Thursday, December 23, 2010

Aboma Condominium Lease Illinois


Picked by: Gianluca Freda

The reader Mirko wrote in comments relating to '

article on the clashes in Rome : articolone Wow ... that do not complete it because talking about the consequences of the "strategy of compromise, determination, practice of power used to defeat the power "? So, maybe we can get alla degenerazione della rivoluzione russa che hai citato... Trai forse godimento dai pestaggi, visti i continui incitamenti alla violenza della celere? Ti sconvolge tanto la vista di due tavolini privati sottratti da un bar privato per essere lanciati, ma non parli della disperazione dei lanciatori d'immondizia di Terzigno e dei terremotati, anche loro in piazza. Secondo il tuo ragionamento è una brutta cosa sporcare Roma con l'immondizia, meglio tacere e respirare diossine in silenzio, non lamentarsi in questo modo "barbaro"...chissà cosa penseranno quelli dei bar... Non capisco, invece, a cosa serva pontificare dalla tastiera come fai tu, dando dei falliti e degli impotenti a chi ancora - e fortunatamente- possiede dei sogni. Mi chiedo come si fa -e come fai- a fare qualsiasi cosa senza il motore dei sogni e dell'utopia? Concludo dicendo che, almeno secondo me, l'altro giorno in piazza si è espressa unicamente la rabbia, forse non è servito a niente, ma era se non altro lecito esprimerla; la violenza, come sempre, è arrivata, e continua ad arrivare, da chi detiene la forza ed il potere. Saluti.

Il lettore ritiene che sogni e utopie siano il motore di ogni cambiamento. Può darsi che questo sia vero per la vita individuale. Ma quando parliamo della progettazione di un cambiamento sociale, sarebbe bene che ci abituassimo a lasciare i sogni nella dimensione che ad essi appartiene di diritto: quella del dormiveglia e delle fantasie notturne. Appaltare le trasformazioni sociali a branchi di sonnambuli e parolai in pigiama, produce, anche nella migliore delle ipotesi, un fastidioso e rumoroso nulla di fatto, ammantato di deliri teoretici, come quelli che siamo abituati ad ascoltare – senza ormai troppa distinzione – tanto nelle parole dei “rivoluzionari” da centro sociale quanto nei discorsi dei “rivoluzionari” da organigramma di sindacato e di partito nel corso delle periodiche ed inutili manifestazioni “di protesta” accalappiagonzi. Nell’ipotesi peggiore (che è poi di gran lunga la più frequente e storicamente diffusa) l’allucinazione utopica produce semplice manovalanza per “rivoluzioni” managed by the power and purpose directed to exactly the opposite of those sleepers that dreamers own plan while moving in a fit of delirium. Pay attention to a fool: revolutions, real ones are very cute and stuff for people with feet on the ground. Above all, are the stuff of elite. Where, the term "elite" is not intended to indicate a reality characterized in terms of economic or social hierarchy, but to their political pragmatism and planning rights. Planning which, in all historical revolutions of any significance, it is always implemented through the exchange of ideas and programs through the existing means of communication, including keyboards. In any social upheaval of success is a "head" that directs the operations, represented by the elite who have the necessary means of communication to spread the ideas in the mass and the key words which must be based on the insurgency, and there are multitudes of " dreamers "for nothing part that serve as mere cannon fodder. Needless to say, the effects of the revolution are proving profitable for the elite and devastating for the Utopians sleepwalkers. Do not want to detract from the usefulness of the latter, without whose incompetence and political irriflessività no revolution is possible. I do not have with decerebration Smasher we've seen in action in Rome nor with the flocks of sheep to the pastures of transhuman periodically protest on a special coach union, which efficiently play its role as soldiers. I have it with elites from which the masses are currently managed and manipulated. Because the goals set by these power elites are completely antithetical to what I consider to be the current interest of our country, taken as a whole total of shepherds and herds of colonels and subordinates.

And 'is significant that the reader writes: " to me the other day in the square there is only expressed anger, perhaps it did not do anything, but if nothing else was lecito esprimerla”.

E’ una frase che fornisce un’idea precisa della linea di demarcazione che separa i membri dell’élite dai sognatori suoi manovali. L’élite pianifica, organizza, gestisce, manovra la percezione del mondo e la stessa violenza di piazza secondo modalità che sono funzionali ai suoi obiettivi; la carne da cannone è del tutto priva di capacità di decodifica dell’esistente e di schemi progettuali. Possiede solo la sua rabbia istintiva (a cui attribuisce addirittura un valore etico trascendente, trattandosi dell’unica prerogativa a sua disposizione) che ritiene lecito sfogare, una volta superato un certo livello, su qualunque cosa gli capiti a tiro. Come il buon padre di famiglia, who came home from work frustrated and destroyed, considers legitimate beaten up his wife and children, because someone has to let off steam. My article was titled "The revolution failed and I do not think I could have chosen a better title.

