Crisis in Ireland: Euro failure. How and where does the Irish crisis.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
2010 Honda Pilot Snow Plow
European aid do not solve the crisis, but in some cases worse?
Before the crisis of 2008-2009 Ireland is one of the best performing countries in Europe, a European industry of hearts including the hi-tech sectors. The Irish public finances are in surplus even when Germany is in deficit and debt with a low of 25% of GDP from 65% in Germany. The virtuous state of Ireland is obviously well out of the spendthrift nations accused by Merkel and to whom would like to take more serious measures. And it is also clear that the demonstration are not surviving to be in good health, as opposed to the global theory of the last 15 years at least.
How and where does the crisis in Ireland? And because the Europeans will not help solve the crisis as witnessed by the market that does not seem to care much about all this? It 'really the fault of "bad speculators"? And why Irish politics is moving increasingly towards the rejection of European aid to the point where it splits and breaks down the Irish government?
these are all questions that we ask ourselves seriously to understand more deeply how the economy works because of these questions depends finally on whether tomorrow we will have a job and realize that one day we will make the board or file for bread. Questions that are careful not to leave us to do.
Officially Ireland is in crisis because the so-called housing bubble. Ie Irish banks would have more debt because of reckless speculation in real estate to the extent that such a step by colossal failures the Irish government was forced to intervene to rescue the banks.
What intrigues me more and more are as mentioned in previous articles about the crisis in Greek, as every time you accuse the real estate bubble .. yet the Euro was strong and solid thundered from Brussels, but also from Berlin, while the U.S. stock market collapsed ... American also will be that the bubble has other sources? At least partly so.
Actually in the next few minutes we will show you how there was no housing bubble in Ireland, but only a sale to take on the Euro and the national to enter the EU without Ireland, however, he had no need.
The first thing to impact on the Irish economy are the policies for the regulation of river fishing and hunting. The Lisbon Treaty provides for the sharing of river fishing and by virtue of its future adoption, the directives of the EU are moving in that direction, resulting in an increase in substance licenses to fish in various nations to come to nationals of nationality different ..
Ireland as do Greece and Portugal have always been a strong fishing industry, in fact, among the first to collapse both in Greece and Ireland. Armed with their large and fruitful river they made very well to the smaller number of fishermen and fishing industries of these nations, because obviously their population of fewer.
Another motivation is very important assignment in Brussels, seat of the WTO and with it the right to renegotiate trade negotiations with other nations to protect its domestic market. In other words, Ireland, Greece and Portugal as a result of WTO agreements and the EU are forced to suffer the invasion of fish outside the European low-cost, often the result di concorrenza sleale, senza poter fare nulla. E' quindi per tute queste ragioni che presto l'industria ittica Greca e Irlandese collassa fragorosamente nonostante le grida disperate di migliaia di lavoratori e cittadini contribuenti che chiedono da tempo un cambio delle politiche agricole e nell'indifferenza più completa della Leadership della UE che come previsto dal Trattato di Lisbona, per giunta prevede ed attua l'applicazione socialista/marxista della soppressione dei sussidi all'agricoltura e alla pesca in nome dell'abolizione delle dogane commerciali e dell'assegnazione di quote produttive per il controllo dei prezzi... ( teorie di Marx sul socialismo Internazionale ).
Il botto fragoroso delle relative industrie ittiche è ancora forte in memory of the Greeks and Irish citizens. Among other things, the same policies will also hyper exploitation of our rich fishing ponds to the point that the EU directive will give the senseless to prohibit fishing for clams and anything else going to seriously compromise an important niche Italian fish market that had never suffered from over-exploitation of the exponential first marine fishing licenses as a result of the above policies. We also talked about us not long ago in an article devoted entirely to the issue. In other words, just to maintain their vision of the European Union condemned to death entire industrial sectors.
In fact we see the same thing happens in other sectors. Ireland as well as the rest of the continent has suffered from unfair competition and relocation to China, India and Eastern Europe. We have been flooded with products well below market price and this has blown up as the market and industry. As a result, European companies are forced to compete with Chinese companies and are increasingly forced to underpaid employees, or to move elsewhere with the consequences of which we have spoken several times. The major industrial power in Ireland today buys about 80% of its goods from places like China.
Even then Ireland has seen the collapse of its tax revenues from industry and commerce in the face of increased costs for social assistance such as unemployment benefits, pensions and so on.
The coup de grace that will lead to a collapse of the spiral becomes steeper for the Irish economy that already faces as we see adverse market conditions, is the entrance and adoption of the Euro. By this time the Irish give up its independence in terms of economic policy such as the monetary exchange rate. 20 years ago there was already a corner on this issue and for sound economic reasons very precise because our economies, as witnessed by the difference of our currency, are very different.
Ireland viene quindi costretta ad adottare gli assai più bassi ed esigui tassi di cambio della Banca Centrale Europea con la conseguenza che la maggioranza degli investitori defluirà dall'Irlanda non più attratti da un tasso di cambio maggiore, non per cattiveria ovviamente, ma per pure e semplici leggi di mercato, e questo include fondi di investimento di grandi dimensioni come Hedge Funds sia di tipo finanziario che di finanza immobiliare il che denota un crollo del mercato immobiliare e quindi del relativo valore di mercato.
Inoltre col crollo dell'industria Irlandese crolla anche il settore finanziario che investe nel campo immobiliare come le banche e vari istituti finanziari sostenuti dall'attività dell'industria e del commercio Irlandese. Many financial institutions to invest in commercial real vice, but to protect and solidify their long-term capital nature, as the housing market is among the safest and long lasting with low volatility and diversity of income and productivity as well as resulting the sale also from renting. Property investment is not bad, but rather a supporting beam of the global economy to New York regarded as capital and global investment bank of the brick.
As we can see so the only real culprit of the crisis in Ireland is the adoption of the Euro and how we see the only real fault is that of Ireland being a country with economy is too advanced and in good condition the rest of Europe and that he had had a particular historical juncture in a very delicate political class incapable that has sold its national interests.
The Euro has not brought stability to the European economy at all and even some of these devastated nations, even those of very strong economies such as Ireland, let alone other weaker as Greece. The worst thing is that all this was to be expected from those who work for as well as for study, or at least should know about these mechanisms and economic laws that we are talking about their class and financial affairs. Indeed, who should know, except perhaps the political front, but have decided to sacrifice everything on the altar globalist ideology.
's why the full bride who writes words that Nigel Farage co.leader for Freedom and Democracy group a few days ago, addressing the European parliament says the European Commission and the global leadership behind it:
"But who the hell you people think you are?"
Those who believe they are to act so indiscriminately over the heads of people, and sacrificing freedom in the name of the well-being fanatic €-dream? Ditto for a new global order imposed from the same type and which we pay dearly for the destabilization of social and economic crisis.
Here we offer a better translation intervention Farage, compared with some already in circulation, plus some additional and important news in the queue to the movie:
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