Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Make Sling For Dog Grooming

I quattro giganti ciechi the challenge of the near future

picture not taken from the site

Giulietto Chiesa

Dopo un quarantennio imperiale, unipolare, stiamo vivendo una

parentesi multipolare

. Quanto durerà nessuno può saperlo e non abbiamo una sfera di cristallo in cui guardare. L'unica cosa che sappiamo, con certezza, da molti segnali, è che siamo nella vicinanza relativa di un punto di rottura della continuità storica: quello che si può definire come un “cambiamento di fase”, qualcosa di analogo a quello che in fisica, per esempio, è il passaggio dallo stato liquido a quello gassoso. È per questa ragione che parlo di parentesi multipolare: perché non sarà lunga come la fase storica unipolare che l'ha preceduta, e perché la sua durata equivale alla nostra distanza dal punto di rottura, o cambiamento di fase. Questa distanza si misura in anni, non in decenni e quello che avverrà in questi anni deciderà le modalità del cambiamento di fase e, in misura decisiva, deciderà anche come l'umanità uscirà dalla transizione. Dunque è molto importante capire come arriveremo al “punto di ebollizione”. Per questo occorre identificare, con la maggior precisione possibile, chi sono gli “attori” in grado, almeno in via teorica, di influire su questo temporal path.

Four and these will remain in the duration of


Other actors are about to enter arena pre-kettle, but there is no time for them to get into the whole and thus participate as supporting cast and, as such, can at most serve as catalysts of processes that go beyond them.

Who are these four? They are the United States


China, the ' Europe and Russia . Four patients with the "forces" are not homogeneous in the highest degree: for territorial extension to the situation population, for the financial dimension, composition, technological and industrial structure of trade, military, historical experience and culture. So it is very difficult to place them into a unified scale of forces to extract a list.

However the result that emerges from each of them is a "quality" or less intuitively measurable global arena in which only compete, sometimes cooperate, collide and collide. In other words: we know what each can "claim", that is to count, that affect the global situation and the behavior of the other three.

We already know che la globalizzazione ha assunto un livello tale che, per la prima volta nella storia umana, l'Uomo è in grado – per usare un'espressione di

Freeman Dyson – di “turbare l'universo”, non c'è più decisione di uno di questi giganti che possa essere assunta senza influire sull'insieme globale. È l'insieme globale, e non i suoi singoli componenti, che è oggi sottoposto alle smisurate tensioni che lo stanno conducendo a un cambiamento di fase. Se ne deduce che, per evitare che questo avvenga in forme totalmente incontrollate, catastrofiche, devastanti, occorre un consenso internazionale su tutte le prossime moves on the critical points that approximate strength (climate, money, energy, food, water, population, etc.)..

The question is this: can such a consensus? According to the current course, it is highly unlikely for several reasons, three of which determine all the others:

a) the current international architecture has no tools to change the route to the four main characters.

b) the historical legacy of the four giants is so heavy that not only prevents a joint action, but the vast majority of cases, and problems, preventing even a common thinking.

c) within the time horizon of multi parentheses

their immediate interests collide. And the intellectual level of the ruling class is quite below the requirements.

Raising the probability of an outcome "Faust" would imply a radical intervention on the three issues set out here soon.

is likely that we will succeed, given the limited time available, and given the cultural and intellectual level of political and economic elites who wield real power in the four dominant centers?

The answer can be obtained from the current state of the art: we can not lull in the illusion and cultivate hopes unfounded. We need a realistic, dramatic decisions to understand that, consistent with the immensity of the problems must be taken and that, if they are not taken, we should expect disruptions unpredictable in size, scope, impact.

Let us now fast-synthesis where are the four protagonists.


United States are in a decline

evident and unstoppable. They have already lost their imperial position, though not yet seem to have noticed. The elite that drives them seem incapable of acknowledging the situation and to reorganize accordingly. On the contrary appears prone, though confusedly, to impose its supremacy even in spite of its decline and the unsustainability of such a claim. Until the American elite will not put into question the axiom that Reagan "the standard of living of the American people is not negotiable", that country will remain a prisoner of the illusion of being able to continue to grow as it did in the last hundred years. When you see evidence that this is not feasible, the most likely outcome - in the absence of a more reasonable guide of the "tea party" and bipartisan elite in whose hands lies - will be tempted to use the 'immense military force at its disposal to crush opponents and competitors. Because his opponents and competitors are the size that we know, you can try to imagine the horrific scenarios that we outlined before.


