
. this military adventure was in the drawings of the Pentagon since the mid-90s. Before the Iraq and Iran, according to a declassified in 1995 by Central Command USA. The escalation is part of the military agenda.
While Iran is the next target along with Syria and Liba
not, this also threatens military deployment, North Korea, China and Russia.
Since 2005, the U.S. and its allies, including the American partners of NATO and Israel have been involved in the massive accumulation and deployment of advanced weapons systems. The U.S. air defense systems, the member countries of NATO and Israel are fully integrated. (...) The role of Egypt, the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia (within the military alliance expanded) is of particular importance. Egypt controls the transit of oil tankers and warships through the Suez Canal. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States occupy the southwest coast of the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman.
In early June, "Egypt repeatedly allowed him to an Israeli ship and eleven American to pass through the Suez Canal ... in an apparent signal to Iran ... On 12 June, the regional press release of communications in which said that the Saudis had promised Israel the right to fly over their airspace (Muriel Mirak Weissbach,
Israel's Insane War on Iran Must Be Prevented
., Global Research, July 31, 2010) War and Economic Crisis
The wider implications of the attack NATO-US Israelee Iran are forward-looking. War and economic crisis are intimately related. The war economy is financed by Wall Street, which is the creditor of the U.S. administration. The American producers of arms are the beneficiaries of the multi-billion dollar contracts signed by the Minister of Defense and its advanced weapons systems. In exchange for "the battle for oil" in the Middle East and Central Asia directly serves the interests of Anglo-American oil giants.
The U.S. and its allies are "beating the drum of war "on the height of a global economic depression, not to mention the most serious environmental disaster in world history. One of the major players (BP) on the geopolitical chessboard of the Middle East, Central Asia, formerly known as Anglo-Persian Oil Company, is the instigator of the ecological disaster beautiful Gulf of Mexico.
The media disinformation
Public opinion, which oscillates in the media hype,
tacitly argues, are indifferent or ignorant
the likely impacts of what has been confirmed as "punitive operation ad hoc" directed against gli impianti nucleari iraniani piuttosto che una guerra tout court . (…) La vera crisi che sta minacciando l’umanità, secondo i media e il governo, non è la guerra ma il “global warming”. I media fabbricano una crisi dove crisi non c’è : “una paura globale” – la pandemia globale H1N1- ma
nessuno sembra temere una guerra nucleare sponsorizzata dagli Usa
. La Guerra all’Iran alla opinione pubblica viene
presentata come una questione tra le tante altre
. Non è vista come una minaccia alla “Madre Terra”, come nel caso del “global warming ”, is not a front page news. The fact that an attack on Iran could lead to an escalation and potentially release a global war is not a matter that concerns ... " by Michel Chossudovsky,
translation and synthesis of
Cristina Bassi by: