Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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preparations for war on Iran: It's not 'A THEME OF PAGE ... A great adventure


" Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. war preparations to attack Iran are" ready to in an advanced stage. "
The high-tech weapons, including nuclear warheads are deployed fully

. this military adventure was in the drawings of the Pentagon since the mid-90s. Before the Iraq and Iran, according to a declassified in 1995 by Central Command USA. The escalation is part of the military agenda.
While Iran is the next target along with Syria and Liba
not, this also threatens military deployment, North Korea, China and Russia.

Since 2005, the U.S. and its allies, including the American partners of NATO and Israel have been involved in the massive accumulation and deployment of advanced weapons systems. The U.S. air defense systems, the member countries of NATO and Israel are fully integrated. (...) The role of Egypt, the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia (within the military alliance expanded) is of particular importance. Egypt controls the transit of oil tankers and warships through the Suez Canal. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States occupy the southwest coast of the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman.

In early June, "Egypt repeatedly allowed him to an Israeli ship and eleven American to pass through the Suez Canal ... in an apparent signal to Iran ... On 12 June, the regional press release of communications in which said that the Saudis had promised Israel the right to fly over their airspace (Muriel Mirak Weissbach,

Israel's Insane War on Iran Must Be Prevented
., Global Research, July 31, 2010) War and Economic Crisis

The wider implications of the attack NATO-US Israelee Iran are forward-looking. War and economic crisis are intimately related. The war economy is financed by Wall Street, which is the creditor of the U.S. administration. The American producers of arms are the beneficiaries of the multi-billion dollar contracts signed by the Minister of Defense and its advanced weapons systems. In exchange for "the battle for oil" in the Middle East and Central Asia directly serves the interests of Anglo-American oil giants.

The U.S. and its allies are "beating the drum of war "on the height of a global economic depression, not to mention the most serious environmental disaster in world history. One of the major players (BP) on the geopolitical chessboard of the Middle East, Central Asia, formerly known as Anglo-Persian Oil Company, is the instigator of the ecological disaster beautiful Gulf of Mexico.

The media disinformation

Public opinion, which oscillates in the media hype,
tacitly argues, are indifferent or ignorant
the likely impacts of what has been confirmed as "punitive operation ad hoc" directed against gli impianti nucleari iraniani piuttosto che una guerra tout court . (…) La vera crisi che sta minacciando l’umanità, secondo i media e il governo, non è la guerra ma il “global warming”. I media fabbricano una crisi dove crisi non c’è : “una paura globale” – la pandemia globale H1N1- ma
nessuno sembra temere una guerra nucleare sponsorizzata dagli Usa
. La Guerra all’Iran alla opinione pubblica viene
presentata come una questione tra le tante altre
. Non è vista come una minaccia alla “Madre Terra”, come nel caso del “global warming ”, is not a front page news. The fact that an attack on Iran could lead to an escalation and potentially release a global war is not a matter that concerns ... " by Michel Chossudovsky,
translation and synthesis of

Cristina Bassi by:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

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A great adventure


Written by Fred Reed 2010 00:00 Source: A pressing
History and Culture - History and Culture
Monday, August 2

Simply the story of a soldier , of \u200b\u200ball the soldiers, by the inimitable Fred Reed. ___________________________ He grew up in the woods and rivers of the county, swimming and fishing and hunting in the vast blue skies and driving like a crazy ramshackle and rolling his car on the moss with his girlfriend and looking up in the branches embrace the sky and wondering how to make the youth of the strangeness of life, and war broke out in a distant country. No matter which country. Just a country.
His father, a man angry that emitted the foul stench of patriotism, said that his duty was to become a soldier and kill whoever was in the far country, wherever he was. His father did not know or not care much. It did not matter. Someone knew. A man must do what must be done. It would be a great adventure, said an uncle. He joined

. In the humid heat was hot and painful a ...