China is the new world power

in training, also unstoppable (by peaceful means). And China, only China, the pneumatic hammer that is crushing the American Empire, it is clear that Europe is not involved in this enterprise for its total subordination to the imperial model of growth, and it is also clear that Russia can not and does not want the American decline and the fear of not less politico-economic growth China. This already works globally in all directions and rhythms that, in the next five years - in the presence of Chinese GDP growth rates of 10% per annum - we will have in front of 'one China and a half, instead of the. These growth rates, it is presumed, will pose many problems to China itself, present and future, whose positive outcome we can only hope, because, in the event of failure of his program, that we should deal with the effects would probably an order of magnitude higher than those of its success. At the same time the growth in China is and will still immense problems to the planet as a whole, affecting all points of the crisis already underway in the rest of the world (climate, energy, natural resources, finance, trade).

But with some special features essential to China's energy resources (coal) for free through the entire multi

parentheses, China is a huge market for itself, and in that bracket will proceed regardless largely from external disturbances that occur in parallel, China has a political system that allows centralized decisions and quick. Internal control is ensured by both an authoritarian political system, either by consent produced by the growth of a widespread and well-being previously unknown to large sections of society.

You can add, indeed should do, that China has a horizon and a breath historical and temporal larger than in the West as a whole, which allows a more long. I believe that these are the reasons why the current China appears better prepared to deal with the phase change I mentioned at the beginning. However, China, as at least two of the other giant planets (Europe and U.S.) does not have to undo the brake, or even stop their own, monstrous growth inertia. Today it is a moderate and prudent player, even in modest form, smiling and friendly (although very firm in defending its national interests). But when that China will become "two Cine ", that in ten years, no one can predict what will or her weight, and how they unfold the effects of its supremacy in a world already devastated in its essential balance.


Russia is - economically, demographically - the smallest of the four protagonists. But it is the largest geographically and is especially in terms of natural resources

. It is a boundless territory within which are the largest reserves of energy, raw materials, that the planet has. It is theoretically able to address the multi parentheses better of each other just in terms of resources. It has a wide spread technological intelligentsia, but has a very old industrial background, a network of inadequate infrastructure, a commercial aspect is very weak. Above is a country that is still folded in on itself twenty years after the Soviet collapse, with a ruling class mentally "comprador", largely subordinate to the United States, but with contemporary nationalist instincts and great-power ambitions frustrated. Everything under high blackmail, since the last twenty years have been for Russia frenzied imitation of American capitalist model, which has seriously affected the historical roots of Russian culture itself.

At the same time this class of oligarchs robbery did emigrate to the Western banks enormous riches that have become part and parcel of the gigantic machine of financial speculation, led by Wall Street. Russia, no investment modernizers, has remained essentially an exporter of raw materials. Under these conditions it is unlikely that Russia could look up on the horizon to take the world organization of consensus around a vision of autonomous, non-confrontational, the phase transition.

let alone this present-day Russia can aspire to become a driving force of a vision human development that speaks to the planet, a new narrative of the world up to the never slumbering ambitions of some minority to become the "Third Rome."

seems much more likely that Russia will deploy with the West against China rather than the atavistic fear of the nearby Russian giant, for the tangle of interests linking Russia to the capitalist development of consumerism that is going in ruins. Of the four giants, therefore, Russia appears less relevant in the sense of least able to influence the behavior of others, and rather inclined to be led by their actions. The Russian ace up its sleeve that will allow you to have a say, is the its nuclear power. After having lost control in the era Yeltsin - who had returned for fear of a return of communism in American hands - today it has repurchased and keep it jealously throughout the bipolar


But this card will not be playable, or will be too late, when the phase change will become turbulent and uncontrollable. And at that stage, many advanced technologies likely to become more vulnerable than ever before. Sources of danger rather than security.

L 'Europe

, eventually. It is in the throes of an unprecedented crisis, which is directed consequence of the "contagion" of Wall Street. In the sense that, having chosen Europe unequivocally the ultra-liberal U.S. financial model, appended to the British car of the train in Washington, is now forced not only to support all rescue operations of the imperial machine, but to suffer the greatest consequences .

series of speculative attacks organized by the "Washington-consensus" is threatening, in rapid succession, after Greece, a number of countries that are losing sovereignty to the benefit of the Western world's centers of finance, all centered on the dollar. The sovereignty of Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy and then gradually all others, it means additional loss of the same European sovereignty.

The American model, moreover, shows cracks so clear that even the mainstream

, fully committed, with its huge army of propagandists, to hide the evidence, unable to conceal from the European public opinion the impending disaster. The European Central Bank, instead of addressing head-on the crisis of global finance, a strategy assuming independent and different from that of Wall Street have established new rules that would force Washington to come to terms not only with Europe but with China, Japan, Brazil, India, was placed in the soil of service strategy time to save the dollar from collapsing, and America (along with Great Britain) from bankruptcy.

probably with the European elites who finds herself, Europe could not do otherwise. But the fact is now that the crisis America has become the crisis of the entire West.

And while in America, ages and s'incattiviscono the spirits of a savage capitalism at the same time of greed and self-sufficiency (both now impossible to achieve), producing a shift to the right of internal policies, Europe is witnessing the first signs of a rupture of the social pact that had held together the European societies.

A social contract with the European welfare state, spread over the period of fat cows on large sections of intermediate groups had ensured Europe with stable and surrounded by a relative consensus. Now the public, accustomed to the model of welfare, far from the American one, you see fallen back in its standard of living, while the intermediate layers increasingly large run down the social scale losing income, benefits and wellness. This Europe has been weakened economically and politically in ways that may prove irreparable. Would be the size of scale to exert a positive influence on pending lawsuits. It has the advantage of being armed strategically and, therefore, not be threatened. Could play a full mediating role before the phase change takes sweeping rhythms. But all this presupposes and implies a European sovereignty that reverses the relationship of allegiance to the United States.

of such sovereignty are untraceable. And this is one of the reasons why more than half of Europeans do not go to vote for the European institutions: a worrying sign of loosening deep democratic and a growing public distrust of a state in formation towards the ruling classes who can not drive it .

In short, the four main oarsmen, at present, only one row, while the other three are limited to fumble. That la barca, rappresentata dal nostro pianeta, possa rifugiarsi in un porto sicuro, sono davvero in pochi a credere. Per lo meno tra coloro che hanno il quadro reale della situazione davanti agli occhi.

La grande massa dei popoli non sa quasi nulla di ciò che accade. Non lo sa perché il mainstream

è stato costruito proprio per nascondere i tratti cruciali del disastro. E questo impedisce una difesa dal basso di coloro che hanno tutto da perdere, essendo in catene.

Resta, ormai visibile, una grande inquietudine. È su questa, e su una battaglia nuova, inedita, per far giungere la descrizione vera di ciò che è accaduto e accade, agli occhi (letteralmente, proprio agli occhi) delle grandi masse, che si deve fare leva. Sapendo che tutto ciò che di positivo potremo fare, dovunque ci troviamo, sotto ogni latitudine e longitudine, dovrà accadere durante la parentesi bipolare.

Un nuovo impero, se ve ne sarà uno, avrà un volto che sarà difficile guardare.

Questo articolo fa parte del numero di «AntimafiaDuemila» disponibile nelle edicole della Sicilia e nelle librerie a partire dal 20 dicembre e nelle settimane succesive

Fewred Spots On The Tongue


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Interview with Paul Barnard

LONDON - Elite absolutely overwhelming return of the cockpit is the argument of the essay "The greatest crime," published by the journalist and writer Paul Barnard

on its website.

Sixty pages of names, details the political, social and economic eighty years on History in the West, with particular attention to Europe's single currency. A coin is no longer sovereign as well as national, but which must be borrowed: a feature that limits the ability of investment for such works as may be the reconstruction of the Eagle.

Almost a century during which, according to Barnard social achievements have been knocked down with blows of every kind of colossal lies and fabricated stories of ghosts who, in essence, had always dominated the destinies of nations, but which, following the Enlightenment and democratic development to the aftermath of the French Revolution, was forced to retreat in the face of widespread dissemination of ideas contrary to own.


interviewed him.

He recently published "The Greatest Crime", which explains what has happened in the West over the last eighty years. In social and economic terms, a real disaster.

Yes, a criminal and treacherous plan to return to the absolutist power of large industrial and financial elites, particularly in Europe. They kept millions of people in poverty and insecurity for pure calculation domain and never for real economic needs. I am speaking of Western citizens, not the Third World.

difficult to summarize everything in a few lines, but you try.

The "True Power" has thought about how to remove the ability of states to deficit spending. The debt was actually a ghost, currency sovereign states to manage its economy could simply inventing enough money to repay the debt, but this was intolerable for the industrial and economic elite, who thus would lose too much power. From there it all came about.

citizens and workers, people who lost the most basic guarantees, with those who have to take it? Who's who sold everything and everyone? Who does not li ha difesi?

Se la devono prendere con le élite e i loro intellettuali, che descrivo nel saggio “Il più grande crimine”. Poi, in Italia, con il centrosinistra che è stato a tutti gli effetti il paggio in Italia del potere, del “Vero Potere”. Con i sindacati che non hanno capito niente di cosa il potere stava facendo e di come lo faceva, e si sono letteralmente venduti a esso. Infine con se stessi, per non voler agire con radicalismo né voler capire neppure quando gli viene detto cosa accade.

Nel saggio sottolinea che il progetto criminoso ha distrutto gli Stati sovrani e le leggi che li rendono tali e ha marginalizzato i cittadini attraverso some "tricks". How were "winners" winners and losers the losers?

were the winners with a complete framework for action around the world, with huge funding, with a job creation brains approved and put in all the key posts of the company that counts. The losers so fascinated by the culture of visibility and commercial entities, unable to understand who the "True Power" and how to act, more distracted from this task by dell'antisistema bogus heroes. In general, the losers have focused on the street parties to work seriously, gray day that was used to understand and combat power.

