As mentioned in previous posts, the tragedy in Abidjan weekend marked the run-up to South Africa 2010: I refer you back to the West Indies Bar . The
Misna , meanwhile, announced that the government and sports authorities of Côte d'Ivoire has promised to identify and prosecute the perpetrators of his accident Sunday killed at least 22 people at the football stadium in the capital. The cause of the massacre, before the game Ivory Coast Malawi, seems to have been the background of a gate by a group of fans.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
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Overview: The qualifiers with tragedy
still Championships in soccer around the globe: in fact the ball went over the weekend in qualifying at the World Cup South Africa 2010. From Europe to Asia, Africa, South America, Oceania-North America, a whole planet is finite - it is appropriate to say - in the flask. This is not always a good thing. As has happened in Abidjan, capital of Côte d'Ivoire. A script already seen the crowd that wants to enter without a ticket to watch the game between the hosts and Malawi (5-0), the crowd, the police charged, the general hysteria: 22 dead and 132 wounded.
Elsewhere madness is only football. As in Argentina. Maradona La Seleccion license plate sputtering 4-0 Venezuela, and celebration. Party for Lionel Messi, author of the first goal and the usual slew of spells: party for Carlos Tevez, who knows the joys of knitting biancoceleste Ferguson denies him at Manchester United, Sergio Aguero party, which is in the field with his son, born just that - coincidentally - is also the nephew of Maradona. Far from home
climate in Brazil, Kakà impacts of orphan 1-1 against Ecuador. The ranking of the single South American group says 23 Paraguay, Argentina and Chile 19, Brazil 18. One point behind and between Seleccion Seleçao. Maybe there is not much difference from the mathematical point of view, but football - especially the South American nation - is made up mostly of moods, feelings, and irrationality. And if the sun shines in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro is dark, the controversy between the coach Dunga, the usual fuss Adriano and the absence of Kaka.
And we get to Europe. Among certainties, surprises and disappointments. We start from the first. First, Spain (group 5), five wins out of five, the last 1-0 over Turkey. Then Germany (4), 13 points in five games, 4-0 to Liechtenstein. England (6), stop at the weekend but at the head of their group with 12 points, full loot in four games. The Netherlands (9), the digits of England, 3-0 to Scotland. And of course Italy, but for which you speak with an abundance elsewhere.
But there is another Europe behind the big, he plays football and knows occasionally surprising. For example, Hungary, first in group 1 to equal points with Denmark and privateer in Albania with a score of 1-0. And most of Northern Ireland. What is known about this small, turbulent Appendix Anglo-Saxon in Ireland if that is the birthplace of George Best and it is divided between Catholics and Protestants, who are competing for decades the best brand of Christianity? Error, the Ulster is not only past but also present: Poland 3-2 to top Group 3 and 10 points.
Large disappointed (and unsafe). Portugal and Sweden were to dominate the scene and instead their path is uncertain and faltering. So much so that to dictate the pace in Group 1 are Denmark and Hungary, to 10 points. Lusitania and Sweden have found themselves facing each other. A good opportunity to sweep away all doubts and raised on high, while putting the rival ko. But the big break has resulted in a dull 0-0 that does nothing but food controversy and regrets.
Chiosa final with France, at the feet of Monsieur Franck Ribery. Against Lithuania needed a victory, and victory was thanks to net the player of Bayern Monaco, more and more men these Bleus team still without an identity. The bench coach Raymond Domenech was invisible at risk, Ribery gave a shake of the bolt. But the situation remains complicated: third in group 7, with seven points, behind Serbia (12) and Lithuania (9). But with a game in hand.
(Marco Arce, Next Media)
Date un'occhiata anche qui : Carlo è sempre il migliore.
Elsewhere madness is only football. As in Argentina. Maradona La Seleccion license plate sputtering 4-0 Venezuela, and celebration. Party for Lionel Messi, author of the first goal and the usual slew of spells: party for Carlos Tevez, who knows the joys of knitting biancoceleste Ferguson denies him at Manchester United, Sergio Aguero party, which is in the field with his son, born just that - coincidentally - is also the nephew of Maradona. Far from home
climate in Brazil, Kakà impacts of orphan 1-1 against Ecuador. The ranking of the single South American group says 23 Paraguay, Argentina and Chile 19, Brazil 18. One point behind and between Seleccion Seleçao. Maybe there is not much difference from the mathematical point of view, but football - especially the South American nation - is made up mostly of moods, feelings, and irrationality. And if the sun shines in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro is dark, the controversy between the coach Dunga, the usual fuss Adriano and the absence of Kaka.
And we get to Europe. Among certainties, surprises and disappointments. We start from the first. First, Spain (group 5), five wins out of five, the last 1-0 over Turkey. Then Germany (4), 13 points in five games, 4-0 to Liechtenstein. England (6), stop at the weekend but at the head of their group with 12 points, full loot in four games. The Netherlands (9), the digits of England, 3-0 to Scotland. And of course Italy, but for which you speak with an abundance elsewhere.
But there is another Europe behind the big, he plays football and knows occasionally surprising. For example, Hungary, first in group 1 to equal points with Denmark and privateer in Albania with a score of 1-0. And most of Northern Ireland. What is known about this small, turbulent Appendix Anglo-Saxon in Ireland if that is the birthplace of George Best and it is divided between Catholics and Protestants, who are competing for decades the best brand of Christianity? Error, the Ulster is not only past but also present: Poland 3-2 to top Group 3 and 10 points.
Large disappointed (and unsafe). Portugal and Sweden were to dominate the scene and instead their path is uncertain and faltering. So much so that to dictate the pace in Group 1 are Denmark and Hungary, to 10 points. Lusitania and Sweden have found themselves facing each other. A good opportunity to sweep away all doubts and raised on high, while putting the rival ko. But the big break has resulted in a dull 0-0 that does nothing but food controversy and regrets.
