Thursday, December 23, 2010
Fewred Spots On The Tongue
Interview with Paul Barnard
LONDON - Elite absolutely overwhelming return of the cockpit is the argument of the essay "The greatest crime," published by the journalist and writer Paul Barnard
Sixty pages of names, details the political, social and economic eighty years on History in the West, with particular attention to Europe's single currency. A coin is no longer sovereign as well as national, but which must be borrowed: a feature that limits the ability of investment for such works as may be the reconstruction of the Eagle.
Almost a century during which, according to Barnard social achievements have been knocked down with blows of every kind of colossal lies and fabricated stories of ghosts who, in essence, had always dominated the destinies of nations, but which, following the Enlightenment and democratic development to the aftermath of the French Revolution, was forced to retreat in the face of widespread dissemination of ideas contrary to own.
interviewed him.He recently published "The Greatest Crime", which explains what has happened in the West over the last eighty years. In social and economic terms, a real disaster.
Yes, a criminal and treacherous plan to return to the absolutist power of large industrial and financial elites, particularly in Europe. They kept millions of people in poverty and insecurity for pure calculation domain and never for real economic needs. I am speaking of Western citizens, not the Third World.
difficult to summarize everything in a few lines, but you try.
The "True Power" has thought about how to remove the ability of states to deficit spending. The debt was actually a ghost, currency sovereign states to manage its economy could simply inventing enough money to repay the debt, but this was intolerable for the industrial and economic elite, who thus would lose too much power. From there it all came about.
citizens and workers, people who lost the most basic guarantees, with those who have to take it? Who's who sold everything and everyone? Who does not li ha difesi?
Se la devono prendere con le élite e i loro intellettuali, che descrivo nel saggio “Il più grande crimine”. Poi, in Italia, con il centrosinistra che è stato a tutti gli effetti il paggio in Italia del potere, del “Vero Potere”. Con i sindacati che non hanno capito niente di cosa il potere stava facendo e di come lo faceva, e si sono letteralmente venduti a esso. Infine con se stessi, per non voler agire con radicalismo né voler capire neppure quando gli viene detto cosa accade.
Nel saggio sottolinea che il progetto criminoso ha distrutto gli Stati sovrani e le leggi che li rendono tali e ha marginalizzato i cittadini attraverso some "tricks". How were "winners" winners and losers the losers?
were the winners with a complete framework for action around the world, with huge funding, with a job creation brains approved and put in all the key posts of the company that counts. The losers so fascinated by the culture of visibility and commercial entities, unable to understand who the "True Power" and how to act, more distracted from this task by dell'antisistema bogus heroes. In general, the losers have focused on the street parties to work seriously, gray day that was used to understand and combat power.
What is really going to Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain?
strangled are socially and are required to maintain the euro, which can not afford. This allows for Germany and France on behalf of large industrial and financial groups, to force countries to savage cuts in public sector wages and a squeeze of blood and tears, with the ultimate goal of getting to Europe in the pockets of workers paid "Chinese" to make profits on exports. Italy and other eurozone states are intended for that purpose.
Next, therefore, we are Italians? And England? The English are a sovereign currency, yet public spending cuts and deregulation of private ... The prime minister, David Cameron, often uses the slogan "less state, more companies" on the road towards a "Big Society. What "philosophy" behind?
Eurozone Member States have lost their sovereign currencies (the lira, marks, etc.), which theoretically allows them to manage their business and sovereign state spending. Today, the euro is no longer a sovereign currency because it does not belong to any European nation. All Member States of the Eurozone the need to borrow from banks and private markets, with catastrophic consequences on the budget.
Among other things, if we still had currency sovereign, the government could easily spend to rebuild the whole Abruzzo earthquake stricken unlimited budget. Britain have a sovereign currency, the pound, but his government has decided to only ideological reasons not to use the money to create jobs and public services. In fact, both sectors are cutting savagely same powers on behalf of industrial and financial statements referred to above, which are the true masters of politicians.