What is really going to Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain?

strangled are socially and are required to maintain the euro, which can not afford. This allows for Germany and France on behalf of large industrial and financial groups, to force countries to savage cuts in public sector wages and a squeeze of blood and tears, with the ultimate goal of getting to Europe in the pockets of workers paid "Chinese" to make profits on exports. Italy and other eurozone states are intended for that purpose.

Next, therefore, we are Italians? And England? The English are a sovereign currency, yet public spending cuts and deregulation of private ... The prime minister, David Cameron, often uses the slogan "less state, more companies" on the road towards a "Big Society. What "philosophy" behind?

Eurozone Member States have lost their sovereign currencies (the lira, marks, etc.), which theoretically allows them to manage their business and sovereign state spending. Today, the euro is no longer a sovereign currency because it does not belong to any European nation. All Member States of the Eurozone the need to borrow from banks and private markets, with catastrophic consequences on the budget.

Among other things, if we still had currency sovereign, the government could easily spend to rebuild the whole Abruzzo earthquake stricken unlimited budget. Britain have a sovereign currency, the pound, but his government has decided to only ideological reasons not to use the money to create jobs and public services. In fact, both sectors are cutting savagely same powers on behalf of industrial and financial statements referred to above, which are the true masters of politicians.

She lived for some time in London, one of the capitals 'moral' of world capitalism. What moments of the project under his care in the assay was able to live in his experience overseas?

is too long to tell here, but in summary I have seen with my own eyes the horrifying results of the compression of public spending by Thatcher, retention, at the behest of the elite financial speculation, a strong pound with low inflation , which meant the death of UK export markets and the collapse of wages of millions of British workers.

I saw the swell of the housing bubble and the tragedy of its collapse, with special hunger. But in a nutshell, I could grow each days on the streets with the homeless sleeping bags, and they were all young industrial suburbs of starving those neoliberal policies. And with them alcohol and drugs, despair.

According to a French economist interviewed by her, "very few politicians understand how the monetary system and the true nature of the European Central Bank, so they fall easily into the ideological trap of financial elites. For example, Jean-Claude Trichet (ECB governor today, ed) when he was director of the French Treasury entirely ignorant of the rules of the modern banking system and economy. " How can such a thing? Where the infection starts dotage of the economy?

It is not difficult to understand. Who has been trained for life on economic theory dates to the Gospel, can never throw to the winds all that believed in and that gave power career and to embrace a new truth. Economic neo-liberalism has become the gospel of all lectures of the world economy that matters, of each master to managers, politicians, technocrats, and they believe blindly. But a theory is absurd and factually wrong, which obviously benefits only the elites who have imposed.

The nineteenth-century doctor who first realized that the doctors were right to spread infection risk of dying due to the fact that you do not wash their hands after autopsies, was ousted and imprisoned in a mental hospital. They were doctors, they investigated, but did not understand a damn infectious diseases. The same is true today among economists, blinded by dogma that they studied.

A milestone in the "crime" is named after the Treaty of Lisbon. What is essentially the form in which it was proposed to the European citizens and which will have real effects on the autonomy of nations?

is in fact a European constitution introduced surreptitiously through the side door policy after the failure of such a Constitution in 2005 by France and the Netherlands, designed as citizens, not governments. As I wrote before, "the seal to this betrayal of democratic principles was made by the same Valéry Giscard D'Estaing (former French President, ed), in a statement of 27 October 2007, collected by the European press: 'The Treaty is equal to the rejected Constitution. Only the format is different, to avoid the referendum '. The heads of state were unanimous this time: not the opinion of voters, no to the referendum. " The autonomy of the 27 EU nations no longer exists, since all its legislative powers of national parliaments is now subject to the higher authority of the legislative power of the European Commission, that none of us chooses.

He cited the example of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bleader Antonio Di Pietro, one of many who fought to defend the Italian Constitution and then sign the Treaty in fact abolished. Simple ignorance or even run?

Di Pietro, with his retinue of the usual suspects, he fills his mouth every single day of desperate proclamations in defense of the Italian Constitution, which he and his deputies and senators have signed the abolition on 23 and 31 July 2008. In those given an Italy ignorant of politics and / or in bad faith, including IDV, ratified the Treaty of Lisbon then deposited on 8 August, which actually submit our Constitution of 1948 because, as stated in a binding decision of the European Court of Justice "The European treaties are the legal constitution of a community, a new legal order in front of which States have limited their sovereign rights. "

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, called for an amendment to the Lisbon Treaty just to block the German Constitutional Court who wanted to reject the EU decisions on saving Greece. It means that the Treaty is more powerful than the German Constitutional Court.