took the equipment and green clothes and toothpaste from the store and learned to march in a square and a sergeant said Sinis Sinis-des-des. He felt that sense of power and invincibility inspired by the camaraderie with the rhythmic tread of boots. He learned how to use grenades and flamethrowers and the correct positioning of the bayonet in a kidney. He learned obedience and various forms of probable suicide, but it was for his country, dulce et decorum est and sang marching fierce choruses. If I die on the Russian front, bury me with a Russian cunt, Sinis Sinis-des-des. It was a great adventure, which was desperate appeal to the will of a young male to challenge the existence, through the mountains, see the dragon to win. The colonels at the training camp had calculated well.

felt the romance and the variety and the absurdity that men love the army in peacetime, and that the soldiers listened to the stories told in bars. You see, we were in Tijuana in Blue Fox and Murphy was enjoying a lap dance to the senorita with two fucking melons, I mean those big tits would not learn to stand up and this owl flies in, that is some fucking bird, and she screams and Murphy falls on ... and felt the freedom to be away from the county, in wild bar that nobody over there a casa aveva mai sentito parlare. Era la vita.

Poi fu a tarda notte sull'asfalto dell'aeroporto, in partenza per il lontano paese di cui non sapeva nulla. Il vento fischiava e la turbolenza sapeva di cherosene e lui era in forma e notava appena il peso del suo zaino. I trasporti pesanti rombavano avanti e indietro, caricando le truppe. Assaporò una nuova frase, FMF WesPac. La Flotta della Forza dei Marines del Pacifico Occidentale, vibrante degli appelli ormonali di eserciti in marcia, di legioni straniere e di Marcus Aurelius sulla linea del Reno-Danubio, benché non ne avesse sentito mai parlare, ma faceva parte degli enormi eventi che accadono nella notte.

Il primo giorno in quel paese andò alla sua postazione in una terra lost in a convoy of armored vehicles opened. The heat and strange people along the street cheered him and he was really, absolutely out of the county and absorbing all wide-eyed and the mine exploded under the first truck and the driver landed on the street screaming, his legs go. The mines do. The Marines ran to him and said, Jesus, oh Jesus Fuck. Shit, Fuck, Fuck. Call a doctor. Oh shit. The cries Oh Jesus died, that being the nature of the femoral arteries.

past three months. Now he hated the people of the distant country, while still not knowing anything about it. I hate soldiers. He killed the enemy soldiers and some of which could have been enemy soldiers and then others who could not be but who were in the wrong place after his platoon had lost men at the hands of a sniper. Did not interest him, not as far as I know. The dead was just dead, so what? He hated those nasty cockroaches in each case. Apologetix. Burn them all. Let him spit out blood. He had never heard of the Albigenses, but the soldiers are all alike.

One day, the platoon came to a city and a sniper fired at them. "Apologetix" said the lieutenant, who hated the Indians. Ten minutes later thirty-seven people had died and the reporter who was there had photographed everything. The pictures went round the world. The platoon did not know why they were chosen. If the people do not want to be affected, they should not let go of armed rebels in their village. In neighborhoods of a thousand legions, the members said that war is war, people get hurt. I'll have to wait. Journalists are cowards, red, unrealistic idealists. We have to leave the troops, let them win.

The officers, knowing that reporters were the most dangerous of their enemies, they said it had not happened, which really was the enemy, that was an isolated event and that there would be an investigation. The general in command of what is so interesting was called "the theater" had presidential aspirations, and so sacrificed the lieutenant, who eventually received three months of house arrest.

The soldier of the county had it almost done. He was approaching to leave, determined by the gestation time of gonorrhea, when his truck hit the mine. Nothing new. Men dying, exposed bone, lungs crushed and dying who called screaming trinity of the seriously injured, wife and mother water. This time the soldiers of the county was half gutted.

was a great adventure, however.

field hospital where a section of the intestine removed, he saw many things. He saw the soldier with his jaw smashed fed through a tube in his nose. He saw a girl of seventeen in Tennessee who watched her boyfriend, completely blind, his face a mess frightening that would disgust a larva.

Johnny ... Johnny ... oh Johnny.

