Ci siamo. Venti squadre ancora in lizza, 5 i posti disponibili per affiancare il Sudafrica nella coppa del mondo del prossimo anno. L'Africa, che a Usa '94 aveva ancora solo 3 rappresentanti, in Sudafrica arriverà a 6 per la prima volta. Delle 5 presenti in Germania già eliminata l'Angola. Ancora in corsa Togo (che però è nel girone del Camerun), Ghana, Costa d'Avorio e Tunisia. Quest'ultima è inserita nel gruppo della Nigeria, l'unica squadra ad aver vinto tutti e 6 gli incontri della fase precedente.
Il via, oggi, a Kigali, dove l’Algeria cercava his first success away from home in World Cup qualifying since 2003. And 'gone bad: all'Amahoro Stadium ended 0-0, a result that will please to Egypt, committed tomorrow night at home with Zambia and strafavorito for the win in the group.
In the other race of the afternoon (Kenya-Tunisia), however, the Carthage Eagles won 2-1 in Nairobi launched a strong signal to Nigeria, the great rival of the field tomorrow in Maputo, Mozambique. Tunisia has qualified for the last 3 with success in the world and Kenya seems determined to give battle to Nigeria, theoretically favored to win the first place in Group B which guarantees a ticket to South Africa 2010. The Portuguese team Coelho took the lead at the Nyayo National Stadium with a network of Ammar Jemal 5 'served by Ben Khalifa. The best player of Kenya, Dennis Oliech had two clear scoring chances being able to draw on his third attempt at the 70 'Escape Patrick Oboy cross to the left and left-handed attacker dell'Auxerre conclusion. The fifth network in the last four World Cup qualifying matches but it is not enough. Tunisia has taken two minutes to move back in with forward Issam Jomaa, then enduring to the end. Jomaa, who is left-handed bench in Lens, the French second division, apparently in Nairobi is at ease: yesterday took advantage of a defensive error scoring a great goal with a powerful shot from 20 meters, in 2005 in the Kenyan capital made his first goal for the Tunisian national. With the network of yesterday (the third in qualifying) came to 14 in 32 appearances. Hard game, played on a field in poor condition and conditioned by moist heat. The Parma's McDonald Mariga played the whole match but his performance was not good enough for Kenya, in all probability intended to play the third place in the group with Mozambique. The Tunisians, however, departed
favorites: Kenya has changed coach until the end of February, relying on German Hey, 38 year-old who trains in Liberia. The ouster of the previous technical, the best Kenyan Kimanzi, had enraged the players so that the star of the team, Oliech, had threatened to leave the Harambee Stars. Kenya will never beat Tunisia in official competitions and had lost 1-0 the last three meetings.
First round at the weekend, then back to the camp in June (twice), September, October and November. You are also games that will decide who will go to the Africa Cup of Nations in Angola in January 2010. The first scheduled to go to the World Cup and Africa, second and third only to the continental competition. In this round will play 6 games on Saturday and four Sunday.
Among the 20 national squad, the percentage of professionals is enormous. There are roses made up exclusively of players committed outside the country (and especially in Europe), at various levels. The exception is Egypt, which, thanks to a strong league economically and technically can afford to keep the best players at home. Shehata's team, one of the few coaches in Africa, 5 of 20, just like the French, has only about 24 professionals from 7. The 'Italian' involved in this first round are 7: Inter Muntari (Ghana) and Obinna (Nigeria), Asamoah (Udinese, Ghana), Diamoutene (Rome, Mali), Kharja (Siena, Morocco), Mariga (Parma, Kenya ) Aubameyang (Avellino, Gabon). The Juventus Sissoko was disqualified and was injured.
These races of the weekend, divided into groups.
Group A - The main attraction is the challenge tra Eto'o e Adebayor, i due grandi attaccanti di Barcellona e Arsenal. Togo e Camerun si sfidano sabato alle 17 all'Ohene Djan di Accra, Ghana, per una squalifica inflitta al Togo. Gli Sparvieri hanno impiegato 6 mesi per sostituire il ct francese Stambouli scegliendo il 62enne belga Thissen, un passato sulla panchina del Gabon, inserito in questo girone. Thissen è arrivato il 3 marzo e ha subito convocato Adebayor, fermo per l'infortunio riportato contro il Tottenham l'8 febbraio scorso. "Giocherà", ha detto il belga, per la gioia di Arsene Wenger. Per Otto Pfister, 5 vittorie su 6 nella prima fase, nessun problema: ha convocato 23 giocatori tesserati in Europa e ha l'imbarazzo della scelta. Il Togo ha battuto i Leoni Indomabili giusto 2 volte in 17 games. The other race is Morocco-Gabon. Two Frenchmen named on the bench, and Giresse Lemerre, the field should not be a lot of history even though the Panthers have done well in the previous round against Ghana and Libya. Aubameyang Giresse has called the brothers, born in France and enrolled for Milan: Willy is all'Avellino, Pierre-Emerick at Dijon. The other brother, also a former Milan player, Catiline was not called. The father of three, Pierre, played in Trieste and was captain.