The real "masters of steam" as they think to manage an indefinite period of crisis and unemployment of this magnitude? Perhaps you are not exaggerating?

sure they are exaggerating. But they never had and never will have a systemic view of the economy. Means they are devouring everything that can tear now, immediately, with absolutely no thought to long-term consequences. The catastrophic financial crisis of 2007-2010 is glaring proof of what I say, they destroyed the finances of the Western world in two years and none of them has ever worried about the systemic damage.

The banks themselves have speculated as sharks and then many of them have sunk while still feasting. But the big speculation banks and large institutions know that they can destroy at will, then so much the politicians will use the funds they command the States to save them. What happened in Italy (52 € billion disbursed to them) and worldwide (about 12 trillion dollars disbursed).

Europe is destined to be a rather poor area, then. Why? Just to compete with the new realities such as China and India, which produce virtually no labor costs?

is bound to have huge pockets of paid work in China for that purpose. But also to impoverish all European public markets that will then be sold off for pennies on individuals, especially essential services like health, water, social assistance, registers, cemeteries, education and so on. The people, though impoverished, will necessarily have to pay for those services, guaranteeing some profit to those who own them.

Students in revolt throughout Europe for increases to education. To be manageable, the mass must remain ignorant?

The reason is twofold: to better control the ignorant, sure, but most are paid less. They want to compress the wage levels in China and we understand that compress on millions of graduates and more difficult for millions of newly qualified or even no.

Prodi, D'Alema, Amato, Veltroni and other of the center have helped to speed up privatization and internationalization of Italian public companies. A work in theory, given the economic right, as happened in Britain with Labour, right, Tony Blair. What was not understood in this process? For those who really worked the Italian center-left?

They are the heirs of the Communist Party, which from 60-70 years had already positioned as a privileged interlocutor of the U.S. and big business, while in the streets was the rhetoric of workers. The center has inherited the most powerful party-company in the world, for which he immediately understood what was needed to maintain links with large international finance.

But in Italy has been discussed for nearly two decades only to Berlusconi, or with him or against him, with all the forces in the field to defend him or kill him. She described him as "a problem biodegradable" He considers it a political series C with a limited power to his backyard.

The right of Berlusconi is a congregation of caciaroni, businessmen from peanuts, improvised, emerging from small parties disappeared, dwarfs and dancers and the "True Power" do not understand anything.

And why the prime minister is not welcome the famous upper floors? Who is it that you really do not tolerate it anymore?

is hated by the international finance, which in Italy in his assassin Carlo De Benedetti


Marco Travaglio, Amato, Prodi, D'Alema, etc.). He entered politics with their support, when they thought it was a pure liberal, but when it turned out to disobedient torpedoed in '94, the league ordered to leave the government. But they had not come to terms with the Italians, who always re-elect him. From 2004 to 2009 all the major international financial press broke down as an "enemy of the free market" with a ferocity only. It will mean something, right? He did not understand warnings, scolding. He went on to make his foul deed in the courtyard of his home, caring about the interests of international masters. The Alitalia case has angered the European corporate rooms and his recent letter to the G20 in Seoul, where it asks to put the handcuffs on global speculative finance, has definitively condemned. I'm not saying that Berlusconi is a good statesman, just do not understand those who must obey. Prodi and D'Alema understood it immediately, because in the '90s did the European record of privatization.

Salto in the past. Tangentopoli is against the conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theories in general, but a doubt about that episode Italy's history came when the Gherardo Colombo ...

Not exactly. The coincidence of dates between the explosion of the power of European neo-liberal technocrats, the fanatics of the wild privatization, free market without interference of the state laws and so, incidentally, by the disappearance of an Italian political class Tangentopoli statist and less inclined to serve U.S. interests, he raised questions long ago. I spoke to after

Gherardo Colombo, a former Clean Hands pool, but he did not go beyond a mere conjecture.

Craxi and the old Italian political class, nasty, dirty, poor and corrupt, but statist, were not welcome on the upper floors. The upper floors but do not know anyone, so it fell to Craxi escape. This was a target of "almost" right?

There are no direct links between the inaction of Craxi and the power of international finance that have benefited from the disappearance of the First Republic. The latter may well have seen the surveys as a means to bring to Italy a policy to subordinate, but Craxi fled to something else.

It turns out that the efforts of civil society to change things are useless, as the actors on stage, even those considered the opposition, they would cover directors and main characters of this "comedy"?

In Italy we have a large anti-system which consists of forgeries scams that for fame, money and privileges, they are diverting the attention of millions of Italians on sub-themes, and indeed, as a Labor actively promotes the values \u200b\u200bof powers that are destroying us. This is a real tragedy, because only 0.2 percent of Italian activists realize what is happening, the tragedy of the working world through the work of financial and industrial elite.

