggere la compagnia francese Thales , che alla fine degli anni Novanta aveva ottenuto un contratto multimilionario per la fornitura di armi al Sudafrica . Secondo quanto dichiarato oggi dalla NPA, le prove portate dal team di Zuma, comprendenti intercettazioni a politici and policemen, have given rise to a kind of political plan to trap the leader of the ANC. The interception would be involved is the former leader of the NPA, Bulelani Ngcuka, and Leonard McCarthy, head of the now disused Scorpions investigative unit, created in the nineties just to deal with the rampant corruption in the country.
victim of a political process, as they say its supporters, or manipulator of justice, as claimed by the opposition? Whatever the opinion on the character, Zuma, emerged victorious from the struggle against the former ANC president Thabo Mbeki in the last Congress, has smoothed the road ahead of presidential . The His party is credited with 64 percent of the vote, a huge margin against opposition parties. If you reach 70 percent, would allow the party to amend the Constitution alone. Champion of the poor majority of the population and rural areas, the populist Zuma can now concentrate on an election impossible to lose, leaving behind her awkward past record. In addition to allegations of corruption, amended and continued by the authorities several times in recent years, Zuma has also emerged unscathed from a trial for rape , which sparked the scandal over the world telling because it had "taken a shower " for minimize the risk of AIDS after having sex with an HIV-positive woman .
The suspect, overshadowed by the leak of the last week, is that Zuma had bought their freedom by threatening to engage in the process the upper echelons of the ANC, including former President Mbeki , resulting in a devastating earthquake in the institutional the country on the eve of the 2010 World Cup . According to the opposition, in short, instead of continuing investigations, the South African authorities would have preferred to hide the dust under the carpet, according to the logic of "all to blame, no guilt." The ANC, which has branded the allegations as allegations against the work of the NPA in recent days, however, had fueled the controversy, declaring that further investigations would not be in the country. Freeing themselves from the shackles court his horse better, in the name of reason of state, public opinion, it is impossible to know. That means that the decision to drop Zuma "does not amount to an acquittal?
(Source: Mail & Guardian , Misna , Panorama )

MISNA UPDATES (04/08/2009): The opposition party
'Democratic Alliance' appealed at the Pretoria High Court against the suspension of the trial for money laundering, fraud and corruption against Jacob Zuma, the president dell''African National Congress' considered the possible new head of state. In recent days, the decision of the Attorney General to stay proceedings against Zuma had been condemned by all major opposition forces.

"The attorney general's decision not to continue the proceedings against Jacob Zuma, Zuma has denied that the country to determine their guilt or innocence once and for all through the normal judicial process" to say, in a note, was the spokesman of the Conference episcopale sudafricana (Sacbc), l’arcivescovo di Durban Wilfrid Napier. Per la Sacbc, tuttavia, questo il momento di sottrarsi a “questa spiacevole situazione” e di “impegnarsi” per un governo trasparente e responsabile. “È necessario – ha concluso monsignor Napier – che chiunque sia in posizione di responsabilità ricavi da questo episodio la voglia di combattere la corruzione in ogni sua forma”. Jacob Zuma, presidente dell’African National Congress (Anc), è accusato di frode, riciclaggio di denaro sporco e corruzione per un giro di tangenti chieste a un’azienda di armi francese. La decisione, definita dal procuratore generale Mokotedi Mpshe la “più difficile” of his career, comes two weeks before legislative elections in which Zuma and ANC leaders can be involved as the new head of state. To the charge of having paid bribes to the French company has already been tried and convicted Schab Shaik, financial adviser and close associate of Zuma. The ruling ANC has always claimed to be the victim of a political machine and has even denounced the alleged involvement of former President Thabo Mbeki, who resigned in September at the height of political crisis initiated by the legal dispute. The decision of the attorney general has been convicted by a decision by the opposition, Helen Zille, leader of Democrat, spoke of "institutional crisis".

Saturday, April 4, 2009

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SA: Special work permits for migrants from Zimbabwe's World Cup Tickets

The South African Government has decided to grant residence permits for a period of six months to all migrants from Zimbabwe , in many cases looking for a job in their country have difficulty getting . According to Jackie MacKay, Director General of Immigration Department of the Interior Ministry, so that Pretoria has to reduce the number of migrants and asylum seekers at the same time contribute to the economic recovery of the neighboring country. "Many people of Zimbabwe - MacKay told British broadcaster 'BBC' - not are asylum seekers but economic migrants: come here to work and then go home with a little 'money. We believe that the provision of government encourages the inflow of foreign currency in Zimbabwe and help rebuild this country . In recent years, millions of Zimbabweans have crossed the border in search of job opportunities. This situation may change following the recent entry into office of a national unity government that has promised to concentrate efforts in the fight against unemployment and food shortages. This week, the government in Harare has submitted to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) a three-year business plan worth about six billion and € 500 million that could be achieved with the support of international creditors.
(Source: Misna )