He left the hospital with a colostomy bag and instructions not to eat anything of what he liked. Women do not like colostomy bags, so he had a lot of time at his disposal. Read. He thought. He came to hate, hate with chilling intensity that unnerved his friends, who learned not to talk about the war. Like all soldiers from the first time there, he learned that war is not all those things that are supposed to be noble, God and country and democracy, but money, power, contracts and egos of men who, for the principle that shit floats, remain high. For the rest of his life he really wanted, absolutely kill.

had come a long way from the county. It was a great adventure.

translated by

The Voice of Gongora

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* The image is taken from .

Saturday, July 31, 2010 by admin Source: The Fifth Season

Massimo Formica Can a 'big company calls, when all of its profit is based on the contraction of the labor cost? The question is for Marchionne, the man who 'Confindustria all behind him, one that by itself is doing more harm to the trade union culture (rare commodity, I agree, but there is still some conscientious trade unionist) and the defense of workers' rights, ten marches of the "forty thousand". All 'last meeting with the unions, the' TO FIAT, l 'said clearly: "The words, although interesting, do not need to work and produce. So let me be very clear and direct with you today. There only one thing on which it is necessary to rule. It is to decide if we want to update the way we produce, or missing out on the rules of international competition. We must decide whether to have a strong car industry in Italy or leave this privilege to other countries. No need for this flood of words. There are only two words that, to the point where we are, need to be pronounced. One is 'yes', the other is 'no'. " Arrogance from Armageddon. Because the truth is that whoever is pulling the string sits to the "good" of the table. We do not write us, but the 'enthusiastic Alberto Orioli, from the columns of "the Sole24ore" "The new company will become one of Pomigliano plant frontier for industrial relations in the future [...] Marchionne has imposed in the market for 'Italian cars at all to adapt to globalization [...] there is no more' business that the trades 'union with attention to social peace [...] must act according to rules that are the normal rules of work in the world: just the' bond between who receives remuneration, and ensure punctuality and regularity and continuity with a performance in the form of fatigue or of wit. That's it. [...] It 's good that the manager's shoulder FIAT has proved in the end, solicitation to revitalize the' air. All the more so now that the 'architecture of industrial relations in Italy has just been remodeled in' last agreement, which still sees interconfederal against the CGIL. [...] When the game is driven by Confindustria, not everyone has understood the potential reform: now they appear to be more clear why. " This concludes our declaration of war. Because of this it is. Why industrialists, to pen Orioli, tell us that Pomigliano is the model of future industrial relations that the unions must end the "inciting" the workers, who have to work and shut up, that those who work hard with no talent for understanding things and thinks Orioli to explain, that ' Marchionne is an action of the shoulders of all Confindustria: Italy 's if he wants to be competitive is to become like China, not the other way. So while the left goes well at L 'Aquila, adding rubble to rubble, and the left channel blocker debate whether or not they're actually coming true Marxist prophecies about pauperization of the middle class and if the guys can or can not be a rave revolutionary new base, in 'general indifference in the middle of the Soap-Fini Berlusconi, the Italian workers start to lose every single law, with a fatalistic attitude grotesquely. "One goal, one team, one vision", this stood out yesterday written on blue-collar workers della Crysler-Fiat, durante la visita di Obama e Marchionne allo stabilimento americano. Questa visione del lavoro è quanto vorrebbero imporci in Italia a quarant’anni dall’ approvazione dello Statuto dei lavoratori. Vivere per l’ azienda, pensare al bene dell’ azienda, votarsi all’ azienda. Tutti insieme, Come se non esistessero differenze salariali abissali tra chi dirige e “pensa” (per dirla con il meschino Orioli) e chi si sporca le mani e “fatica”. Come se fuori dalla fabbrica o dall’ azienda, ci attendesse tutti una vita fatta di SUV, vacanze in posti esotici, cibi esclusivi e appartamenti da 10.000 euro al metro quadrato. Forse Marchionne è abituato a realtà dove lavorare è già premiante. Non è l’ Italia, Marchionne. La nostra risposta è “no”.