But how? Cricket among other things fights against nuclear, Labor and constant talk in detail di Mafia e la Gabanelli, che lei conosce bene per averci lavorato per anni, “resiste” su Rai 3 insieme a Santoro. Non si impegnano abbastanza?

Leggete sopra, poi aggiungo che in nessun ‘regime’, cito Travaglio, al mondo, e mai nella storia, si sono visti ‘paladini’ dell’antisistema stare in prima serata tv. Non ho detto che certe loro denunce non siano meritevoli, il dramma è che nascondono cose mille volte più gravi e di cui non parlano mai. È come un ospedale che cura solo ulcere o reumatismi ma ignora tumori, infarti e coma.

Stando a quanto sostiene, mentre Roberto Saviano spiega in tv nascita ed evoluzione mafias in Italy, someone who is not mafia at least on paper does more harm to Riina, Buscetta, Provenzano and Schiavone? Hard to explain to those who have suffered and the violence of gangs, or not?

makes many, but a lot more damage. The Mafia in Sicily subtracts one billion euro a year of wealth, two years in the financial crisis has stolen 457 billion to Italy. Well, it's also hard to explain to someone who has thick bestial ulcer that cigarette smoking is killing him. I'm not saying that complaints Saviano not have value, only that we are all directed to treat ulcers and cancer.

Saviano then morality is a forger della peggior specie, un uomo che denuncia i 4 mila morti della Camorra in 40 anni e loda sperticatamente Israele che in un solo anno fece 19 mila morti illegalmente, che nel 2008 a Gaza ne ha fatti 1.300 in una sola azione di poche settimane. Sempre illegalmente. I morti non sono tutti uguali? I crimini non sono tutti crimini? Poi non si capisce quali rivelazioni abbia mai fatto Saviano, io non le ho viste e i napoletani che mi scrivono confermano.

Altra sua citazione. “In Italia se non sei di una parrocchia appartieni inevitabilmente a quella nemica”. Lei non vuole appartenere a nessuna delle due, ma sa bene che per certe battaglie serve visibilità. Questione amletica. Come si risolve? Esiste una cultura della “buona” visibilità?

No. L’unica è rendere protagonista ogni singolo individuo. Io ci provo senza visibilità.

I media incatenati alle esigenze dei proprietari e i giornalisti senza protezione legale per poter scrivere liberamente. Se ne uscirà? E come?

Che ciascun cittadino usi la sua testa. Non importa conoscere i dettagli dei dettagli dei dettagli, sappiamo alla nausea cosa non va, basta sapere le cose fondamentali e muoversi, agire, cose che non sappiamo più fare. Chi ha portato l’umanità dalle barbarie alla modernità lo ha saputo fare sapendo molte meno cose di noi e con mezzi primitive. Let's return to action.

A jump in the Vatican. As a percentage of the counts in Italy?

little compared against the powers of which I speak.

great crime, destruction of states and laws, the marginalization of people, depletion of the workforce, large pockets of poverty, level of general education to lower levels until the Middle Ages, spraying every concept related to social issues. Where will it all end?

In countries with two thirds of the population that survives in a range that goes from the obscene wealth to a narrow middle class in the balance, and a third way alla fame come negli Usa, dove oggi 40 milioni mangiano una sola volta al giorno e altri 45 milioni devono scegliere se curarsi o mangiare. Avremo in Europa sacche enormi di lavoro pagato alla cinese e la perdita completa di ogni sevizio pubblico. A meno che non ci svegliamo e ci ribelliamo. Questo è quanto.

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Picked by: Gianluca Freda

The reader Mirko wrote in comments relating to '

article on the clashes in Rome : articolone Wow ... that do not complete it because talking about the consequences of the "strategy of compromise, determination, practice of power used to defeat the power "? So, maybe we can get alla degenerazione della rivoluzione russa che hai citato... Trai forse godimento dai pestaggi, visti i continui incitamenti alla violenza della celere? Ti sconvolge tanto la vista di due tavolini privati sottratti da un bar privato per essere lanciati, ma non parli della disperazione dei lanciatori d'immondizia di Terzigno e dei terremotati, anche loro in piazza. Secondo il tuo ragionamento è una brutta cosa sporcare Roma con l'immondizia, meglio tacere e respirare diossine in silenzio, non lamentarsi in questo modo "barbaro"...chissà cosa penseranno quelli dei bar... Non capisco, invece, a cosa serva pontificare dalla tastiera come fai tu, dando dei falliti e degli impotenti a chi ancora - e fortunatamente- possiede dei sogni. Mi chiedo come si fa -e come fai- a fare qualsiasi cosa senza il motore dei sogni e dell'utopia? Concludo dicendo che, almeno secondo me, l'altro giorno in piazza si è espressa unicamente la rabbia, forse non è servito a niente, ma era se non altro lecito esprimerla; la violenza, come sempre, è arrivata, e continua ad arrivare, da chi detiene la forza ed il potere. Saluti.

