Voci dalla Strada
I ministri degli Affari Esteri dell’UE hanno dato il via libera politico definitivo al Servizio Europeo Action Foreign (EEAS), placing the foundation stone for this diplomatic service begins to be a reality from 1 December. The focus is now on budget issues (yet undefined) and in the battle for positions within
de lla SAEA. The EU foreign ministers agreed yesterday (27-07-2010) formally the organization, structure and functioning of the future
Action Service European Foreign (SAEA), in so that the new diplomatic tool in the 27 to be operational before the end of the year.
High Representative for European Common Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, has congratulated for being a "so far in just four months," which is the time it takes to close a deal put on the table since its first proposal on the European Action Service
. "Now we can move forward to create a European of the twenty-first century, modern, differentiated and effective
," he said. In his view, the Union needs to evolve to better defend its interests and values \u200b\u200bin an increasingly more complex and constantly changing.
Ashton also stressed the importance of reaching early agreement on amendments to the Statute and financing as well as amendments to the 2010 budget,
so that the EEAS will formally enter into force to coincide with the first anniversary of the Treaty of Lisbon next December 1. For its part, the Belgian Foreign Minister,
whose country holds in this six-month presidency of the Council of Ministers, Steven Vanackere considered "fundamental and historic adoption of Service European foreign also warned that if not enough to have "one voice or a single voice" but that we need, above all, "to say the same thing." "Content is more important than having an organization such as European diplomacy which allows a clear view on what the EU wants to project in terms of values \u200b\u200bin the world," said the Belgian Minister to aim of the Council. "Having an organization is one thing, but we must insist on the need that the content is consistent," he said.
While the Commissioner Institutional Relations, Mark Sefcovic, spoke of a "historic day" and assured that Baroness Ashton will begin the process of recruitment before the summer so that the diplomatic service and executive in the second half of the year.
However, Vanackere gave another date, announcing that "Ashton has already scheduled interviews for the senior European diplomatic service in September." In any case, it was confirmed that the process of selection of the heads of some major EU delegations in the world has already begun, as in the case of China, Giappone, Brasile o il Sudafrica.
Nella nomina si farà un esercizio di equilibrio geografico affinchè nessun paese si senta discriminato e si prevede una clausola di revisione per il 2013, casomai fosse necessario modificare il sistema. Al momento, fonti europee calcolano che il servizio conterà quest’anno su circa 1100 persone alle quali lentamente se ne aggiungeranno altre fino a raggiungerne 6000 ed anche 7000 membri.
La strada verso l’approvazione definitiva del Servizio Estero è stata spianata dopo l’accordo raggiunto lo scorso 21 giugno tra le tre istituzioni comunitarie dopo aver vinto
le ultime resistance of the European Parliament
, who demanded a greater role of the EP in the control of financial and give more weight to the interests of the Community. The creation of the SAEA is referred to in the Treaty of Lisbon
to assist the High Representative in his work and give greater projection to European diplomacy. Under the arrangement approved by the 27, 60% of staff will consist of permanent officials ( from the structures of the Congress and the Commission ), to provide stability service, and a third will be made by member states. In the structure of the new service s'integrerà European policy on security and defense, crisis management, mission planning civilians and military personnel.
Decision-making will remain in the hands of the Council (almost exclusively) and Commission ( in certain areas of least political clout ). It will have a sui generis nature separated from the rest of the institutions and will enjoy autonomy in managing its staff and budget management separated dai conti comunitari. Le loro squadre lavoreranno in coordinamento con i servizi diplomatici degli stati membri. A partire da dicembre, le delegazioni della Commissione Europea nel mondo passeranno ad essere delegazioni dell’Unione. Si prevede che più avanti offriranno servizi di consulenza.