Chiosa final with France, at the feet of Monsieur Franck Ribery. Against Lithuania needed a victory, and victory was thanks to net the player of Bayern Monaco, more and more men these Bleus team still without an identity. The bench coach Raymond Domenech was invisible at risk, Ribery gave a shake of the bolt. But the situation remains complicated: third in group 7, with seven points, behind Serbia (12) and Lithuania (9). But with a game in hand.
(Marco Arce, Next Media)
Date un'occhiata anche qui : Carlo è sempre il migliore.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
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Africa to play "his" World
Ci siamo. Venti squadre ancora in lizza, 5 i posti disponibili per affiancare il Sudafrica nella coppa del mondo del prossimo anno. L'Africa, che a Usa '94 aveva ancora solo 3 rappresentanti, in Sudafrica arriverà a 6 per la prima volta. Delle 5 presenti in Germania già eliminata l'Angola. Ancora in corsa Togo (che però è nel girone del Camerun), Ghana, Costa d'Avorio e Tunisia. Quest'ultima è inserita nel gruppo della Nigeria, l'unica squadra ad aver vinto tutti e 6 gli incontri della fase precedente.
Il via, oggi, a Kigali, dove l’Algeria cercava his first success away from home in World Cup qualifying since 2003. And 'gone bad: all'Amahoro Stadium ended 0-0, a result that will please to Egypt, committed tomorrow night at home with Zambia and strafavorito for the win in the group.
In the other race of the afternoon (Kenya-Tunisia), however, the Carthage Eagles won 2-1 in Nairobi launched a strong signal to Nigeria, the great rival of the field tomorrow in Maputo, Mozambique. Tunisia has qualified for the last 3 with success in the world and Kenya seems determined to give battle to Nigeria, theoretically favored to win the first place in Group B which guarantees a ticket to South Africa 2010. The Portuguese team Coelho took the lead at the Nyayo National Stadium with a network of Ammar Jemal 5 'served by Ben Khalifa. The best player of Kenya, Dennis Oliech had two clear scoring chances being able to draw on his third attempt at the 70 'Escape Patrick Oboy cross to the left and left-handed attacker dell'Auxerre conclusion. The fifth network in the last four World Cup qualifying matches but it is not enough. Tunisia has taken two minutes to move back in with forward Issam Jomaa, then enduring to the end. Jomaa, who is left-handed bench in Lens, the French second division, apparently in Nairobi is at ease: yesterday took advantage of a defensive error scoring a great goal with a powerful shot from 20 meters, in 2005 in the Kenyan capital made his first goal for the Tunisian national. With the network of yesterday (the third in qualifying) came to 14 in 32 appearances. Hard game, played on a field in poor condition and conditioned by moist heat. The Parma's McDonald Mariga played the whole match but his performance was not good enough for Kenya, in all probability intended to play the third place in the group with Mozambique. The Tunisians, however, departed
favorites: Kenya has changed coach until the end of February, relying on German Hey, 38 year-old who trains in Liberia. The ouster of the previous technical, the best Kenyan Kimanzi, had enraged the players so that the star of the team, Oliech, had threatened to leave the Harambee Stars. Kenya will never beat Tunisia in official competitions and had lost 1-0 the last three meetings.
First round at the weekend, then back to the camp in June (twice), September, October and November. You are also games that will decide who will go to the Africa Cup of Nations in Angola in January 2010. The first scheduled to go to the World Cup and Africa, second and third only to the continental competition. In this round will play 6 games on Saturday and four Sunday.
Among the 20 national squad, the percentage of professionals is enormous. There are roses made up exclusively of players committed outside the country (and especially in Europe), at various levels. The exception is Egypt, which, thanks to a strong league economically and technically can afford to keep the best players at home. Shehata's team, one of the few coaches in Africa, 5 of 20, just like the French, has only about 24 professionals from 7. The 'Italian' involved in this first round are 7: Inter Muntari (Ghana) and Obinna (Nigeria), Asamoah (Udinese, Ghana), Diamoutene (Rome, Mali), Kharja (Siena, Morocco), Mariga (Parma, Kenya ) Aubameyang (Avellino, Gabon). The Juventus Sissoko was disqualified and was injured.
These races of the weekend, divided into groups.
Group A - The main attraction is the challenge tra Eto'o e Adebayor, i due grandi attaccanti di Barcellona e Arsenal. Togo e Camerun si sfidano sabato alle 17 all'Ohene Djan di Accra, Ghana, per una squalifica inflitta al Togo. Gli Sparvieri hanno impiegato 6 mesi per sostituire il ct francese Stambouli scegliendo il 62enne belga Thissen, un passato sulla panchina del Gabon, inserito in questo girone. Thissen è arrivato il 3 marzo e ha subito convocato Adebayor, fermo per l'infortunio riportato contro il Tottenham l'8 febbraio scorso. "Giocherà", ha detto il belga, per la gioia di Arsene Wenger. Per Otto Pfister, 5 vittorie su 6 nella prima fase, nessun problema: ha convocato 23 giocatori tesserati in Europa e ha l'imbarazzo della scelta. Il Togo ha battuto i Leoni Indomabili giusto 2 volte in 17 games. The other race is Morocco-Gabon. Two Frenchmen named on the bench, and Giresse Lemerre, the field should not be a lot of history even though the Panthers have done well in the previous round against Ghana and Libya. Aubameyang Giresse has called the brothers, born in France and enrolled for Milan: Willy is all'Avellino, Pierre-Emerick at Dijon. The other brother, also a former Milan player, Catiline was not called. The father of three, Pierre, played in Trieste and was captain.
Group B - As I said Tunisia has won in Kenya. Tomorrow at 15, Mozambique is home to Nigeria, unpublished meeting on the international scene. The Lusophone rely all'inossidabile Tico Tico, 35 years and a contract nella serie B sudafricana: sinceramente non sembra poter bastare. Le Super Aquile, al momento guidate dal nigeriano Amodu, sono senza Yobo, Yakubu e Anichebe ma torna 'Obagoals' Martins. L'ex interista non ha ancora giocato un minuto nelle qualificazioni ma la Nigeria non ne ha risentito eccessivamente. Anche i nigeriani convocati giocano tutti in Europa. Tra i nomi più noti il sempreverde Kanu, Obi Mikel, Taiwo, i fratelli Uche.