She lived for some time in London, one of the capitals 'moral' of world capitalism. What moments of the project under his care in the assay was able to live in his experience overseas?
is too long to tell here, but in summary I have seen with my own eyes the horrifying results of the compression of public spending by Thatcher, retention, at the behest of the elite financial speculation, a strong pound with low inflation , which meant the death of UK export markets and the collapse of wages of millions of British workers.
I saw the swell of the housing bubble and the tragedy of its collapse, with special hunger. But in a nutshell, I could grow each days on the streets with the homeless sleeping bags, and they were all young industrial suburbs of starving those neoliberal policies. And with them alcohol and drugs, despair.
According to a French economist interviewed by her, "very few politicians understand how the monetary system and the true nature of the European Central Bank, so they fall easily into the ideological trap of financial elites. For example, Jean-Claude Trichet (ECB governor today, ed) when he was director of the French Treasury entirely ignorant of the rules of the modern banking system and economy. " How can such a thing? Where the infection starts dotage of the economy?
It is not difficult to understand. Who has been trained for life on economic theory dates to the Gospel, can never throw to the winds all that believed in and that gave power career and to embrace a new truth. Economic neo-liberalism has become the gospel of all lectures of the world economy that matters, of each master to managers, politicians, technocrats, and they believe blindly. But a theory is absurd and factually wrong, which obviously benefits only the elites who have imposed.
The nineteenth-century doctor who first realized that the doctors were right to spread infection risk of dying due to the fact that you do not wash their hands after autopsies, was ousted and imprisoned in a mental hospital. They were doctors, they investigated, but did not understand a damn infectious diseases. The same is true today among economists, blinded by dogma that they studied.
A milestone in the "crime" is named after the Treaty of Lisbon. What is essentially the form in which it was proposed to the European citizens and which will have real effects on the autonomy of nations?
is in fact a European constitution introduced surreptitiously through the side door policy after the failure of such a Constitution in 2005 by France and the Netherlands, designed as citizens, not governments. As I wrote before, "the seal to this betrayal of democratic principles was made by the same Valéry Giscard D'Estaing (former French President, ed), in a statement of 27 October 2007, collected by the European press: 'The Treaty is equal to the rejected Constitution. Only the format is different, to avoid the referendum '. The heads of state were unanimous this time: not the opinion of voters, no to the referendum. " The autonomy of the 27 EU nations no longer exists, since all its legislative powers of national parliaments is now subject to the higher authority of the legislative power of the European Commission, that none of us chooses.
He cited the example of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bleader Antonio Di Pietro, one of many who fought to defend the Italian Constitution and then sign the Treaty in fact abolished. Simple ignorance or even run?
Di Pietro, with his retinue of the usual suspects, he fills his mouth every single day of desperate proclamations in defense of the Italian Constitution, which he and his deputies and senators have signed the abolition on 23 and 31 July 2008. In those given an Italy ignorant of politics and / or in bad faith, including IDV, ratified the Treaty of Lisbon then deposited on 8 August, which actually submit our Constitution of 1948 because, as stated in a binding decision of the European Court of Justice "The European treaties are the legal constitution of a community, a new legal order in front of which States have limited their sovereign rights. "
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, called for an amendment to the Lisbon Treaty just to block the German Constitutional Court who wanted to reject the EU decisions on saving Greece. It means that the Treaty is more powerful than the German Constitutional Court.
The real "masters of steam" as they think to manage an indefinite period of crisis and unemployment of this magnitude? Perhaps you are not exaggerating?
sure they are exaggerating. But they never had and never will have a systemic view of the economy. Means they are devouring everything that can tear now, immediately, with absolutely no thought to long-term consequences. The catastrophic financial crisis of 2007-2010 is glaring proof of what I say, they destroyed the finances of the Western world in two years and none of them has ever worried about the systemic damage.
The banks themselves have speculated as sharks and then many of them have sunk while still feasting. But the big speculation banks and large institutions know that they can destroy at will, then so much the politicians will use the funds they command the States to save them. What happened in Italy (52 € billion disbursed to them) and worldwide (about 12 trillion dollars disbursed).
Europe is destined to be a rather poor area, then. Why? Just to compete with the new realities such as China and India, which produce virtually no labor costs?
is bound to have huge pockets of paid work in China for that purpose. But also to impoverish all European public markets that will then be sold off for pennies on individuals, especially essential services like health, water, social assistance, registers, cemeteries, education and so on. The people, though impoverished, will necessarily have to pay for those services, guaranteeing some profit to those who own them.
Students in revolt throughout Europe for increases to education. To be manageable, the mass must remain ignorant?
The reason is twofold: to better control the ignorant, sure, but most are paid less. They want to compress the wage levels in China and we understand that compress on millions of graduates and more difficult for millions of newly qualified or even no.
Prodi, D'Alema, Amato, Veltroni and other of the center have helped to speed up privatization and internationalization of Italian public companies. A work in theory, given the economic right, as happened in Britain with Labour, right, Tony Blair. What was not understood in this process? For those who really worked the Italian center-left?
They are the heirs of the Communist Party, which from 60-70 years had already positioned as a privileged interlocutor of the U.S. and big business, while in the streets was the rhetoric of workers. The center has inherited the most powerful party-company in the world, for which he immediately understood what was needed to maintain links with large international finance.
But in Italy has been discussed for nearly two decades only to Berlusconi, or with him or against him, with all the forces in the field to defend him or kill him. She described him as "a problem biodegradable" He considers it a political series C with a limited power to his backyard.
The right of Berlusconi is a congregation of caciaroni, businessmen from peanuts, improvised, emerging from small parties disappeared, dwarfs and dancers and the "True Power" do not understand anything.
And why the prime minister is not welcome the famous upper floors? Who is it that you really do not tolerate it anymore?
is hated by the international finance, which in Italy in his assassin Carlo De Benedetti
(sMarco Travaglio, Amato, Prodi, D'Alema, etc.). He entered politics with their support, when they thought it was a pure liberal, but when it turned out to disobedient torpedoed in '94, the league ordered to leave the government. But they had not come to terms with the Italians, who always re-elect him. From 2004 to 2009 all the major international financial press broke down as an "enemy of the free market" with a ferocity only. It will mean something, right? He did not understand warnings, scolding. He went on to make his foul deed in the courtyard of his home, caring about the interests of international masters. The Alitalia case has angered the European corporate rooms and his recent letter to the G20 in Seoul, where it asks to put the handcuffs on global speculative finance, has definitively condemned. I'm not saying that Berlusconi is a good statesman, just do not understand those who must obey. Prodi and D'Alema understood it immediately, because in the '90s did the European record of privatization.
Salto in the past. Tangentopoli is against the conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theories in general, but a doubt about that episode Italy's history came when the Gherardo Colombo ...
Not exactly. The coincidence of dates between the explosion of the power of European neo-liberal technocrats, the fanatics of the wild privatization, free market without interference of the state laws and so, incidentally, by the disappearance of an Italian political class Tangentopoli statist and less inclined to serve U.S. interests, he raised questions long ago. I spoke to after
Gherardo Colombo, a former Clean Hands pool, but he did not go beyond a mere conjecture.Craxi and the old Italian political class, nasty, dirty, poor and corrupt, but statist, were not welcome on the upper floors. The upper floors but do not know anyone, so it fell to Craxi escape. This was a target of "almost" right?
There are no direct links between the inaction of Craxi and the power of international finance that have benefited from the disappearance of the First Republic. The latter may well have seen the surveys as a means to bring to Italy a policy to subordinate, but Craxi fled to something else.
It turns out that the efforts of civil society to change things are useless, as the actors on stage, even those considered the opposition, they would cover directors and main characters of this "comedy"?