Catherine Ashton ha presentato ai ministri un organigramma del Servizio d’Azione Estera, ma non ha dato nessun nome per
queste posizioni. “Questo organigramma è conforme a quello che noi difendiamo, con un Secretary-General and two additions, "he said, for its part, the French State Secretary for European Affairs, Pierre Lellocuhe, during a press conference.
E 'is well known that the French government is pushing
with all means at its disposal to take up the post of Secretary General of the EEAS and this has already submitted a candidate, specifically for its current ambassador in Washington, Pierre Vimot. is not the only member who has already expressed their intention
to fight for these high offices. Italy, for example, it is also proposed, anche se sembra impossibile che possa prendere l’incarico di segretario generale. E’ più fattibile che riesca ad ottenere qualche aggiunto allo stesso. Quello che è chiaro è che
le poltrone si venderanno molto care.
Tra una cosa e l’altra, il Servizio Europeo d’Azione Estera, conterà su una ventina di incarichi di rilevanza, anche se quei 3(segretario e 2 aggiunti) saranno quelli che godranno di maggior visibilità e potere. PROMESSA D'IMPARARE IL FRANCESE
La responsabile della diplomazia dell’UE ha anche approfittato DELla sua comparizione di fronte ai media promise to learn French during his summer holidays, but declined the invitation of the Government of Nicolas Sarkozy to make an intensive language course in an institute near Avignon.
"I will learn French during my holidays"
, repeated Catherine Ashton, during a press conference after the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union. Even if, in fact, did not explain how it intends to learn the language of Moliere.
The French State Secretary for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche, he tossed that he is learning another language of the Union, in this case German, and added as follows: "I can assure you that Catherine Ashton explains much better in French than I do in German."
In fact, Ashton said the same in French - though with difficulty - to a question from a journalist Welsh.
What is certain is that the UK has been much criticized in the French state-very sensitive to the language issue because of the continuing decline in the use of French in the community structure, for having expressed in his language, English. Hence his announcement that he would sfuttatoo the summer to improve his knowledge of French was seen as a wink to quel paese,
nel tentativo di allentare la pressione per le critiche ricevute dopo i suoi primi mesi del suo incarico. Fonte: Tradotto e segnalato per Voci Dalla Strada da
de lla SAEA. The EU foreign ministers agreed yesterday (27-07-2010) formally the organization, structure and functioning of the future
Action Service European Foreign (SAEA), in so that the new diplomatic tool in the 27 to be operational before the end of the year.
High Representative for European Common Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, has congratulated for being a "so far in just four months," which is the time it takes to close a deal put on the table since its first proposal on the European Action Service
. "Now we can move forward to create a European of the twenty-first century, modern, differentiated and effective
," he said. In his view, the Union needs to evolve to better defend its interests and values \u200b\u200bin an increasingly more complex and constantly changing.
Ashton also stressed the importance of reaching early agreement on amendments to the Statute and financing as well as amendments to the 2010 budget,
so that the EEAS will formally enter into force to coincide with the first anniversary of the Treaty of Lisbon next December 1. For its part, the Belgian Foreign Minister,
whose country holds in this six-month presidency of the Council of Ministers, Steven Vanackere considered "fundamental and historic adoption of Service European foreign also warned that if not enough to have "one voice or a single voice" but that we need, above all, "to say the same thing." "Content is more important than having an organization such as European diplomacy which allows a clear view on what the EU wants to project in terms of values \u200b\u200bin the world," said the Belgian Minister to aim of the Council. "Having an organization is one thing, but we must insist on the need that the content is consistent," he said.
While the Commissioner Institutional Relations, Mark Sefcovic, spoke of a "historic day" and assured that Baroness Ashton will begin the process of recruitment before the summer so that the diplomatic service and executive in the second half of the year.
However, Vanackere gave another date, announcing that "Ashton has already scheduled interviews for the senior European diplomatic service in September." In any case, it was confirmed that the process of selection of the heads of some major EU delegations in the world has already begun, as in the case of China, Giappone, Brasile o il Sudafrica.