Il lettore ritiene che sogni e utopie siano il motore di ogni cambiamento. Può darsi che questo sia vero per la vita individuale. Ma quando parliamo della progettazione di un cambiamento sociale, sarebbe bene che ci abituassimo a lasciare i sogni nella dimensione che ad essi appartiene di diritto: quella del dormiveglia e delle fantasie notturne. Appaltare le trasformazioni sociali a branchi di sonnambuli e parolai in pigiama, produce, anche nella migliore delle ipotesi, un fastidioso e rumoroso nulla di fatto, ammantato di deliri teoretici, come quelli che siamo abituati ad ascoltare – senza ormai troppa distinzione – tanto nelle parole dei “rivoluzionari” da centro sociale quanto nei discorsi dei “rivoluzionari” da organigramma di sindacato e di partito nel corso delle periodiche ed inutili manifestazioni “di protesta” accalappiagonzi. Nell’ipotesi peggiore (che è poi di gran lunga la più frequente e storicamente diffusa) l’allucinazione utopica produce semplice manovalanza per “rivoluzioni” managed by the power and purpose directed to exactly the opposite of those sleepers that dreamers own plan while moving in a fit of delirium. Pay attention to a fool: revolutions, real ones are very cute and stuff for people with feet on the ground. Above all, are the stuff of elite. Where, the term "elite" is not intended to indicate a reality characterized in terms of economic or social hierarchy, but to their political pragmatism and planning rights. Planning which, in all historical revolutions of any significance, it is always implemented through the exchange of ideas and programs through the existing means of communication, including keyboards. In any social upheaval of success is a "head" that directs the operations, represented by the elite who have the necessary means of communication to spread the ideas in the mass and the key words which must be based on the insurgency, and there are multitudes of " dreamers "for nothing part that serve as mere cannon fodder. Needless to say, the effects of the revolution are proving profitable for the elite and devastating for the Utopians sleepwalkers. Do not want to detract from the usefulness of the latter, without whose incompetence and political irriflessività no revolution is possible. I do not have with decerebration Smasher we've seen in action in Rome nor with the flocks of sheep to the pastures of transhuman periodically protest on a special coach union, which efficiently play its role as soldiers. I have it with elites from which the masses are currently managed and manipulated. Because the goals set by these power elites are completely antithetical to what I consider to be the current interest of our country, taken as a whole total of shepherds and herds of colonels and subordinates.

And 'is significant that the reader writes: " to me the other day in the square there is only expressed anger, perhaps it did not do anything, but if nothing else was lecito esprimerla”.

E’ una frase che fornisce un’idea precisa della linea di demarcazione che separa i membri dell’élite dai sognatori suoi manovali. L’élite pianifica, organizza, gestisce, manovra la percezione del mondo e la stessa violenza di piazza secondo modalità che sono funzionali ai suoi obiettivi; la carne da cannone è del tutto priva di capacità di decodifica dell’esistente e di schemi progettuali. Possiede solo la sua rabbia istintiva (a cui attribuisce addirittura un valore etico trascendente, trattandosi dell’unica prerogativa a sua disposizione) che ritiene lecito sfogare, una volta superato un certo livello, su qualunque cosa gli capiti a tiro. Come il buon padre di famiglia, who came home from work frustrated and destroyed, considers legitimate beaten up his wife and children, because someone has to let off steam. My article was titled "The revolution failed and I do not think I could have chosen a better title.

I quoted the above-mentioned issue, in exergue, a phrase taken from "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. I wonder what would have thought the ancient Chinese strategist of an "army", as seen in action in Rome on 14 last year, attacking battle just to vent their frustration, fighting only in times and places is to define the enemy, with appropriate notification to troops, who are led by the generals of the army to fight the enemy or sold to it by the traitors, who carry themselves well in view of the currency union and party of the stars that were honored for their treachery, that during the battle does not attack the enemy but their own comrades and fellow sufferers, destroying their property and burning their villages, thus spreading the hatred and the desire of defection among their own ranks, using violence inappropriately and against random targets, rather than confidential (as Sun Tzu suggested) to the end of the war, to seal a victory already achieved through diplomacy, communication, cunning e l’inganno. Probabilmente il vecchio cinese non avrebbe destinato ad una simile masnada l’appellativo di “esercito”, limitandosi a considerarla una congrega di scimmie infuriate e a riderci sopra. Ancora più verosimilmente, avrebbe avuto parole di lode e di stima per i generali dell’esercito loro nemico, dimostratisi capaci di ridurre gli avversari alla più assoluta impotenza senza neppure muoversi dal proprio accampamento. “Tutta la guerra è basata sull’inganno. Perciò, quando siamo pronti ad aggredire, dobbiamo apparire impreparati; quando adoperiamo le nostre forze, dobbiamo sembrare inattivi; quando siamo vicini, dobbiamo far credere al nemico che siamo lontani; quando siamo lontani, we must make him believe we are close. Be prepared baits to entice the enemy. Fomenting disorder and crush "