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state of war "EEAS" devilry ... PROVIDED BY THE NEW TREATY OF LISBON

Voci dalla Strada

  I ministri degli Affari Esteri dell’UE hanno dato il via libera politico definitivo al Servizio Europeo Action Foreign (EEAS), placing the foundation stone for this diplomatic service begins to be a reality from 1 December. The focus is now on budget issues (yet undefined) and in the battle for positions within
de lla SAEA. The EU foreign ministers agreed yesterday (27-07-2010) formally the organization, structure and functioning of the future

Action Service European Foreign (SAEA), in so that the new diplomatic tool in the 27 to be operational before the end of the year.
High Representative for European Common Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, has congratulated for being a "so far in just four months," which is the time it takes to close a deal put on the table since its first proposal on the European Action Service
. "Now we can move forward to create a European of the twenty-first century, modern, differentiated and effective
," he said. In his view, the Union needs to evolve to better defend its interests and values \u200b\u200bin an increasingly more complex and constantly changing.
Ashton also stressed the importance of reaching early agreement on amendments to the Statute and financing as well as amendments to the 2010 budget,

so that the EEAS will formally enter into force to coincide with the first anniversary of the Treaty of Lisbon next December 1. For its part, the Belgian Foreign Minister,

whose country holds in this six-month presidency of the Council of Ministers, Steven Vanackere considered "fundamental and historic adoption of Service European foreign also warned that if not enough to have "one voice or a single voice" but that we need, above all, "to say the same thing." "Content is more important than having an organization such as European diplomacy which allows a clear view on what the EU wants to project in terms of values \u200b\u200bin the world," said the Belgian Minister to aim of the Council. "Having an organization is one thing, but we must insist on the need that the content is consistent," he said.

While the Commissioner Institutional Relations, Mark Sefcovic, spoke of a "historic day" and assured that Baroness Ashton will begin the process of recruitment before the summer so that the diplomatic service and executive in the second half of the year.

However, Vanackere gave another date, announcing that "Ashton has already scheduled interviews for the senior European diplomatic service in September." In any case, it was confirmed that the process of selection of the heads of some major EU delegations in the world has already begun, as in the case of China, Giappone, Brasile o il Sudafrica.


Nella nomina si farà un esercizio di equilibrio geografico affinchè nessun paese si senta discriminato e si prevede una clausola di revisione per il 2013, casomai fosse necessario modificare il sistema. Al momento, fonti europee calcolano che il servizio conterà quest’anno su circa 1100 persone alle quali lentamente se ne aggiungeranno altre fino a raggiungerne 6000 ed anche 7000 membri.

La strada verso l’approvazione definitiva del Servizio Estero è stata spianata dopo l’accordo raggiunto lo scorso 21 giugno tra le tre istituzioni comunitarie dopo aver vinto
le ultime resistance of the European Parliament
, who demanded a greater role of the EP in the control of financial and give more weight to the interests of the Community. The creation of the SAEA is referred to in the Treaty of Lisbon

to assist the High Representative in his work and give greater projection to European diplomacy. Under the arrangement approved by the 27, 60% of staff will consist of permanent officials ( from the structures of the Congress and the Commission ), to provide stability service, and a third will be made by member states. In the structure of the new service s'integrerà European policy on security and defense, crisis management, mission planning civilians and military personnel.

Decision-making will remain in the hands of the Council (almost exclusively) and Commission ( in certain areas of least political clout ). It will have a sui generis nature separated from the rest of the institutions and will enjoy autonomy in managing its staff and budget management separated dai conti comunitari. Le loro squadre lavoreranno in coordinamento con i servizi diplomatici degli stati membri. A partire da dicembre, le delegazioni della Commissione Europea nel mondo passeranno ad essere delegazioni dell’Unione. Si prevede che più avanti offriranno servizi di consulenza.


Catherine Ashton ha presentato ai ministri un organigramma del Servizio d’Azione Estera, ma non ha dato nessun nome per

queste posizioni. “Questo organigramma è conforme a quello che noi difendiamo, con un Secretary-General and two additions, "he said, for its part, the French State Secretary for European Affairs, Pierre Lellocuhe, during a press conference.

