I love old houses and a bit 'wrong. Unbalanced, with the walls are not well in the bubble, i pavimenti con le gobbe, le pareti bianche che più bianche non si può e le finestre di legno. E Bologna è piena di case così! Che gioia!
Bhè, è ovvio che una casa troppo vecchia con le finestre troppo sgarrupate e i muri pencolanti non è molto pratica e soprattutto non molto termica…e certamente non viviamo in congiuntura storica economica e astrale che permetta di spendere chissà quanto (in questo caso per il riscaldamento) per togliersi uno sfizio.
E a proposito di spendere, non è che l’idea di lasciare giù ad un’agenzia la commissione mi riempia di gioia. Certo è che se trovo la casa dei miei sogni, credo di poter make the effort.
But back to the finer things in life. I lived in Bologna for a while 'a couple of years ago. To be honest I was not a great explorer and certainly there are some areas that do not know and to be really cool. But I fell in love with the area of \u200b\u200bZaragoza in and out the door. And what can I do? Love is love!
And then I work here and on foot. O bus, or, if I decide, I'll be on a bike. So it is best to avoid areas too remote or poorly connected.
Coming from Milan Bologna the fact that you cross on foot in half an hour seems like a miracle and I have no intention of desecration by choosing a home in half an hour by bus from the office! People living in big cities ... I understand
And then you want to put the satisfaction of saying: mmm I just want to make a sandwich with slinzegha and get it under a house and a snap when you bite into it. Then ensure that the quality of your life improves!
And now we move on to practical things. I have a lot of things. That is a lot of items. Mostly books, then I have a boyfriend and a bau (which is not really a wow like the others, is a Basset ) who come to see me at the weekend. And where I put all these things if I live in a studio of 22 square meters?

A home for all these things should be 200 square meters, but I'll settle for 50, which is better, as he put the smurf. And I love
being outdoors, and then I Assaji happy to have a balcony, a terrace, a garden, any thing that is out of the house.
And then I want to decorate my image and likeness. Then a little 'freak, a bit' bohemian, a bit 'year 50', 60, a little 'design a little' no, but more about that later.
And then you, otherwise I admitted to the neuro for manic detachment from reality.
Oh I forgot! All this for the modest sum of eurini 450/500 per month.
I'll make it?
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