I quoted the above-mentioned issue, in exergue, a phrase taken from "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. I wonder what would have thought the ancient Chinese strategist of an "army", as seen in action in Rome on 14 last year, attacking battle just to vent their frustration, fighting only in times and places is to define the enemy, with appropriate notification to troops, who are led by the generals of the army to fight the enemy or sold to it by the traitors, who carry themselves well in view of the currency union and party of the stars that were honored for their treachery, that during the battle does not attack the enemy but their own comrades and fellow sufferers, destroying their property and burning their villages, thus spreading the hatred and the desire of defection among their own ranks, using violence inappropriately and against random targets, rather than confidential (as Sun Tzu suggested) to the end of the war, to seal a victory already achieved through diplomacy, communication, cunning e l’inganno. Probabilmente il vecchio cinese non avrebbe destinato ad una simile masnada l’appellativo di “esercito”, limitandosi a considerarla una congrega di scimmie infuriate e a riderci sopra. Ancora più verosimilmente, avrebbe avuto parole di lode e di stima per i generali dell’esercito loro nemico, dimostratisi capaci di ridurre gli avversari alla più assoluta impotenza senza neppure muoversi dal proprio accampamento. “Tutta la guerra è basata sull’inganno. Perciò, quando siamo pronti ad aggredire, dobbiamo apparire impreparati; quando adoperiamo le nostre forze, dobbiamo sembrare inattivi; quando siamo vicini, dobbiamo far credere al nemico che siamo lontani; quando siamo lontani, we must make him believe we are close. Be prepared baits to entice the enemy. Fomenting disorder and crush "


As is my implacable hatred of supranational structures, economic and political changes which have reduced to slavery in our country, I have to admit to their general strategic capacity of one billion times that of scoundrels seen in action in squares homegrown. It 's normal, the rest is no accident that they are the elite, while the rogues above are unaware that the mob is operated to achieve the objectives set. I imagine that, in this case, the objective - or one of the goals - was to unseat a government, bad yes, but it proved too independent and unresponsive to the orders in foreign policy. Yet, despite the excellent strategy developed in the field, the ruling elite seems, for now, have failed. The government indicted remained in office, albeit for just three votes of the majority. His political opponents are now in disarray, including renegade Finian so carefully constructed and financed, forced to cancel a foul in a fruit salad electorally impossible "third pole", which foreshadows the impending extinction. You have to ask: why do they fail? Why antiberlusconiana mob, sent to put down the renegade Governor of the colony, while duly infiltrated by operatives of the enemy, yet failed to pursue the coveted result?

The reason is simple: there is no one more elite. In the era of geopolitical redefinition of global elites who compete for control of the masses and their subjection to the slogans have become a plurality. The officer dusted the dilapidated old nomenclature schemes of interpretation of the world organized by dichotomies ("fascism-communism", "democracy-dictatorship", "Berlusconi-antiberlusconiano," "racist, anti-racist" and so polarization) while the new elite that they contend the power to try to fit in the game of manipulation of consciences with other prefabricated models and alternative narratives. This battle for control of the masses is fought (as has always happened throughout history) in the field of information and entertainment. That is just behind those keyboards that the Pasdaran revolutionary square were used - a little 'political foolishness, a little' for cultural programming skillfully administered by the enemy's strategy - to despise and mock. E 'behind the keyboards of the Web, the editorial offices, publishing houses that are defined and perfected the new models of perception and thought that the masses will bring its vision of the world in future decades. E 'behind the keyboards are designed for programmers new web content, through which the electronic media will be managed for the purposes of their domination of the intellectual class that will come out winner of the clash. It 's always behind the keyboards that come the social networking sites like Facebook, and make profits rimbecillire controllable, illiteracy, the new generations, like Twitter or through channels that already travel directives and orders for the management of the "color revolutions" fueled by the power (as seen at the infamous "Revolution Green Iran), temples or new information "alternative" as Wikileaks, created to replace the free information on the web, replacing it with an authoritative and weighty mass of anything objective, devoid of any critical elaboration.

In this clash of nomenclature, as always, the mob Busters Square will play the role of shock troops, under orders of the organization of power that will win the information war.

must therefore decide - and decide now - if we want to play the role of soldiers who suffer the next revolution of fortune or projects that the planning and maneuvering. I therefore appeal to all rational minds that ritrovatesi last Tuesday in the middle of a war whose design had not contributed in any way, they heard "skin" of being in the wrong level of the hierarchy. I invite all these people to give up the Molotov cocktails, brawling with the cops and the shields of cardboard and come behind the keyboards, where there is an urgent need them. As a mercenary truppaglia to throw into the fray against the enemy we have too. We need generals, strategists, programmers, psychologists of the masses, writers, columnists, ministers of (our) propaganda. E 'with these tools and only those who organization and above all - how he said the old Sun Tzu wisely - you can try to win wars and revolutions.

Category: Italian Political


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