E 'is well known that the French government is pushing

with all means at its disposal to take up the post of Secretary General of the EEAS and this has already submitted a candidate, specifically for its current ambassador in Washington, Pierre Vimot. is not the only member who has already expressed their intention

to fight for these high offices. Italy, for example, it is also proposed, anche se sembra impossibile che possa prendere l’incarico di segretario generale. E’ più fattibile che riesca ad ottenere qualche aggiunto allo stesso. Quello che è chiaro è che
le poltrone si venderanno molto care.
Tra una cosa e l’altra, il Servizio Europeo d’Azione Estera, conterà su una ventina di incarichi di rilevanza, anche se quei 3(segretario e 2 aggiunti) saranno quelli che godranno di maggior visibilità e potere. PROMESSA D'IMPARARE IL FRANCESE

La responsabile della diplomazia dell’UE ha anche approfittato DELla sua comparizione di fronte ai media promise to learn French during his summer holidays, but declined the invitation of the Government of Nicolas Sarkozy to make an intensive language course in an institute near Avignon.

"I will learn French during my holidays"
, repeated Catherine Ashton, during a press conference after the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union. Even if, in fact, did not explain how it intends to learn the language of Moliere.
The French State Secretary for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche, he tossed that he is learning another language of the Union, in this case German, and added as follows: "I can assure you that Catherine Ashton explains much better in French than I do in German."

In fact, Ashton said the same in French - though with difficulty - to a question from a journalist Welsh.

What is certain is that the UK has been much criticized in the French state-very sensitive to the language issue because of the continuing decline in the use of French in the community structure, for having expressed in his language, English. Hence his announcement that he would sfuttatoo the summer to improve his knowledge of French was seen as a wink to quel paese,

nel tentativo di allentare la pressione per le critiche ricevute dopo i suoi primi mesi del suo incarico. Fonte: Tradotto e segnalato per Voci Dalla Strada da

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Wikileaks: smokescreen POLICY

  Voci Dalla Strada

At the request of many readers, Réseau Voltaire considered it important to place the debate in its proper context. Voltaire Network complaint thus a diversion media and reiterated that the war in Afghanistan is illegal. site Wikileaks has delivered a series of confidential military documents

three media ( the New York Times, The Guardian and Der Spiegl ) for you to examine them before publish them. On July 25, 2010, Wikileaks published the 92,000 original documents and the three newspapers mentioned have published simultaneously their their articles. It 's the largest filtration of military documents in all history.
These documents are notes used by the army involved in Afghanistan. Some are tales of combat, contain other intelligence reports. Their level

confidentiality is not high (which means it has passed through several hands), but the amount is very high (which implies that there are few people who had the opportunity to put together). Their authenticity was not questioned. The international press and numerous leaders of the world have commented on the findings of the three newspapers, whereas the information is secure.
Our detractors expect that
Red Voltaire you for these compliments and filtering of news that takes advantage of these documents against the U.S. forces, to accuse them of crimes and incompetence. We will not do anything about this. Everything suggests that these leaks were organized by a U.S. industry apparatus that seeks to impose its points of view simultaneously with the dismissal of General Mc Crystal by President Obama. And the fact that the latter abbia fermato la realizzazione di qualsiasi tipo d’investigazione interna
che mira ad individuare la fonte delle fughe di notizie dimostra che egli conosce la fonte, che non desidera affrontarla e che lo approva. Questi documenti non descrivono la realtà sul campo, ma sono una testimonianza del grado di auto-avvelenamento delle forze Usa.

Gli appunti dell’intelligence afgana sui quali si basano le operazioni dell’esercito dell’alleanza in Afghanistan riportano solo pettegolezzi così stupidi che uno non può che chiedersi come è possibile che questi informatori siano stati reclutati. Risulta particolarmente ridicolo presentare ad un ufficiale pakistano of 74 years, retired General Hamid Gul, as the secret manipulator of the insurgents and solely responsible for the failure of NATO's military. not surprising that the three newspapers known for their blind alignment with the Atlanticist view are participating in a 'psychological operation
time to criticize a general which has just been sent away to justify the political responsibilities of this human catastrophe. In any case, it is disturbing
unanimity of the great media that steadily over the years have repeated the lies of Washington. The war in Afghanistan is illegal
. Regardless of whether we prove agreeable or not, the insurgents are exercising their fundamental and legitimate right to defend their own country against foreign occupation
. When it comes to crimes not just the excesses committed by this or that military units but all the operations that are developing in this country and the very presence of foreign army.
Translated and reported to Voices From the Road from

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the revolutionary potential of deschooling

Source: Social Ecology

"The mere possession of qualifications for access to something and 'discrimination and discrimination should be abolished only be based on ability' and not to the school pedigree "(Ivan Illich)

The educational institution 's day Today is a new religion unassailable and universalized, able to prepare the individual to use a disciplined, making it the largest employer in our society.