Gruppo C - Egitto-Zambia chiuderà il weekend africano. Al Cairo (19.30 italiane) i campioni d'Africa, assenti dal mondiale da Italia '90, aspettano lo Zambia del francese Renard. È l'occasione per vedere Mido e Zaki, coppia d'attacco del Wigan che per infortuni vari da gennaio è scesa in the field together only once, against Liverpool. The former Roma player has so far played 5 minutes 5 in qualifying. The race should be one-way, with Zambia, which relies on the group of 'African': many professionals, headed by Mbesuma, who earn their living in the country of the world. The other game is much more open. In Kigali, Rwanda challenge Algeria. The Croatian coach Branko Tukac said he wanted to make history, but has limited means available: they sit on the Wasps captain Karekezi (Ham Kam, Norway) and some natives: the Ivorian Oula (Belgian third division), the Congolese Lutuli and Lezi (Belgian second division). Algeria is no Ziani, the defender of Marseille, disqualified.
Group D - The Kumasi Ghana Sunday to play against Benin, a surprise qualifier for the last African Nations Cup. The Serbian coach Rajevac has decided to focus on the captain Appiah, dogged by injuries, pursued by creditors and without a club for a year, but decisive (a goal and an assist) in a 2-2 draw last month in Cairo with Egypt. The return of Essien is obviously happy note for the Black Stars. Convened Ayew Rahim, the son of Abedi Pele, but Dede, the other heir of the former Turin, which has attended the last Africa Cup of Nations. Benin is clinging to Omotoyossi, 6 goals in 6 games so far. In Sudan, Mali could get the surprise, among other very well paid by the bookmaker. Sudan, almost unknown, si è appena affidato ad un inglese altrettanto oscuro, il londinese Stephen Constantine, 'strappato' al Malawi, ma ha un gruppo solido e affronta un Mali decimato dagli infortuni. Assenti il Diarra del Madrid, il bianconero Sissoko e il difensore Drissa Diakite. C'è però Kanoute: 10 gol nelle ultime 7 partite col Siviglia. Le due squadre si sono affrontate nella fase precedente: 3-0 per il Mali a Bamako, 3-2 per il Sudan nel ritorno.
Gruppo E - Domenica (ore 19) ci sarà l'esordio di Drogba in queste qualificazioni mondiali. All'Houphouet Boigny di Abidjan, contro il Malawi di Kinna Phiri. L'attaccante del Chelsea ha saltato la fase precedente per infortunio. Halilodzic non ha Yaya Toure, ma l'avversario è very modest, especially outside the home. In the three previous challenges Elephants have always fought the flames. Much more interesting than the match between Burkina Faso and Guinea (Saturday at 19). The Stallions not flying Guinea since 1968 (excluding penalties), and relies entirely on Dagano, top scorer with 7 goals in the first phase. Burkina Duarte of Portugal, Mourinho's former protege, he scored 14 goals in the first phase. Nouzaret, who called only 'European' apart from the goalkeeper, has two key players such as Ismael Bangoura and Fode Mansare bruised.
( Filippo Maria Ricci, Gazzetta.it )
Ci siamo. Venti squadre ancora in lizza, 5 i posti disponibili per affiancare il Sudafrica nella coppa del mondo del prossimo anno. L'Africa, che a Usa '94 aveva ancora solo 3 rappresentanti, in Sudafrica arriverà a 6 per la prima volta. Delle 5 presenti in Germania già eliminata l'Angola. Ancora in corsa Togo (che però è nel girone del Camerun), Ghana, Costa d'Avorio e Tunisia. Quest'ultima è inserita nel gruppo della Nigeria, l'unica squadra ad aver vinto tutti e 6 gli incontri della fase precedente.
Il via, oggi, a Kigali, dove l’Algeria cercava his first success away from home in World Cup qualifying since 2003. And 'gone bad: all'Amahoro Stadium ended 0-0, a result that will please to Egypt, committed tomorrow night at home with Zambia and strafavorito for the win in the group.
In the other race of the afternoon (Kenya-Tunisia), however, the Carthage Eagles won 2-1 in Nairobi launched a strong signal to Nigeria, the great rival of the field tomorrow in Maputo, Mozambique. Tunisia has qualified for the last 3 with success in the world and Kenya seems determined to give battle to Nigeria, theoretically favored to win the first place in Group B which guarantees a ticket to South Africa 2010. The Portuguese team Coelho took the lead at the Nyayo National Stadium with a network of Ammar Jemal 5 'served by Ben Khalifa. The best player of Kenya, Dennis Oliech had two clear scoring chances being able to draw on his third attempt at the 70 'Escape Patrick Oboy cross to the left and left-handed attacker dell'Auxerre conclusion. The fifth network in the last four World Cup qualifying matches but it is not enough. Tunisia has taken two minutes to move back in with forward Issam Jomaa, then enduring to the end. Jomaa, who is left-handed bench in Lens, the French second division, apparently in Nairobi is at ease: yesterday took advantage of a defensive error scoring a great goal with a powerful shot from 20 meters, in 2005 in the Kenyan capital made his first goal for the Tunisian national. With the network of yesterday (the third in qualifying) came to 14 in 32 appearances. Hard game, played on a field in poor condition and conditioned by moist heat. The Parma's McDonald Mariga played the whole match but his performance was not good enough for Kenya, in all probability intended to play the third place in the group with Mozambique. The Tunisians, however, departed
favorites: Kenya has changed coach until the end of February, relying on German Hey, 38 year-old who trains in Liberia. The ouster of the previous technical, the best Kenyan Kimanzi, had enraged the players so that the star of the team, Oliech, had threatened to leave the Harambee Stars. Kenya will never beat Tunisia in official competitions and had lost 1-0 the last three meetings.