Nella nomina si farà un esercizio di equilibrio geografico affinchè nessun paese si senta discriminato e si prevede una clausola di revisione per il 2013, casomai fosse necessario modificare il sistema. Al momento, fonti europee calcolano che il servizio conterà quest’anno su circa 1100 persone alle quali lentamente se ne aggiungeranno altre fino a raggiungerne 6000 ed anche 7000 membri.
La strada verso l’approvazione definitiva del Servizio Estero è stata spianata dopo l’accordo raggiunto lo scorso 21 giugno tra le tre istituzioni comunitarie dopo aver vinto
le ultime resistance of the European Parliament
, who demanded a greater role of the EP in the control of financial and give more weight to the interests of the Community. The creation of the SAEA is referred to in the Treaty of Lisbon
to assist the High Representative in his work and give greater projection to European diplomacy. Under the arrangement approved by the 27, 60% of staff will consist of permanent officials ( from the structures of the Congress and the Commission ), to provide stability service, and a third will be made by member states. In the structure of the new service s'integrerà European policy on security and defense, crisis management, mission planning civilians and military personnel.
Decision-making will remain in the hands of the Council (almost exclusively) and Commission ( in certain areas of least political clout ). It will have a sui generis nature separated from the rest of the institutions and will enjoy autonomy in managing its staff and budget management separated dai conti comunitari. Le loro squadre lavoreranno in coordinamento con i servizi diplomatici degli stati membri. A partire da dicembre, le delegazioni della Commissione Europea nel mondo passeranno ad essere delegazioni dell’Unione. Si prevede che più avanti offriranno servizi di consulenza.
Catherine Ashton ha presentato ai ministri un organigramma del Servizio d’Azione Estera, ma non ha dato nessun nome per
queste posizioni. “Questo organigramma è conforme a quello che noi difendiamo, con un Secretary-General and two additions, "he said, for its part, the French State Secretary for European Affairs, Pierre Lellocuhe, during a press conference.
E 'is well known that the French government is pushing
with all means at its disposal to take up the post of Secretary General of the EEAS and this has already submitted a candidate, specifically for its current ambassador in Washington, Pierre Vimot. is not the only member who has already expressed their intention
to fight for these high offices. Italy, for example, it is also proposed, anche se sembra impossibile che possa prendere l’incarico di segretario generale. E’ più fattibile che riesca ad ottenere qualche aggiunto allo stesso. Quello che è chiaro è che
le poltrone si venderanno molto care.
Tra una cosa e l’altra, il Servizio Europeo d’Azione Estera, conterà su una ventina di incarichi di rilevanza, anche se quei 3(segretario e 2 aggiunti) saranno quelli che godranno di maggior visibilità e potere. PROMESSA D'IMPARARE IL FRANCESE
La responsabile della diplomazia dell’UE ha anche approfittato DELla sua comparizione di fronte ai media promise to learn French during his summer holidays, but declined the invitation of the Government of Nicolas Sarkozy to make an intensive language course in an institute near Avignon.
"I will learn French during my holidays"
, repeated Catherine Ashton, during a press conference after the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union. Even if, in fact, did not explain how it intends to learn the language of Moliere.
The French State Secretary for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche, he tossed that he is learning another language of the Union, in this case German, and added as follows: "I can assure you that Catherine Ashton explains much better in French than I do in German."
In fact, Ashton said the same in French - though with difficulty - to a question from a journalist Welsh.
What is certain is that the UK has been much criticized in the French state-very sensitive to the language issue because of the continuing decline in the use of French in the community structure, for having expressed in his language, English. Hence his announcement that he would sfuttatoo the summer to improve his knowledge of French was seen as a wink to quel paese,
nel tentativo di allentare la pressione per le critiche ricevute dopo i suoi primi mesi del suo incarico. Fonte: Tradotto e segnalato per Voci Dalla Strada da
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