Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Application Essay Examples Application Essay ???


Un bel pezzo di Matteo Fagotto sui non more transparent policy of the Rainbow Nation (as they say, joint pain ...):

moral issue, immorality of the political class, corruption trials that you are trying to block in any way, low blows. It seems to witness a day in any Deputies or the Senate, except that we are more than ten thousand kilometers away from Rome. In South Africa, to be precise, where the election campaign will end on April 22 with a general election is bringing out the worst of the local political class.
Out of those convicted by the Parliament! The slogan that made him famous in the beautiful country comedian Beppe Grillo does not fit perfectly well for South Africa, which from this point of view no way inferior to Italy. Among the candidates on the electoral roll (frozen, of course, as in Italy) are members involved in fraud and corruption cases, affected persons with the apartheid regime, and even a convicted murderer. What to clean up its record, polluted killing, dismembering and boiling his girlfriend in the kitchen of a restaurant 46 years ago, has come to change their name and their job. Eventually discover the passion for politics.
But there is no doubt the prize for most controversial of these elections is up to Jacob Zuma ( in the photo, posing "Berlusconi", and in the vignette of Zapiro , Mail & Guardian ), chairman of the African National Congress and super favorite for the presidential race. Implicated in a corruption trial that, among the various twists and turns, has dragged on for four years now, Zuma may soon be exonerated by the National Prosecuting Authority, under the overt threat of creating a political earthquake, with its awkward revelations if the magistrates dared take him to court. A threat that has made a great scandal at the opposition parties that will share the crumbs left on the street by the ANC, I decided to join forces for joint legal action if their greatest enemy should pass free of the gauntlet of justice sudafricana.
Ma al di là dei problemi giudiziari, il malcostume della classe politica sudafricana si sta sempre più palesando nella lotta senza quartiere tra i partiti per aggiudicarsi il voto degli indecisi: e per mettere i bastoni tra le ruote agli avversari, nessuno lesina inventiva e faccia tosta. La scorsa settimana, l'autorità deputata ai servizi sociali ha denunciato un partito politico non identificato, reo di aver deviato gli aiuti alimentari ed economici destinati agli indigenti verso duemila suoi sostenitori, fatti arrivare appositamente in pullman nel luogo della distribuzione. E se fino a ieri i partiti si limitavano ad accusarsi per la rimozione dei rispettivi cartelloni elettorali, recentemente i sistemi per sabotare l'avversario si sono increasingly refined: Yesterday the Democratic Alliance, the party led by the Mayor of Cape Town, Helen Zille, has denounced the distribution of false election material with its own symbols printed above and containing slogans and phrases designed with the intent to discredit the open party.
The list is endless slights and low blows. The ANC has been accused of having received money for his campaign by fake NGOs, associations and ad hoc allies "uncomfortable" as the Chinese Communist Party, the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and Teodoro Obiang Nguema, the president of Equatorial Guinea and known for his lack of respect for human rights, just to put it mildly. There is no doubt that, as you approach the fateful date of April 22, complaints and scandals multiply. Despite the obvious victory of the ANC, in fact, at stake is a possible amendment to the Constitution, which the former party of Nelson Mandela could only be implemented if it were to get more than two thirds of the vote. Eventuality that many would like to avoid.
(Source: Peacereporter )


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