Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Girth Toilet Paper Roll

* The image is taken from .

Saturday, July 31, 2010 by admin Source: The Fifth Season

Massimo Formica Can a 'big company calls, when all of its profit is based on the contraction of the labor cost? The question is for Marchionne, the man who 'Confindustria all behind him, one that by itself is doing more harm to the trade union culture (rare commodity, I agree, but there is still some conscientious trade unionist) and the defense of workers' rights, ten marches of the "forty thousand". All 'last meeting with the unions, the' TO FIAT, l 'said clearly: "The words, although interesting, do not need to work and produce. So let me be very clear and direct with you today. There only one thing on which it is necessary to rule. It is to decide if we want to update the way we produce, or missing out on the rules of international competition. We must decide whether to have a strong car industry in Italy or leave this privilege to other countries. No need for this flood of words. There are only two words that, to the point where we are, need to be pronounced. One is 'yes', the other is 'no'. " Arrogance from Armageddon. Because the truth is that whoever is pulling the string sits to the "good" of the table. We do not write us, but the 'enthusiastic Alberto Orioli, from the columns of "the Sole24ore" "The new company will become one of Pomigliano plant frontier for industrial relations in the future [...] Marchionne has imposed in the market for 'Italian cars at all to adapt to globalization [...] there is no more' business that the trades 'union with attention to social peace [...] must act according to rules that are the normal rules of work in the world: just the' bond between who receives remuneration, and ensure punctuality and regularity and continuity with a performance in the form of fatigue or of wit. That's it. [...] It 's good that the manager's shoulder FIAT has proved in the end, solicitation to revitalize the' air. All the more so now that the 'architecture of industrial relations in Italy has just been remodeled in' last agreement, which still sees interconfederal against the CGIL. [...] When the game is driven by Confindustria, not everyone has understood the potential reform: now they appear to be more clear why. " This concludes our declaration of war. Because of this it is. Why industrialists, to pen Orioli, tell us that Pomigliano is the model of future industrial relations that the unions must end the "inciting" the workers, who have to work and shut up, that those who work hard with no talent for understanding things and thinks Orioli to explain, that ' Marchionne is an action of the shoulders of all Confindustria: Italy 's if he wants to be competitive is to become like China, not the other way. So while the left goes well at L 'Aquila, adding rubble to rubble, and the left channel blocker debate whether or not they're actually coming true Marxist prophecies about pauperization of the middle class and if the guys can or can not be a rave revolutionary new base, in 'general indifference in the middle of the Soap-Fini Berlusconi, the Italian workers start to lose every single law, with a fatalistic attitude grotesquely. "One goal, one team, one vision", this stood out yesterday written on blue-collar workers della Crysler-Fiat, durante la visita di Obama e Marchionne allo stabilimento americano. Questa visione del lavoro è quanto vorrebbero imporci in Italia a quarant’anni dall’ approvazione dello Statuto dei lavoratori. Vivere per l’ azienda, pensare al bene dell’ azienda, votarsi all’ azienda. Tutti insieme, Come se non esistessero differenze salariali abissali tra chi dirige e “pensa” (per dirla con il meschino Orioli) e chi si sporca le mani e “fatica”. Come se fuori dalla fabbrica o dall’ azienda, ci attendesse tutti una vita fatta di SUV, vacanze in posti esotici, cibi esclusivi e appartamenti da 10.000 euro al metro quadrato. Forse Marchionne è abituato a realtà dove lavorare è già premiante. Non è l’ Italia, Marchionne. La nostra risposta è “no”.

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