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Beppe Grillo è un po' qualunquista? Dì la tua
- di Monica Fontanelli
Alle scorse elezioni comunali di Bologna e alle regionali ho votato il Movimento 5 Stelle. Leggo i post di Grillo da anni, e ho visto nel Movimento una “speranza” per il nostro Paese. La scorsa primavera ho deciso di partecipare attivamente alle riunioni dello stesso. Avevo ovviamente letto il programma nazionale e ne condividevo i contenuti. Sono insegnante e mi interessano molto quelli inerenti alla scuola. Ci lavoro da quasi 30 anni e la demolizione della scuola pubblica portata avanti dalla Gelmini, la circolare Limina in Emilia Romagna che invitava i dirigenti scolastici ad assumere provvedimenti disciplinari nei confronti degli insegnanti che avessero preso posizioni pubbliche critiche nei confronti della Riforma, la situazione sempre più drammatica del nostro Paese con la crisi economica affrontata con i tagli allo Stato sociale, hanno suscitato in me la necessità di assumere un impegno civile diretto. Entrata nel Movimento ho organizzato il gruppo scuola, ho partecipato alle manifestazioni protest against the reform, the Movement believes that the content they share it. As a group, school, of which I was the coordinator, we presented a document which has been analyzed the current situation of the public school and requesting the Movement to take a clear position in relation to education policy of the Government. Few clear principles: defense of public schools and the consequent NO to the reform, secular state and thus the demand to abolish funding for private schools. We asked the motion to approve it. It was not possible. The response of the Movement was ostracized. School is not talked about or, if you are forced to do so, however, does not take a position, because within the Movement of the positions are different, and irreconcilable, not to expel anyone, better to "ignore it", better to discuss things any easier. The Movement not in fact take any position on the reform of the school, not as he takes on many topics regarding "social and economic policies of our government. Gradually I realized that the Movement is not what is described by Beppe Grillo: the national program and the name of Beppe serve only as a "smokescreen" to attract the votes of those who can no longer of the political class and its privileges and its inability to credible answers to the problems of the country. The movement is heterogeneous, composed of people who ride the tiger of the protest and issues that face only "easy" on which to converge. When it comes to cycling, or green spaces in the city, or decreasing the costs of politics, recycling, nuclear power ... it is easy to find a convergence of ideas and proposals. A different is taking political positions than the Gelmini reform, funding to private schools, the secular state, the rights of unmarried couples, 194 on the law, the problem now dramatic housing, temporary employment, the agreement Pomigliano, which is not a isolated event in the country, but an attempt to remove more and more protections for workers across the country. On these and other challenges, the Movement is not able to take a position, because inside there are people with often conflicting ideas: there are conservatives and "Orphans of the left, secular and Catholic fundamentalists, united in a" protest ", in easy platitudes but unable to have a realistic plan and consistent broader.
One of their favorite sayings is that they are a party, not a caste. In my view, are much worse: "a true one" is really just a slogan. In the meetings are decided only in certain areas, for mostly organizational, otherwise there is an oligarchy decides for all, are the elect and their collaborators. In recent months the group spent in the meeting did not decide anything important from political point of view. Favia are elected and assume that De Franceschi, independently, any policy decision on behalf of the Movement.
When I asked at the meeting to discuss certain issues, such as financing since the end of July by Commissioner Clerks private schools in Bologna, joining the demonstration in defense of public school opened in Reggio Emilia on October 9 last year, the debate the possible appointment as President of the Equal Opportunities Commission in Region Silvia Noah, the Agreement Pomigliano and the need to take a political stance in defense of workers, I never received a response.
not formally respond, left to decay, do not talk about, so they can pretend to be all agreed, so they can coexist in the movement often opposing positions, while the "elect" decide for everyone, because they are the "spokesman" of the Movement. Good example of democracy! Last night the latest "farce": the Regional Board meeting in public had a political and economic balance in the first six months in the region, have "put out its mandate in the hands of citizens, "then there was a vote to confirm or not to" trust "in Favia and De Franceschi.
No chance to ask questions to the Councillors, to discuss what really was or was not done. A unanimous vote, for a show of hands, in the worst tradition of the worst parties. One spot of propaganda, "not an instrument of democracy, a" transparency "of the facade. Un'autoesaltazione of their work and continued vilification of what they do "all others", this was, in a paucity of content and projects real impressive. Amazing find, among other things, that money from the salaries of regional directors (the Assembly decided for them a monthly fee of 2500 €) is not handled by the Movement itself, but by the Directors who retain the amount due in their personal accounts! And this would be a new approach to politics?
Not to mention the total closure of showing respect to all other cultures in Bologna. No comparison and no covenant, that regardless of possible convergence, because they alone are the bearers of "truth" Grillini. Meanwhile, for the next municipal this movement so open to civil society, so different from the other parties will have a candidate for mayor the next administrative autocandidatosi and chosen by whom? By voters who show under a program? No, the Assembly of choice in the closed active, and only by someone who appears to be active on 30 September 2010, then chose a few people in the worst tradition of political parties.
criticize the party, not realizing, however, be even worse than themselves, because there is no real democracy within. And who "dares" to point out certain inconsistencies are immediately seen as an enemy, someone to be isolated. So never go on without taking any clear position, as I am convinced that both will win elections in any case: the voters will vote on the basis of what he says at the national level Cricket, the protest vote will continue to be there and that alone counts. The same attitude at the bottom of the league who: speak easy, understandable and effective slogan for, nothing more. To believe that there is a shared national program, to believe that the movement is new, a chance for redemption in the country, speaking to the "belly" of the people, to gloss over issues qualifying for a clear position alienate someone, the important thing is to take votes by all, from right and left because they are "above" flying "high". Words without real meaning, just empty propaganda slogan: just as the League. Poverty
cultural, intellectual, political. Unacceptable from a movement of protest when you decide to enter into the institutions, it is decided to act as a force that must manage the cities, regions and maybe tomorrow the country. To do so we must have ideas, we must have the courage to take political positions, to make clear choices, shared not only by the "elected" but the whole movement and especially out of the easy slogans of protest and optical effect, it must deal with problems real citizens and to take clear positions, setting out its ideas and trying to increase the consent for this more 'than for the invective against the other. For these reasons I leave
il Movimento, per la mancanza totale di democrazia all’interno, per la povertà di contenuti. Lascio il Movimento perché non voglio rendermi complice dell’inganno che stanno perpetuando verso gli elettori: a parole sostengono il programma nazionale di Grillo, nei fatti approfittano del suo carisma per ottenere facili voti di protesta ed iniziare la propria personale “scalata” alle Istituzioni. Non ci sto. I partiti non mi piacciono, ma il Movimento non è ciò che appare: non c’è democrazia all’interno, non ci sono idee che non siano quelle “facili” e scontate che la stragrande maggioranza delle persone può condividere, non c’è un progetto serio di società, solo slogan.
a movement to words of all, in fact only a few.
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