Today, the majority of workers are used in the production of requests can be met by an industry with high capital intensity. Most of this is done within the school premises.

The school serves effectively to create and defend the social myth because every graduate has been indoctrinated to serve among the richest in the world (the privilege of dissent is not granted to those not previously examined and classified as a person potentially in to occupy positions of power).

today plays the triple role in that history was always the prerogative of the most powerful churches. It is at once the depository of the myth of society, the institutionalization of the contradictions of myth and ritual that plays home to the mask and the differences between myth and reality.

School indoctrinate his students in creating their consciousness the following myths:

1) The myth of the values \u200b\u200binculcated in institutions is teaching that a valid statement is the result of the frequency that the value of ' learning increases in proportion to the input, the amount of knowledge released and, finally, that this value can be measured and documented by grades and diplomas.

2) The myth of measuring the values \u200b\u200bthat emerge from the values \u200b\u200binstitutionalized values \u200b\u200bschool instills are quantified. The school starts students to a world where everything is measured, including their imagination and even the man himself.

3) The myth of the values \u200b\u200bis found packaged in the fact that the school system is selling a prepackaged curriculum and unquestionable.

4) The self-perpetuating myth of progress shows that the cost to induce the student to remain in school increases dramatically as he advances in his studies and teaches him the value of the escalation of the American way of doing things.

In the process there is no one school that is totally free from exploiting his next

If we attempt to break away from the concept of school easily find out a lot of resistance acting in us when we try to give Unlimited consumption or bias that is handling the neighbor for his good.

lose confidence in schooling stagger not only economic but also political order that is based faith that the state uses the national school to churn out its students.

A radical program of deschooling could in fact prepare young people for a new kind of revolution is needed to combat a social system characterized with an obligatory "health" of the "wealth" and "security."

The assumption that knowledge is a valuable commodity that can be imposed in certain circumstances, the consumer must be refuted and destroyed!.

do not want a society dominated by schools "left" conducted by totalitarian information manager supported by educators that their students take drugs learning to make them docile and bureaucrats who claim the right to pose as professors!!

We must destroy the ritual by which the school system shapes the consumer's progress, which is the main resource of the economy, otherwise we will not break the spell of this economy will build a new one.

We believe that the process of deschooling should not be postponed or shelved until a revolution will not be remedied other malfunctions!

As the industry know that abominable mechanism for an increasing number years provides the individual is opium is the workbench, we believe that deschooling is the prerequisite of any movement for the liberation of man.

In order to provide a practical starting point to the concept of deschooling, and provide an example (but not the only one possibility to address the problem), we propose a very schematic summary taken from the book 'Deschooling AUDITORS' and Ivan Illich. Mondadori, Milano 1983.

Educational reforms must first return the initiative of learning "the learner or his most immediate tutor" (p.34) and remove the requirement frequency.

Illich proposes to issue to every citizen, from birth, credit card education (p.30).

laws should extend to all freedom 'academic (page 135).

For access to educational resources, the author identifies four processes (pag.119):

a) consulting services for learning objects (with librarians, museum guides, etc.., Pag.127 )

b) of the central capacity '(demos pag.132; bank for trade capacity', pag.136)

c) selection of equals (pagg.131, 138-139, 144);

d) consulting services for educators (pag.141).

The objectives are to leave:

- access to property,

- the transfer of skills',

- resources to critical and creative

- the individual from the need 'to adapt the services provided by professionals (pag.154).

eliminating restrictions on teaching, learning even those will disappear.

Instead schools are "free technical training centers open to all" (page 135).

"Education is 'the fundamental ritual of initiation of civilization' world of today;

the deschooling should be a precondition of any movement for the liberation of man" ( Ivan Illich)