First round at the weekend, then back to the camp in June (twice), September, October and November. You are also games that will decide who will go to the Africa Cup of Nations in Angola in January 2010. The first scheduled to go to the World Cup and Africa, second and third only to the continental competition. In this round will play 6 games on Saturday and four Sunday.
Among the 20 national squad, the percentage of professionals is enormous. There are roses made up exclusively of players committed outside the country (and especially in Europe), at various levels. The exception is Egypt, which, thanks to a strong league economically and technically can afford to keep the best players at home. Shehata's team, one of the few coaches in Africa, 5 of 20, just like the French, has only about 24 professionals from 7. The 'Italian' involved in this first round are 7: Inter Muntari (Ghana) and Obinna (Nigeria), Asamoah (Udinese, Ghana), Diamoutene (Rome, Mali), Kharja (Siena, Morocco), Mariga (Parma, Kenya ) Aubameyang (Avellino, Gabon). The Juventus Sissoko was disqualified and was injured.
These races of the weekend, divided into groups.
Group A - The main attraction is the challenge tra Eto'o e Adebayor, i due grandi attaccanti di Barcellona e Arsenal. Togo e Camerun si sfidano sabato alle 17 all'Ohene Djan di Accra, Ghana, per una squalifica inflitta al Togo. Gli Sparvieri hanno impiegato 6 mesi per sostituire il ct francese Stambouli scegliendo il 62enne belga Thissen, un passato sulla panchina del Gabon, inserito in questo girone. Thissen è arrivato il 3 marzo e ha subito convocato Adebayor, fermo per l'infortunio riportato contro il Tottenham l'8 febbraio scorso. "Giocherà", ha detto il belga, per la gioia di Arsene Wenger. Per Otto Pfister, 5 vittorie su 6 nella prima fase, nessun problema: ha convocato 23 giocatori tesserati in Europa e ha l'imbarazzo della scelta. Il Togo ha battuto i Leoni Indomabili giusto 2 volte in 17 games. The other race is Morocco-Gabon. Two Frenchmen named on the bench, and Giresse Lemerre, the field should not be a lot of history even though the Panthers have done well in the previous round against Ghana and Libya. Aubameyang Giresse has called the brothers, born in France and enrolled for Milan: Willy is all'Avellino, Pierre-Emerick at Dijon. The other brother, also a former Milan player, Catiline was not called. The father of three, Pierre, played in Trieste and was captain.
Group B - As I said Tunisia has won in Kenya. Tomorrow at 15, Mozambique is home to Nigeria, unpublished meeting on the international scene. The Lusophone rely all'inossidabile Tico Tico, 35 years and a contract nella serie B sudafricana: sinceramente non sembra poter bastare. Le Super Aquile, al momento guidate dal nigeriano Amodu, sono senza Yobo, Yakubu e Anichebe ma torna 'Obagoals' Martins. L'ex interista non ha ancora giocato un minuto nelle qualificazioni ma la Nigeria non ne ha risentito eccessivamente. Anche i nigeriani convocati giocano tutti in Europa. Tra i nomi più noti il sempreverde Kanu, Obi Mikel, Taiwo, i fratelli Uche.
Gruppo C - Egitto-Zambia chiuderà il weekend africano. Al Cairo (19.30 italiane) i campioni d'Africa, assenti dal mondiale da Italia '90, aspettano lo Zambia del francese Renard. È l'occasione per vedere Mido e Zaki, coppia d'attacco del Wigan che per infortuni vari da gennaio è scesa in the field together only once, against Liverpool. The former Roma player has so far played 5 minutes 5 in qualifying. The race should be one-way, with Zambia, which relies on the group of 'African': many professionals, headed by Mbesuma, who earn their living in the country of the world. The other game is much more open. In Kigali, Rwanda challenge Algeria. The Croatian coach Branko Tukac said he wanted to make history, but has limited means available: they sit on the Wasps captain Karekezi (Ham Kam, Norway) and some natives: the Ivorian Oula (Belgian third division), the Congolese Lutuli and Lezi (Belgian second division). Algeria is no Ziani, the defender of Marseille, disqualified.
Group D - The Kumasi Ghana Sunday to play against Benin, a surprise qualifier for the last African Nations Cup. The Serbian coach Rajevac has decided to focus on the captain Appiah, dogged by injuries, pursued by creditors and without a club for a year, but decisive (a goal and an assist) in a 2-2 draw last month in Cairo with Egypt. The return of Essien is obviously happy note for the Black Stars. Convened Ayew Rahim, the son of Abedi Pele, but Dede, the other heir of the former Turin, which has attended the last Africa Cup of Nations. Benin is clinging to Omotoyossi, 6 goals in 6 games so far. In Sudan, Mali could get the surprise, among other very well paid by the bookmaker. Sudan, almost unknown, si è appena affidato ad un inglese altrettanto oscuro, il londinese Stephen Constantine, 'strappato' al Malawi, ma ha un gruppo solido e affronta un Mali decimato dagli infortuni. Assenti il Diarra del Madrid, il bianconero Sissoko e il difensore Drissa Diakite. C'è però Kanoute: 10 gol nelle ultime 7 partite col Siviglia. Le due squadre si sono affrontate nella fase precedente: 3-0 per il Mali a Bamako, 3-2 per il Sudan nel ritorno.
Gruppo E - Domenica (ore 19) ci sarà l'esordio di Drogba in queste qualificazioni mondiali. All'Houphouet Boigny di Abidjan, contro il Malawi di Kinna Phiri. L'attaccante del Chelsea ha saltato la fase precedente per infortunio. Halilodzic non ha Yaya Toure, ma l'avversario è very modest, especially outside the home. In the three previous challenges Elephants have always fought the flames. Much more interesting than the match between Burkina Faso and Guinea (Saturday at 19). The Stallions not flying Guinea since 1968 (excluding penalties), and relies entirely on Dagano, top scorer with 7 goals in the first phase. Burkina Duarte of Portugal, Mourinho's former protege, he scored 14 goals in the first phase. Nouzaret, who called only 'European' apart from the goalkeeper, has two key players such as Ismael Bangoura and Fode Mansare bruised.
( Filippo Maria Ricci, Gazzetta.it )
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The penalty
After an action for 5-6 steps you have to hit the ball with an angle of 20 or 30 degrees and give it a speed 'of 105 miles per hour, pointing a foot and a half meters below the crossbar to the inside of the door.
to catch the goalkeeper should have at least a bachelor's degree in Quantum Trigonometry.
(Source: AGI)
Well, I've taken from Cocoa .
Immediately after the fool of the young planetary Portuguese, a group of researchers at John Moores University, Liverpool, he developed the mathematical formula for a penalty kick unstoppable.
After an action for 5-6 steps you have to hit the ball with an angle of 20 or 30 degrees and give it a speed 'of 105 miles per hour, pointing a foot and a half meters below the crossbar to the inside of the door.
to catch the goalkeeper should have at least a bachelor's degree in Quantum Trigonometry.
(Source: AGI)
Well, I've taken from Cocoa .
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A perfect clean
As announced yesterday, that's what he told me Danny Jordaan, CEO of the Organising Committee of South Africa 2010, the Manifesto :
Danny Jordaan, president of the Organizing Committee of South Africa 2010, is in Milan to present , the Confederations Cup in June and job status for the World Cup next year. The first World Cup organized by an African country is upon us and the former player-teacher-activist, anti-apartheid ANC-leader (57 years), wants to correct the image of a nation disorganized and behind schedule circulated with the 'close the historic achievement. The delays, in some cases, were as real as in Port Elizabeth (which is la città natale di Jordaan e ha perso la Confederations Cup) ma per lo più si tratta di problemi comuni a ogni organizzatore di grandi eventi. Basti pensare a Pechino 2008 o, per guardare a casa nostra, a Italia '90, con gli ultimi «ritocchi» fatti in corsa la mattina della giornata inaugurale.
Mr. Jordaan, ha mai avuto la sensazione che Blatter potesse davvero decidere di spostare il Mondiale altrove, negli Usa o in Australia?
Non esiste essere umano sulla terra che possa togliere il Mondiale al Sudafrica. Solo Dio potrebbe farlo. Quando investi 3 miliardi di euro nell'organizzazione di un simile evento, è ovvio che ci siano dei contratti a tutelarti. Nessuno può svegliarsi una mattina e decidere di spostare elsewhere the World, unless there is a natural disaster like an earthquake, for example. We all signed contracts and honor them.
And the problem of safety scares that FIFA?
Recently we have had to deal with racist attacks, without serious doubt, but entirely extemporaneous. No one can think of punishing our country for these events.
Fans will be safe?
to 100%. I assure you that everything will be fine, no one is prepared than we are. And in any case it is too late, we're already selling tickets.
also used the army?
No, the soldiers will stay out of each phase of the organization, will not be necessary and we do not want to create a militaristic system, it would be bad for our image. We have invested over one hundred million euro in security, to increase by 41 thousand units to train 45 thousand police and stewards. It will be more than enough.
Some people think that your new modern stadium can become white elephants after the World Cup: huge facilities built for football in white neighborhoods, where you just follow rugby and cricket, and too far away for the people of the neighborhoods blacks, who do not can afford to pay the ticket to get to the stadium.
These differences do not make sense. The Apartheid created white areas and black areas, but today the country belongs to us all, without distinction. There are whites who live in Soweto and blacks who live in Sea Point (district of Cape Town, ed.) So, where were these "white neighborhoods"?
Well, all districts cited "good." Soweto is no longer the ghetto a few years ago. From Philippi (one of the slums of Cape Town, ed) Green Point stadium, but can not be a journey ...
The World played in Cape Town, in your country, you live close, any more than you'll ever do in your whole life. Should we bring the game to Philippi? The stadium belongs to all citizens who pay taxes. You see, the World was organized Italy, the United States, Germany, Japan and Korea. In each country, the stadiums have been too far away to someone. In Italy, in 1990, will not have had the game exactly where it would have been more comfortable, I guess.
In South Africa, however, certain divisions still seem very obvious.
know a bit 'your story, Garibaldi and Cavour: you had to co-exist north and south of the country to create a single nation. For us it is not easy and fast. The promulgation of a democratic constitution has not automatically turned South Africa into a democratic country and not racist. But we'll get together, blacks and whites, rich and poor. A country divided and racist runs serious risks, look at Bosnia or Rwanda. But we have a vision and a common future and the World will facilitate this process. People know that there will be more work, which will increase the opportunities. Better transport, better infrastructure, more technology, more comfort. Investment will reach U.S. dollar and euro. The South Africans know it, the World will help our country, but to be more optimistic.
What do you think the failure to grant a visa to the Dalai Lama?
I can not express an opinion, why do not the organizers of this Congress. It would be stupid to make announcements to the press about something I do not know fully.
What is the goal of 'Bafana Bafana' for the 2010 World Cup?
do not know, I'm responsible for organizing the tournament, there is an association that deals with the South African national. What I can say is that the success of the World Cup is linked to that of the home team. If South Africa came out at once, people would lose some 'interest is obvious. But this will be a World Cup in Africa, not only in South Africa, and all of us would be great if one of the six teams of this continent present in the tournament came in the semifinals.
As he gets a new coach Joel Santana ? It 'seemed like a stopgap, a second choice ...
It 's a good coach. Non era la prima scelta, ovvio. Purtroppo il suo predecessore, Parreira, ha dovuto rinunciare.
Il Sudafrica perse i Mondiali del 2006 per il voto comprato di un membro della Fifa, Charles Dempsey . Ricorda?