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: more than a half million requests

were 1.6 million requests for tickets to watch the matches of World Cup scheduled for next year in South Africa. This was announced by FIFA - the international football's governing body - adding that the home fans have booked 30% of the tickets sold. Now the fans are after the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Australia. From February 20 to March 31, days when he was possibile prenotare i biglietti, la Fifa ha ricevuto richieste da 205 paesi diversi. Le poltrone più gettonate sono state quelle per la partita inaugurale e per la finale; un sorteggio, in programma il 15 aprile, deciderà chi avrà diritto ad assistervi. Dal 4 maggio al 16 novembre si terrà la vendita dei tagliandi di tutte le altre gare. Quello in Sudafrica sarà il primo mondiale di calcio a essere disputato in terra africana: le 18 edizioni precedenti si sono tenute sempre in Europa o in America Latina, con l’unica eccezione degli Stati Uniti nel 1994 ( oltre a Corea del Sud-Giappone del 2002, ndr ); l’edizione del 2014 si terrà in Brasile.
(Fonte: Misna )

Friday, April 3, 2009

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More controversy over race in Mexico

L'Argentina, reduce dal pesantissimo 6-1 subito dalla Bolivia in un match valido per le qualificazioni ai Mondiali del prossimo anno, fa i conti con una delle sconfitte piu' pesanti della sua storia calcistica. Ma il preparatore atletico della Seleccion, Fernando Signorini , da' la colpa all'altitudine - 3600 metri - di La Paz, capitale della Bolivia, dove si e' disputato l'incontro. " Giocare in altura, a 3600 metri, puo' far morire un calciatore. Ne sono assolutamente convinto ", ha dichiarato Signorini intervistato dall'emittente argentina 'Radio La Red'. " Chi ci e' abituato e' molto avvantaggiato, si tratta di un vero e proprio doping ambientale "He added." With the heat and that altitude, the players of Argentina almost could not breathe and tell me if this is' football. It 's not been playing serious . "(Agr)
Does anyone remember the dead players in La Paz? What do you think?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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hill, another slap - Eriksson hanging by a thread close to the World

Carlo is good, nothing to say, then beccatevi another of his pieces (from ):

The relationship between Mexico and Sven Goran Eriksson looks increasingly marriage wrong tonight was humbled in the Tri Honduras, a 3 - 1 (also in goal The former Napoli and Udinese Carlos Pavon), which says even more than it seems. A game started badly and continued worse than that of Mexicans, with the usual misunderstandings and a strategic approach to the race exhausted, inconsistent encountering problems especially on a psychological level. There is in fact that Mexico is languishing in this way, and now speaks openly of "risk World Cup." This year the North-Central American area three national sends directly to South Africa 2010, but the fourth spareggerà with the exception of the first South American, so there is a high risk of breeding with a very competitive team.
CRITICAL - And now, after three games nell'Hexagonal final, Mexico is fourth in the standings behind the United States, Costa Rica and Honduras, with a point ahead of Salvador and Trinidad & Tobago. The rose of Mexico is of course higher than that of rivals, but the risk is falling into a vortex and create quell'apprensione who clear the technical standards. And according to most of the press, then we are approaching. Eriksson, already shaky after the preliminary rounds, still does not convince most people, so that one of the most talented players of the Tri, the exterior of Deportivo La Coruna, Andres Guardado, has exhibited an output dialectic rather suspect after the match: "We are not the players to decide the fate of the coach but the federation ...", said the revelation of the Mexican 2006 World Cup. Well, not exactly gather in a cohort ...
UNCERTAINTIES - Anyway, it is evident, despite the victory of the weekend against Costa Rica, in a packed Azteca stadium, which the coach and the team did not march in the same compact direction. There is insecurity, producing errors and trivial, in fact, it reveals an approach that leaves little room for interpretation: the team goes to tears, with Costa Rica the solutions that have produced the most dangerous actions were all impromptu. The continuous change in the line of Swedish, net of suspensions and injuries (especially the lack of weight Osorio, soul of the Tricolor with Pavel Pardo), are paradigmatic of a situation lack of clarity: see for example the role of Salcido, in turn moved to the middle or end of the defense, and with Honduras, tonight, disastrous and expelled (another litmus test of the state of the art: the Tri suffered the 'yet another red card).
WITHOUT SUAZO - Eriksson likely, the name of Javier Aguirre, a former Atletico Madrid, rings often, but the candidates are different: the Mexican federation is to decide, or conviction, reaffirming confidence in the Swedish, or change in a hurry . The World must not slip away. Meanwhile, the U.S. while limping around (in Salvador comeback draw in the past weekend), with a victory against Trinidad - hat-trick of Young Jozy Altidore, blocked and now on loan from Villarreal in the English second division - the command group, indeed more balanced than what we predicted. Follow close Costa Rica and Honduras. Just the "Catrachos, which have crashed into Mexico even without the injured David Suazo, they can complain to a erroraccio to 90 'of the goalkeeper, in the match of the weekend in Trinidad, where he easily controlled the game that could bring them in areas of high standings.

