As announced yesterday, that's what he told me Danny Jordaan, CEO of the Organising Committee of South Africa 2010, the Manifesto :
Danny Jordaan, president of the Organizing Committee of South Africa 2010, is in Milan to present , the Confederations Cup in June and job status for the World Cup next year. The first World Cup organized by an African country is upon us and the former player-teacher-activist, anti-apartheid ANC-leader (57 years), wants to correct the image of a nation disorganized and behind schedule circulated with the 'close the historic achievement. The delays, in some cases, were as real as in Port Elizabeth (which is la città natale di Jordaan e ha perso la Confederations Cup) ma per lo più si tratta di problemi comuni a ogni organizzatore di grandi eventi. Basti pensare a Pechino 2008 o, per guardare a casa nostra, a Italia '90, con gli ultimi «ritocchi» fatti in corsa la mattina della giornata inaugurale.
Mr. Jordaan, ha mai avuto la sensazione che Blatter potesse davvero decidere di spostare il Mondiale altrove, negli Usa o in Australia?
Non esiste essere umano sulla terra che possa togliere il Mondiale al Sudafrica. Solo Dio potrebbe farlo. Quando investi 3 miliardi di euro nell'organizzazione di un simile evento, è ovvio che ci siano dei contratti a tutelarti. Nessuno può svegliarsi una mattina e decidere di spostare elsewhere the World, unless there is a natural disaster like an earthquake, for example. We all signed contracts and honor them.
And the problem of safety scares that FIFA?
Recently we have had to deal with racist attacks, without serious doubt, but entirely extemporaneous. No one can think of punishing our country for these events.
Fans will be safe?
to 100%. I assure you that everything will be fine, no one is prepared than we are. And in any case it is too late, we're already selling tickets.
also used the army?
No, the soldiers will stay out of each phase of the organization, will not be necessary and we do not want to create a militaristic system, it would be bad for our image. We have invested over one hundred million euro in security, to increase by 41 thousand units to train 45 thousand police and stewards. It will be more than enough.
Some people think that your new modern stadium can become white elephants after the World Cup: huge facilities built for football in white neighborhoods, where you just follow rugby and cricket, and too far away for the people of the neighborhoods blacks, who do not can afford to pay the ticket to get to the stadium.
These differences do not make sense. The Apartheid created white areas and black areas, but today the country belongs to us all, without distinction. There are whites who live in Soweto and blacks who live in Sea Point (district of Cape Town, ed.) So, where were these "white neighborhoods"?
Well, all districts cited "good." Soweto is no longer the ghetto a few years ago. From Philippi (one of the slums of Cape Town, ed) Green Point stadium, but can not be a journey ...
The World played in Cape Town, in your country, you live close, any more than you'll ever do in your whole life. Should we bring the game to Philippi? The stadium belongs to all citizens who pay taxes. You see, the World was organized Italy, the United States, Germany, Japan and Korea. In each country, the stadiums have been too far away to someone. In Italy, in 1990, will not have had the game exactly where it would have been more comfortable, I guess.
In South Africa, however, certain divisions still seem very obvious.
know a bit 'your story, Garibaldi and Cavour: you had to co-exist north and south of the country to create a single nation. For us it is not easy and fast. The promulgation of a democratic constitution has not automatically turned South Africa into a democratic country and not racist. But we'll get together, blacks and whites, rich and poor. A country divided and racist runs serious risks, look at Bosnia or Rwanda. But we have a vision and a common future and the World will facilitate this process. People know that there will be more work, which will increase the opportunities. Better transport, better infrastructure, more technology, more comfort. Investment will reach U.S. dollar and euro. The South Africans know it, the World will help our country, but to be more optimistic.
What do you think the failure to grant a visa to the Dalai Lama?
I can not express an opinion, why do not the organizers of this Congress. It would be stupid to make announcements to the press about something I do not know fully.
What is the goal of 'Bafana Bafana' for the 2010 World Cup?
do not know, I'm responsible for organizing the tournament, there is an association that deals with the South African national. What I can say is that the success of the World Cup is linked to that of the home team. If South Africa came out at once, people would lose some 'interest is obvious. But this will be a World Cup in Africa, not only in South Africa, and all of us would be great if one of the six teams of this continent present in the tournament came in the semifinals.
As he gets a new coach Joel Santana ? It 'seemed like a stopgap, a second choice ...
It 's a good coach. Non era la prima scelta, ovvio. Purtroppo il suo predecessore, Parreira, ha dovuto rinunciare.
Il Sudafrica perse i Mondiali del 2006 per il voto comprato di un membro della Fifa, Charles Dempsey . Ricorda?
La prima cosa che mi disse il presidente Mandela fu: «Fai qualunque cosa per portarci il Mondiale, ma in modo pulito. Non pagheremo tangenti, non faremo regali. A nessuno e per nessun motivo». Io mi sono attenuto alle sue istruzioni. Credo sia nostro dovere cercare di cambiare le regole del gioco. Il fatto che si dica che tutti lo hanno sempre fatto, non implica che debba continuare così per sempre.
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