Wikileaks: smokescreen POLICY
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Best Shotgun Microphone

three media ( the New York Times, The Guardian and Der Spiegl ) for you to examine them before publish them. On July 25, 2010, Wikileaks published the 92,000 original documents and the three newspapers mentioned have published simultaneously their their articles. It 's the largest filtration of military documents in all history.
These documents are notes used by the army involved in Afghanistan. Some are tales of combat, contain other intelligence reports. Their level
confidentiality is not high (which means it has passed through several hands), but the amount is very high (which implies that there are few people who had the opportunity to put together). Their authenticity was not questioned. The international press and numerous leaders of the world have commented on the findings of the three newspapers, whereas the information is secure.
confidentiality is not high (which means it has passed through several hands), but the amount is very high (which implies that there are few people who had the opportunity to put together). Their authenticity was not questioned. The international press and numerous leaders of the world have commented on the findings of the three newspapers, whereas the information is secure.
Red Voltaire you for these compliments and filtering of news that takes advantage of these documents against the U.S. forces, to accuse them of crimes and incompetence. We will not do anything about this. Everything suggests that these leaks were organized by a U.S. industry apparatus that seeks to impose its points of view simultaneously with the dismissal of General Mc Crystal by President Obama. And the fact that the latter abbia fermato la realizzazione di qualsiasi tipo d’investigazione interna
che mira ad individuare la fonte delle fughe di notizie dimostra che egli conosce la fonte, che non desidera affrontarla e che lo approva. Questi documenti non descrivono la realtà sul campo, ma sono una testimonianza del grado di auto-avvelenamento delle forze Usa.
Gli appunti dell’intelligence afgana sui quali si basano le operazioni dell’esercito dell’alleanza in Afghanistan riportano solo pettegolezzi così stupidi che uno non può che chiedersi come è possibile che questi informatori siano stati reclutati. Risulta particolarmente ridicolo presentare ad un ufficiale pakistano of 74 years, retired General Hamid Gul, as the secret manipulator of the insurgents and solely responsible for the failure of NATO's military. not surprising that the three newspapers known for their blind alignment with the Atlanticist view are participating in a 'psychological operation
Gli appunti dell’intelligence afgana sui quali si basano le operazioni dell’esercito dell’alleanza in Afghanistan riportano solo pettegolezzi così stupidi che uno non può che chiedersi come è possibile che questi informatori siano stati reclutati. Risulta particolarmente ridicolo presentare ad un ufficiale pakistano of 74 years, retired General Hamid Gul, as the secret manipulator of the insurgents and solely responsible for the failure of NATO's military. not surprising that the three newspapers known for their blind alignment with the Atlanticist view are participating in a 'psychological operation
time to criticize a general which has just been sent away to justify the political responsibilities of this human catastrophe. In any case, it is disturbing
unanimity of the great media that steadily over the years have repeated the lies of Washington. The war in Afghanistan is illegal
. Regardless of whether we prove agreeable or not, the insurgents are exercising their fundamental and legitimate right to defend their own country against foreign occupation . When it comes to crimes not just the excesses committed by this or that military units but all the operations that are developing in this country and the very presence of foreign army.
Translated and reported to Voices From the Road from
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