UPDATE (04/03/2009): Exempt Swedish coach - CITY 'OF MEXICO (Mexico) - Sven Goran Eriksson is not' more 'the coach of Mexico. The Swede, who arrived in June, and 'was sacked the next day la sconfitta per 3-1 contro l'Honduras ( ieri, ndr ) nelle qualificazioni ai Mondiali del 2010. Il Messico di Eriksson aveva vinto una sola gara delle ultime sette disputate. (Agr)

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Australia, Argentina destroyed Welcome to the circus

Proseguono le gare di qualificazione al primo Mondiale africano. Ecco la situazione in Asia ( con l'Australia a un passo dal Sudafrica, dal Bar delle Antille ) e in Sudamerica (da ), dove rimbombano ancora i 6 gol con cui la Bolivia ha sgretolato la Seleccion albiceleste del divino Diego . Il quale, se non altro, non accampa scuse: " I miei giocatori hanno fatto cio' che gli ha permesso di fare l'avversario, che e' stato migliore. Punto. Non ci sono altre motivazioni, l'altitudine non c'entra. Mi pare che la Bolivia abbia disputato una grandissima partita, giocando bene, e praticando un ottimo calcio - ha proseguito l'ex Pibe de Oro - e credo che qualsiasi squadra avesse giocato oggi contro di loro, avrebbe sofferto come abbiamo sofferto noi. E io ho sofferto con la squadra: ogni gol era una pugnalata al cuore ". Anche per noi.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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Un bel pezzo di Matteo Fagotto sui non more transparent policy of the Rainbow Nation (as they say, joint pain ...):

moral issue, immorality of the political class, corruption trials that you are trying to block in any way, low blows. It seems to witness a day in any Deputies or the Senate, except that we are more than ten thousand kilometers away from Rome. In South Africa, to be precise, where the election campaign will end on April 22 with a general election is bringing out the worst of the local political class.
Out of those convicted by the Parliament! The slogan that made him famous in the beautiful country comedian Beppe Grillo does not fit perfectly well for South Africa, which from this point of view no way inferior to Italy. Among the candidates on the electoral roll (frozen, of course, as in Italy) are members involved in fraud and corruption cases, affected persons with the apartheid regime, and even a convicted murderer. What to clean up its record, polluted killing, dismembering and boiling his girlfriend in the kitchen of a restaurant 46 years ago, has come to change their name and their job. Eventually discover the passion for politics.
But there is no doubt the prize for most controversial of these elections is up to Jacob Zuma ( in the photo, posing "Berlusconi", and in the vignette of Zapiro , Mail & Guardian ), chairman of the African National Congress and super favorite for the presidential race. Implicated in a corruption trial that, among the various twists and turns, has dragged on for four years now, Zuma may soon be exonerated by the National Prosecuting Authority, under the overt threat of creating a political earthquake, with its awkward revelations if the magistrates dared take him to court. A threat that has made a great scandal at the opposition parties that will share the crumbs left on the street by the ANC, I decided to join forces for joint legal action if their greatest enemy should pass free of the gauntlet of justice sudafricana.
Ma al di là dei problemi giudiziari, il malcostume della classe politica sudafricana si sta sempre più palesando nella lotta senza quartiere tra i partiti per aggiudicarsi il voto degli indecisi: e per mettere i bastoni tra le ruote agli avversari, nessuno lesina inventiva e faccia tosta. La scorsa settimana, l'autorità deputata ai servizi sociali ha denunciato un partito politico non identificato, reo di aver deviato gli aiuti alimentari ed economici destinati agli indigenti verso duemila suoi sostenitori, fatti arrivare appositamente in pullman nel luogo della distribuzione. E se fino a ieri i partiti si limitavano ad accusarsi per la rimozione dei rispettivi cartelloni elettorali, recentemente i sistemi per sabotare l'avversario si sono increasingly refined: Yesterday the Democratic Alliance, the party led by the Mayor of Cape Town, Helen Zille, has denounced the distribution of false election material with its own symbols printed above and containing slogans and phrases designed with the intent to discredit the open party.
The list is endless slights and low blows. The ANC has been accused of having received money for his campaign by fake NGOs, associations and ad hoc allies "uncomfortable" as the Chinese Communist Party, the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and Teodoro Obiang Nguema, the president of Equatorial Guinea and known for his lack of respect for human rights, just to put it mildly. There is no doubt that, as you approach the fateful date of April 22, complaints and scandals multiply. Despite the obvious victory of the ANC, in fact, at stake is a possible amendment to the Constitution, which the former party of Nelson Mandela could only be implemented if it were to get more than two thirds of the vote. Eventuality that many would like to avoid.
(Source: Peacereporter )