La Federal Reserve prende tutti di sorpresa e a metà settimana inizia a comprare sul mercato internazionale le obbligazioni del governo americano per un valore di 300 miliardi di dollars. It is a move that consolidates the strategy of quantitative easing adopted on both sides of the Atlantic. And in fact the rates of treasury bonds are now down to 10 years while the stock market indices have risen. The maneuver works then? Not everyone is safe, indeed there are those who point out that other indicators confirm that the market fears the worst and the unexpected and massive purchases of government bonds is yet another sign of weakness in the system. And here
negative indices: the dollar losing share against the euro and the yen and the price of gold in a day of 6.6% salt. Gold
everyone knows is a safe haven in times of crisis and great uncertainty, like the present, who have money to invest or buy bullion investing gold mining industry. The gold protects against inflation, after the second oil crisis, one linked to the Khomeini revolution, the price of yellow metal shot up and has reached $ 800 an ounce, where it remained for long periods before starting to decline around the mid-80s when inflation has returned.
The gold price is also an indicator that the markets have confidence in the financial system in the economic and especially against the governments that run them. During the 90s, when everyone was taken by euphoria the Communist victory over the empire of evil, to use a phrase dear to President Reagan, the gold prices have remained low. Even at the time of Clinton and the victory of New Labour in Britain, investors have stayed away from the ingot. The situation changed with the beginning of the Iraq conflict, or rather with the end of the 'official', in April 2003, and with the advent of civil war. The gold price is a kind of approval rating of politicians and at the same time the barometer of their future popularity.
For those who earns his living on the stock market is above all a speculative instrument, perhaps the most 'ancient existence. Earlier this week, Paulson & Co. The legendary hedge fund founded by John Paulson, one of the few who predicted the credit crunch, has purchased the 11, 3% of the gold mines of South Africa's AngloGold Ashanti They bought it from Anglo American, a company 'mining in serious trouble. The decision to invest heavily - Paulson has spent 1.28 billion dollars - reflecting the desire to 'bet' against the policies of Western governments, including the quantitative easing, with minimal risk. The shares of Anglo American, in fact in the last 12 months decreased from 36 to 11 pounds.
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