Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Where I Can Do Bio Sculpture Gel Nails
Source: Social Ecology
"The mere possession of qualifications for access to something and 'discrimination and discrimination should be abolished only be based on ability' and not to the school pedigree "(Ivan Illich)
The educational institution 's day Today is a new religion unassailable and universalized, able to prepare the individual to use a disciplined, making it the largest employer in our society.
Today, the majority of workers are used in the production of requests can be met by an industry with high capital intensity. Most of this is done within the school premises.
The school serves effectively to create and defend the social myth because every graduate has been indoctrinated to serve among the richest in the world (the privilege of dissent is not granted to those not previously examined and classified as a person potentially in to occupy positions of power).
today plays the triple role in that history was always the prerogative of the most powerful churches. It is at once the depository of the myth of society, the institutionalization of the contradictions of myth and ritual that plays home to the mask and the differences between myth and reality.
School indoctrinate his students in creating their consciousness the following myths:
1) The myth of the values \u200b\u200binculcated in institutions is teaching that a valid statement is the result of the frequency that the value of ' learning increases in proportion to the input, the amount of knowledge released and, finally, that this value can be measured and documented by grades and diplomas.
2) The myth of measuring the values \u200b\u200bthat emerge from the values \u200b\u200binstitutionalized values \u200b\u200bschool instills are quantified. The school starts students to a world where everything is measured, including their imagination and even the man himself.
3) The myth of the values \u200b\u200bis found packaged in the fact that the school system is selling a prepackaged curriculum and unquestionable.
4) The self-perpetuating myth of progress shows that the cost to induce the student to remain in school increases dramatically as he advances in his studies and teaches him the value of the escalation of the American way of doing things.
In the process there is no one school that is totally free from exploiting his next
If we attempt to break away from the concept of school easily find out a lot of resistance acting in us when we try to give Unlimited consumption or bias that is handling the neighbor for his good.
lose confidence in schooling stagger not only economic but also political order that is based faith that the state uses the national school to churn out its students.
A radical program of deschooling could in fact prepare young people for a new kind of revolution is needed to combat a social system characterized with an obligatory "health" of the "wealth" and "security."
The assumption that knowledge is a valuable commodity that can be imposed in certain circumstances, the consumer must be refuted and destroyed!.
do not want a society dominated by schools "left" conducted by totalitarian information manager supported by educators that their students take drugs learning to make them docile and bureaucrats who claim the right to pose as professors!!
We must destroy the ritual by which the school system shapes the consumer's progress, which is the main resource of the economy, otherwise we will not break the spell of this economy will build a new one.
We believe that the process of deschooling should not be postponed or shelved until a revolution will not be remedied other malfunctions!
As the industry know that abominable mechanism for an increasing number years provides the individual is opium is the workbench, we believe that deschooling is the prerequisite of any movement for the liberation of man.
In order to provide a practical starting point to the concept of deschooling, and provide an example (but not the only one possibility to address the problem), we propose a very schematic summary taken from the book 'Deschooling AUDITORS' and Ivan Illich. Mondadori, Milano 1983.
Educational reforms must first return the initiative of learning "the learner or his most immediate tutor" (p.34) and remove the requirement frequency.
Illich proposes to issue to every citizen, from birth, credit card education (p.30).
laws should extend to all freedom 'academic (page 135).
For access to educational resources, the author identifies four processes (pag.119):
a) consulting services for learning objects (with librarians, museum guides, etc.., Pag.127 )
b) of the central capacity '(demos pag.132; bank for trade capacity', pag.136)
c) selection of equals (pagg.131, 138-139, 144);
d) consulting services for educators (pag.141).
The objectives are to leave:
- access to property,
- the transfer of skills',
- resources to critical and creative
- the individual from the need 'to adapt the services provided by professionals (pag.154).
eliminating restrictions on teaching, learning even those will disappear.
Instead schools are "free technical training centers open to all" (page 135).
"Education is 'the fundamental ritual of initiation of civilization' world of today;
the deschooling should be a precondition of any movement for the liberation of man" ( Ivan Illich)
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