La prima cosa che mi disse il presidente Mandela fu: «Fai qualunque cosa per portarci il Mondiale, ma in modo pulito. Non pagheremo tangenti, non faremo regali. A nessuno e per nessun motivo». Io mi sono attenuto alle sue istruzioni. Credo sia nostro dovere cercare di cambiare le regole del gioco. Il fatto che si dica che tutti lo hanno sempre fatto, non implica che debba continuare così per sempre.
As announced yesterday, that's what he told me Danny Jordaan, CEO of the Organising Committee of South Africa 2010, the Manifesto :
Danny Jordaan, president of the Organizing Committee of South Africa 2010, is in Milan to present , the Confederations Cup in June and job status for the World Cup next year. The first World Cup organized by an African country is upon us and the former player-teacher-activist, anti-apartheid ANC-leader (57 years), wants to correct the image of a nation disorganized and behind schedule circulated with the 'close the historic achievement. The delays, in some cases, were as real as in Port Elizabeth (which is la città natale di Jordaan e ha perso la Confederations Cup) ma per lo più si tratta di problemi comuni a ogni organizzatore di grandi eventi. Basti pensare a Pechino 2008 o, per guardare a casa nostra, a Italia '90, con gli ultimi «ritocchi» fatti in corsa la mattina della giornata inaugurale.
Mr. Jordaan, ha mai avuto la sensazione che Blatter potesse davvero decidere di spostare il Mondiale altrove, negli Usa o in Australia?
Non esiste essere umano sulla terra che possa togliere il Mondiale al Sudafrica. Solo Dio potrebbe farlo. Quando investi 3 miliardi di euro nell'organizzazione di un simile evento, è ovvio che ci siano dei contratti a tutelarti. Nessuno può svegliarsi una mattina e decidere di spostare elsewhere the World, unless there is a natural disaster like an earthquake, for example. We all signed contracts and honor them.
And the problem of safety scares that FIFA?
Recently we have had to deal with racist attacks, without serious doubt, but entirely extemporaneous. No one can think of punishing our country for these events.
Fans will be safe?
to 100%. I assure you that everything will be fine, no one is prepared than we are. And in any case it is too late, we're already selling tickets.
also used the army?
No, the soldiers will stay out of each phase of the organization, will not be necessary and we do not want to create a militaristic system, it would be bad for our image. We have invested over one hundred million euro in security, to increase by 41 thousand units to train 45 thousand police and stewards. It will be more than enough.
Some people think that your new modern stadium can become white elephants after the World Cup: huge facilities built for football in white neighborhoods, where you just follow rugby and cricket, and too far away for the people of the neighborhoods blacks, who do not can afford to pay the ticket to get to the stadium.
These differences do not make sense. The Apartheid created white areas and black areas, but today the country belongs to us all, without distinction. There are whites who live in Soweto and blacks who live in Sea Point (district of Cape Town, ed.) So, where were these "white neighborhoods"?
Well, all districts cited "good." Soweto is no longer the ghetto a few years ago. From Philippi (one of the slums of Cape Town, ed) Green Point stadium, but can not be a journey ...
The World played in Cape Town, in your country, you live close, any more than you'll ever do in your whole life. Should we bring the game to Philippi? The stadium belongs to all citizens who pay taxes. You see, the World was organized Italy, the United States, Germany, Japan and Korea. In each country, the stadiums have been too far away to someone. In Italy, in 1990, will not have had the game exactly where it would have been more comfortable, I guess.
In South Africa, however, certain divisions still seem very obvious.
know a bit 'your story, Garibaldi and Cavour: you had to co-exist north and south of the country to create a single nation. For us it is not easy and fast. The promulgation of a democratic constitution has not automatically turned South Africa into a democratic country and not racist. But we'll get together, blacks and whites, rich and poor. A country divided and racist runs serious risks, look at Bosnia or Rwanda. But we have a vision and a common future and the World will facilitate this process. People know that there will be more work, which will increase the opportunities. Better transport, better infrastructure, more technology, more comfort. Investment will reach U.S. dollar and euro. The South Africans know it, the World will help our country, but to be more optimistic.
What do you think the failure to grant a visa to the Dalai Lama?
I can not express an opinion, why do not the organizers of this Congress. It would be stupid to make announcements to the press about something I do not know fully.
What is the goal of 'Bafana Bafana' for the 2010 World Cup?
do not know, I'm responsible for organizing the tournament, there is an association that deals with the South African national. What I can say is that the success of the World Cup is linked to that of the home team. If South Africa came out at once, people would lose some 'interest is obvious. But this will be a World Cup in Africa, not only in South Africa, and all of us would be great if one of the six teams of this continent present in the tournament came in the semifinals.
As he gets a new coach Joel Santana ? It 'seemed like a stopgap, a second choice ...
It 's a good coach. Non era la prima scelta, ovvio. Purtroppo il suo predecessore, Parreira, ha dovuto rinunciare.
Il Sudafrica perse i Mondiali del 2006 per il voto comprato di un membro della Fifa, Charles Dempsey . Ricorda?
La prima cosa che mi disse il presidente Mandela fu: «Fai qualunque cosa per portarci il Mondiale, ma in modo pulito. Non pagheremo tangenti, non faremo regali. A nessuno e per nessun motivo». Io mi sono attenuto alle sue istruzioni. Credo sia nostro dovere cercare di cambiare le regole del gioco. Il fatto che si dica che tutti lo hanno sempre fatto, non implica che debba continuare così per sempre.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Vidios Gratis Pilladas En La Calle
Cup South Africa honors Fidel Castro in the fight against racism
Former Cuban President Fidel Castro receive the highest honor that the state can give South Africa a foreign national: the gold medal of ' Order of Oliver Reginald Tambo fellow . This was announced today, the office of the Presidency of South Africa. On Friday, President Kgalema Motlante , in a ceremony in Pretoria, will present awards to 28 different types of people, but it is unlikely that Castro, who a year ago he resigned as head of state for health reasons, may be present. The grounds of recognition, spread in a press release states that the choice of Castro has been made for his contribution to the fight against racism, colonialism, apartheid and inequality. Established in 2002, the award of the Order of the companions of OR Tambo remembers the South African politician who was one of the leaders of the struggle against apartheid, President of the African National Congress in exile for many years.