Group B - As I said Tunisia has won in Kenya. Tomorrow at 15, Mozambique is home to Nigeria, unpublished meeting on the international scene. The Lusophone rely all'inossidabile Tico Tico, 35 years and a contract nella serie B sudafricana: sinceramente non sembra poter bastare. Le Super Aquile, al momento guidate dal nigeriano Amodu, sono senza Yobo, Yakubu e Anichebe ma torna 'Obagoals' Martins. L'ex interista non ha ancora giocato un minuto nelle qualificazioni ma la Nigeria non ne ha risentito eccessivamente. Anche i nigeriani convocati giocano tutti in Europa. Tra i nomi più noti il sempreverde Kanu, Obi Mikel, Taiwo, i fratelli Uche.
Gruppo C - Egitto-Zambia chiuderà il weekend africano. Al Cairo (19.30 italiane) i campioni d'Africa, assenti dal mondiale da Italia '90, aspettano lo Zambia del francese Renard. È l'occasione per vedere Mido e Zaki, coppia d'attacco del Wigan che per infortuni vari da gennaio è scesa in the field together only once, against Liverpool. The former Roma player has so far played 5 minutes 5 in qualifying. The race should be one-way, with Zambia, which relies on the group of 'African': many professionals, headed by Mbesuma, who earn their living in the country of the world. The other game is much more open. In Kigali, Rwanda challenge Algeria. The Croatian coach Branko Tukac said he wanted to make history, but has limited means available: they sit on the Wasps captain Karekezi (Ham Kam, Norway) and some natives: the Ivorian Oula (Belgian third division), the Congolese Lutuli and Lezi (Belgian second division). Algeria is no Ziani, the defender of Marseille, disqualified.
Group D - The Kumasi Ghana Sunday to play against Benin, a surprise qualifier for the last African Nations Cup. The Serbian coach Rajevac has decided to focus on the captain Appiah, dogged by injuries, pursued by creditors and without a club for a year, but decisive (a goal and an assist) in a 2-2 draw last month in Cairo with Egypt. The return of Essien is obviously happy note for the Black Stars. Convened Ayew Rahim, the son of Abedi Pele, but Dede, the other heir of the former Turin, which has attended the last Africa Cup of Nations. Benin is clinging to Omotoyossi, 6 goals in 6 games so far. In Sudan, Mali could get the surprise, among other very well paid by the bookmaker. Sudan, almost unknown, si è appena affidato ad un inglese altrettanto oscuro, il londinese Stephen Constantine, 'strappato' al Malawi, ma ha un gruppo solido e affronta un Mali decimato dagli infortuni. Assenti il Diarra del Madrid, il bianconero Sissoko e il difensore Drissa Diakite. C'è però Kanoute: 10 gol nelle ultime 7 partite col Siviglia. Le due squadre si sono affrontate nella fase precedente: 3-0 per il Mali a Bamako, 3-2 per il Sudan nel ritorno.
Gruppo E - Domenica (ore 19) ci sarà l'esordio di Drogba in queste qualificazioni mondiali. All'Houphouet Boigny di Abidjan, contro il Malawi di Kinna Phiri. L'attaccante del Chelsea ha saltato la fase precedente per infortunio. Halilodzic non ha Yaya Toure, ma l'avversario è very modest, especially outside the home. In the three previous challenges Elephants have always fought the flames. Much more interesting than the match between Burkina Faso and Guinea (Saturday at 19). The Stallions not flying Guinea since 1968 (excluding penalties), and relies entirely on Dagano, top scorer with 7 goals in the first phase. Burkina Duarte of Portugal, Mourinho's former protege, he scored 14 goals in the first phase. Nouzaret, who called only 'European' apart from the goalkeeper, has two key players such as Ismael Bangoura and Fode Mansare bruised.
( Filippo Maria Ricci, )
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