In Italy we have a large anti-system which consists of forgeries scams that for fame, money and privileges, they are diverting the attention of millions of Italians on sub-themes, and indeed, as a Labor actively promotes the values \u200b\u200bof powers that are destroying us. This is a real tragedy, because only 0.2 percent of Italian activists realize what is happening, the tragedy of the working world through the work of financial and industrial elite.
But how? Cricket among other things fights against nuclear, Labor and constant talk in detail di Mafia e la Gabanelli, che lei conosce bene per averci lavorato per anni, “resiste” su Rai 3 insieme a Santoro. Non si impegnano abbastanza?
Leggete sopra, poi aggiungo che in nessun ‘regime’, cito Travaglio, al mondo, e mai nella storia, si sono visti ‘paladini’ dell’antisistema stare in prima serata tv. Non ho detto che certe loro denunce non siano meritevoli, il dramma è che nascondono cose mille volte più gravi e di cui non parlano mai. È come un ospedale che cura solo ulcere o reumatismi ma ignora tumori, infarti e coma.
Stando a quanto sostiene, mentre Roberto Saviano spiega in tv nascita ed evoluzione mafias in Italy, someone who is not mafia at least on paper does more harm to Riina, Buscetta, Provenzano and Schiavone? Hard to explain to those who have suffered and the violence of gangs, or not?
makes many, but a lot more damage. The Mafia in Sicily subtracts one billion euro a year of wealth, two years in the financial crisis has stolen 457 billion to Italy. Well, it's also hard to explain to someone who has thick bestial ulcer that cigarette smoking is killing him. I'm not saying that complaints Saviano not have value, only that we are all directed to treat ulcers and cancer.
Saviano then morality is a forger della peggior specie, un uomo che denuncia i 4 mila morti della Camorra in 40 anni e loda sperticatamente Israele che in un solo anno fece 19 mila morti illegalmente, che nel 2008 a Gaza ne ha fatti 1.300 in una sola azione di poche settimane. Sempre illegalmente. I morti non sono tutti uguali? I crimini non sono tutti crimini? Poi non si capisce quali rivelazioni abbia mai fatto Saviano, io non le ho viste e i napoletani che mi scrivono confermano.
Altra sua citazione. “In Italia se non sei di una parrocchia appartieni inevitabilmente a quella nemica”. Lei non vuole appartenere a nessuna delle due, ma sa bene che per certe battaglie serve visibilità. Questione amletica. Come si risolve? Esiste una cultura della “buona” visibilità?
No. L’unica è rendere protagonista ogni singolo individuo. Io ci provo senza visibilità.
I media incatenati alle esigenze dei proprietari e i giornalisti senza protezione legale per poter scrivere liberamente. Se ne uscirà? E come?
Che ciascun cittadino usi la sua testa. Non importa conoscere i dettagli dei dettagli dei dettagli, sappiamo alla nausea cosa non va, basta sapere le cose fondamentali e muoversi, agire, cose che non sappiamo più fare. Chi ha portato l’umanità dalle barbarie alla modernità lo ha saputo fare sapendo molte meno cose di noi e con mezzi primitive. Let's return to action.
A jump in the Vatican. As a percentage of the counts in Italy?
little compared against the powers of which I speak.
great crime, destruction of states and laws, the marginalization of people, depletion of the workforce, large pockets of poverty, level of general education to lower levels until the Middle Ages, spraying every concept related to social issues. Where will it all end?
In countries with two thirds of the population that survives in a range that goes from the obscene wealth to a narrow middle class in the balance, and a third way alla fame come negli Usa, dove oggi 40 milioni mangiano una sola volta al giorno e altri 45 milioni devono scegliere se curarsi o mangiare. Avremo in Europa sacche enormi di lavoro pagato alla cinese e la perdita completa di ogni sevizio pubblico. A meno che non ci svegliamo e ci ribelliamo. Questo è quanto.
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