(Source: Misna )
(Source: Misna )
Wlan Outdoor Antenna 2009
to Danny Jordaan Milan
"South Africa is ready to host the first World Cup on the African continent." It is proudly convinced the president of the Organizing Committee of 2010 World Cup South Africa, Danny Jordaan ( immagine ), che, ieri mattina, a Milano, ha partecipato alla conferenza stampa di presentazione della Confederations Cup . "Gli stadi per i mondiali saranno pronti a ottobre - garantisce - e saranno gli stadi migliori in cui si sia mai giocato un mondiale". I timori per la sicurezza sono infondati, assicura Jordaan: "Per garantirla abbiamo investito più di cento milioni di euro - spiega - per aumentare di 41 mila unità le forze di polizia, addestrare 45 mila steward e aumentare il numero degli elicotteri disponibili".
Sarà un bel Mondiale? Probabilmente. Il punto è: cosa lascerà alla Rainbow Nation?
Vedremo. Domani, pubblicherò nel blog la versione integrale dell'intervista a Jordaan che ho realizzato per il Manifesto .
"South Africa is ready to host the first World Cup on the African continent." It is proudly convinced the president of the Organizing Committee of 2010 World Cup South Africa, Danny Jordaan ( immagine ), che, ieri mattina, a Milano, ha partecipato alla conferenza stampa di presentazione della Confederations Cup . "Gli stadi per i mondiali saranno pronti a ottobre - garantisce - e saranno gli stadi migliori in cui si sia mai giocato un mondiale". I timori per la sicurezza sono infondati, assicura Jordaan: "Per garantirla abbiamo investito più di cento milioni di euro - spiega - per aumentare di 41 mila unità le forze di polizia, addestrare 45 mila steward e aumentare il numero degli elicotteri disponibili".
Sarà un bel Mondiale? Probabilmente. Il punto è: cosa lascerà alla Rainbow Nation?
Vedremo. Domani, pubblicherò nel blog la versione integrale dell'intervista a Jordaan che ho realizzato per il Manifesto .
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Engagement Congrats Card Wording
South Africa denies visa to Dalai Lama and other Nobel boycott the conference
Altro copiaincolla (da Repubblica.it ), ma fondamentale. E approfondirò l'argomento, promesso:
Dopo il rifiuto degli altri Premi Nobel di partecipare alla conferenza per la Pace legata ai Mondiali di calcio che si terranno in Sudafrica nel 2010, dal momento che il governo aveva negato il visto al Dalai Lama , gli organizzatori hanno deciso di rinviare il meeting. "Gli organizzatori hanno deciso, nell'interesse della pace, di rinviare la conferenza sulla pace in Sudafrica", said the chairman of the Committee Irvin Khoza, one of the local leaders of the 2010 World Cup.
Pretoria had announced yesterday that it had refused, in the national interest to grant a visa to enter the country at the Tibetan spiritual leader, who would take part next Friday, March 27, at a conference in Johannesburg on football as a tool to combat racism and xenophobia.
The Nobel Committee for Peace and two South African Nobel Prize winners, Desmond Tutu ( in the photo with the Dalai Lama, ed ) and Frederik de Klerk (former South African president) had said immediately that they would boycott the meeting if South Africa , organizer of the World Cup, had not run indietro sulla decisione.
Nel corso di una conferenza stampa a Johannesburg, Irvin Khorza ha spiegato che "il governo sudafricano ha convinto il Dalai Lama a rinviare la sua visita in questa fase". Una decisione giustificata dalla "realpolitik" dei rapporti con la Cina, che condivide col Sudafrica il 20% dei suoi commerci nel Continente nero.
"Dato che la finalità della conferenza è la pace", ha aggiunto Khorza, "gli organizzatori non vogliono mettere il comitato del Nobel in una situazione che lo porrebbe in conflitto con i suoi premiati".
Il visto negato al leader spirituale tibetano rischia di trasformarsi in un autogol per il Sudafrica, soprattutto dopo che il presidente dell'African National Congress (Anc), Kgalema Motlanthe had admitted that the decision was taken because South Africa would be " source of negative publicity for China " when in fact it gives "a lot of value to relations with Beijing." The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Qin Gang, has reiterated the "absolute opposition" to any contact between Beijing and the Dalai Lama foreign governments or that are given "stands for his separatist activities."
harsh words of Desmond Tutu: " If you are refused a visa to his holiness, I will not take part in the forthcoming peace conference linked to the World Cup. Condemn the government's behavior as shameful, in linea con il nostro pessimo comportamento al consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, come un totale tradimento della nostra storia di lotta. Stiamo cedendo in modo vergognoso alle pressioni cinesi. Mi vergogno profondamente e me ne rattristo ".
Servono altri commenti?
Dopo il rifiuto degli altri Premi Nobel di partecipare alla conferenza per la Pace legata ai Mondiali di calcio che si terranno in Sudafrica nel 2010, dal momento che il governo aveva negato il visto al Dalai Lama , gli organizzatori hanno deciso di rinviare il meeting. "Gli organizzatori hanno deciso, nell'interesse della pace, di rinviare la conferenza sulla pace in Sudafrica", said the chairman of the Committee Irvin Khoza, one of the local leaders of the 2010 World Cup.
Pretoria had announced yesterday that it had refused, in the national interest to grant a visa to enter the country at the Tibetan spiritual leader, who would take part next Friday, March 27, at a conference in Johannesburg on football as a tool to combat racism and xenophobia.
The Nobel Committee for Peace and two South African Nobel Prize winners, Desmond Tutu ( in the photo with the Dalai Lama, ed ) and Frederik de Klerk (former South African president) had said immediately that they would boycott the meeting if South Africa , organizer of the World Cup, had not run indietro sulla decisione.
Nel corso di una conferenza stampa a Johannesburg, Irvin Khorza ha spiegato che "il governo sudafricano ha convinto il Dalai Lama a rinviare la sua visita in questa fase". Una decisione giustificata dalla "realpolitik" dei rapporti con la Cina, che condivide col Sudafrica il 20% dei suoi commerci nel Continente nero.
"Dato che la finalità della conferenza è la pace", ha aggiunto Khorza, "gli organizzatori non vogliono mettere il comitato del Nobel in una situazione che lo porrebbe in conflitto con i suoi premiati".
Il visto negato al leader spirituale tibetano rischia di trasformarsi in un autogol per il Sudafrica, soprattutto dopo che il presidente dell'African National Congress (Anc), Kgalema Motlanthe had admitted that the decision was taken because South Africa would be " source of negative publicity for China " when in fact it gives "a lot of value to relations with Beijing." The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Qin Gang, has reiterated the "absolute opposition" to any contact between Beijing and the Dalai Lama foreign governments or that are given "stands for his separatist activities."
harsh words of Desmond Tutu: " If you are refused a visa to his holiness, I will not take part in the forthcoming peace conference linked to the World Cup. Condemn the government's behavior as shameful, in linea con il nostro pessimo comportamento al consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, come un totale tradimento della nostra storia di lotta. Stiamo cedendo in modo vergognoso alle pressioni cinesi. Mi vergogno profondamente e me ne rattristo ".
Servono altri commenti?
Monday, March 23, 2009
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Gold +6.6% to fear the worst
Non è molto, dopo mesi, ma riporto questo bell'articolo di Loretta Napoleoni (foto), dal sito il caffè :
La Federal Reserve prende tutti di sorpresa e a metà settimana inizia a comprare sul mercato internazionale le obbligazioni del governo americano per un valore di 300 miliardi di dollars. It is a move that consolidates the strategy of quantitative easing adopted on both sides of the Atlantic. And in fact the rates of treasury bonds are now down to 10 years while the stock market indices have risen. The maneuver works then? Not everyone is safe, indeed there are those who point out that other indicators confirm that the market fears the worst and the unexpected and massive purchases of government bonds is yet another sign of weakness in the system. And here
negative indices: the dollar losing share against the euro and the yen and the price of gold in a day of 6.6% salt. Gold
everyone knows is a safe haven in times of crisis and great uncertainty, like the present, who have money to invest or buy bullion investing gold mining industry. The gold protects against inflation, after the second oil crisis, one linked to the Khomeini revolution, the price of yellow metal shot up and has reached $ 800 an ounce, where it remained for long periods before starting to decline around the mid-80s when inflation has returned.
The gold price is also an indicator that the markets have confidence in the financial system in the economic and especially against the governments that run them. During the 90s, when everyone was taken by euphoria the Communist victory over the empire of evil, to use a phrase dear to President Reagan, the gold prices have remained low. Even at the time of Clinton and the victory of New Labour in Britain, investors have stayed away from the ingot. The situation changed with the beginning of the Iraq conflict, or rather with the end of the 'official', in April 2003, and with the advent of civil war. The gold price is a kind of approval rating of politicians and at the same time the barometer of their future popularity.
For those who earns his living on the stock market is above all a speculative instrument, perhaps the most 'ancient existence. Earlier this week, Paulson & Co. The legendary hedge fund founded by John Paulson, one of the few who predicted the credit crunch, has purchased the 11, 3% of the gold mines of South Africa's AngloGold Ashanti They bought it from Anglo American, a company 'mining in serious trouble. The decision to invest heavily - Paulson has spent 1.28 billion dollars - reflecting the desire to 'bet' against the policies of Western governments, including the quantitative easing, with minimal risk. The shares of Anglo American, in fact in the last 12 months decreased from 36 to 11 pounds.
La Federal Reserve prende tutti di sorpresa e a metà settimana inizia a comprare sul mercato internazionale le obbligazioni del governo americano per un valore di 300 miliardi di dollars. It is a move that consolidates the strategy of quantitative easing adopted on both sides of the Atlantic. And in fact the rates of treasury bonds are now down to 10 years while the stock market indices have risen. The maneuver works then? Not everyone is safe, indeed there are those who point out that other indicators confirm that the market fears the worst and the unexpected and massive purchases of government bonds is yet another sign of weakness in the system. And here
negative indices: the dollar losing share against the euro and the yen and the price of gold in a day of 6.6% salt. Gold
everyone knows is a safe haven in times of crisis and great uncertainty, like the present, who have money to invest or buy bullion investing gold mining industry. The gold protects against inflation, after the second oil crisis, one linked to the Khomeini revolution, the price of yellow metal shot up and has reached $ 800 an ounce, where it remained for long periods before starting to decline around the mid-80s when inflation has returned.
The gold price is also an indicator that the markets have confidence in the financial system in the economic and especially against the governments that run them. During the 90s, when everyone was taken by euphoria the Communist victory over the empire of evil, to use a phrase dear to President Reagan, the gold prices have remained low. Even at the time of Clinton and the victory of New Labour in Britain, investors have stayed away from the ingot. The situation changed with the beginning of the Iraq conflict, or rather with the end of the 'official', in April 2003, and with the advent of civil war. The gold price is a kind of approval rating of politicians and at the same time the barometer of their future popularity.
For those who earns his living on the stock market is above all a speculative instrument, perhaps the most 'ancient existence. Earlier this week, Paulson & Co. The legendary hedge fund founded by John Paulson, one of the few who predicted the credit crunch, has purchased the 11, 3% of the gold mines of South Africa's AngloGold Ashanti They bought it from Anglo American, a company 'mining in serious trouble. The decision to invest heavily - Paulson has spent 1.28 billion dollars - reflecting the desire to 'bet' against the policies of Western governments, including the quantitative easing, with minimal risk. The shares of Anglo American, in fact in the last 12 months decreased from 36 to 11 pounds.
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