As is my implacable hatred of supranational structures, economic and political changes which have reduced to slavery in our country, I have to admit to their general strategic capacity of one billion times that of scoundrels seen in action in squares homegrown. It 's normal, the rest is no accident that they are the elite, while the rogues above are unaware that the mob is operated to achieve the objectives set. I imagine that, in this case, the objective - or one of the goals - was to unseat a government, bad yes, but it proved too independent and unresponsive to the orders in foreign policy. Yet, despite the excellent strategy developed in the field, the ruling elite seems, for now, have failed. The government indicted remained in office, albeit for just three votes of the majority. His political opponents are now in disarray, including renegade Finian so carefully constructed and financed, forced to cancel a foul in a fruit salad electorally impossible "third pole", which foreshadows the impending extinction. You have to ask: why do they fail? Why antiberlusconiana mob, sent to put down the renegade Governor of the colony, while duly infiltrated by operatives of the enemy, yet failed to pursue the coveted result?

The reason is simple: there is no one more elite. In the era of geopolitical redefinition of global elites who compete for control of the masses and their subjection to the slogans have become a plurality. The officer dusted the dilapidated old nomenclature schemes of interpretation of the world organized by dichotomies ("fascism-communism", "democracy-dictatorship", "Berlusconi-antiberlusconiano," "racist, anti-racist" and so polarization) while the new elite that they contend the power to try to fit in the game of manipulation of consciences with other prefabricated models and alternative narratives. This battle for control of the masses is fought (as has always happened throughout history) in the field of information and entertainment. That is just behind those keyboards that the Pasdaran revolutionary square were used - a little 'political foolishness, a little' for cultural programming skillfully administered by the enemy's strategy - to despise and mock. E 'behind the keyboards of the Web, the editorial offices, publishing houses that are defined and perfected the new models of perception and thought that the masses will bring its vision of the world in future decades. E 'behind the keyboards are designed for programmers new web content, through which the electronic media will be managed for the purposes of their domination of the intellectual class that will come out winner of the clash. It 's always behind the keyboards that come the social networking sites like Facebook, and make profits rimbecillire controllable, illiteracy, the new generations, like Twitter or through channels that already travel directives and orders for the management of the "color revolutions" fueled by the power (as seen at the infamous "Revolution Green Iran), temples or new information "alternative" as Wikileaks, created to replace the free information on the web, replacing it with an authoritative and weighty mass of anything objective, devoid of any critical elaboration.

In this clash of nomenclature, as always, the mob Busters Square will play the role of shock troops, under orders of the organization of power that will win the information war.

must therefore decide - and decide now - if we want to play the role of soldiers who suffer the next revolution of fortune or projects that the planning and maneuvering. I therefore appeal to all rational minds that ritrovatesi last Tuesday in the middle of a war whose design had not contributed in any way, they heard "skin" of being in the wrong level of the hierarchy. I invite all these people to give up the Molotov cocktails, brawling with the cops and the shields of cardboard and come behind the keyboards, where there is an urgent need them. As a mercenary truppaglia to throw into the fray against the enemy we have too. We need generals, strategists, programmers, psychologists of the masses, writers, columnists, ministers of (our) propaganda. E 'with these tools and only those who organization and above all - how he said the old Sun Tzu wisely - you can try to win wars and revolutions.

Category: Italian Political

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Crisis in Ireland: Euro failure. How and where does the Irish crisis.

European aid do not solve the crisis, but in some cases worse?
Before the crisis of 2008-2009 Ireland is one of the best performing countries in Europe, a European industry of hearts including the hi-tech sectors. The Irish public finances are in surplus even when Germany is in deficit and debt with a low of 25% of GDP from 65% in Germany. The virtuous state of Ireland is obviously well out of the spendthrift nations accused by Merkel and to whom would like to take more serious measures. And it is also clear that the demonstration are not surviving to be in good health, as opposed to the global theory of the last 15 years at least.
How and where does the crisis in Ireland? And because the Europeans will not help solve the crisis as witnessed by the market that does not seem to care much about all this? It 'really the fault of "bad speculators"? And why Irish politics is moving increasingly towards the rejection of European aid to the point where it splits and breaks down the Irish government?
these are all questions that we ask ourselves seriously to understand more deeply how the economy works because of these questions depends finally on whether tomorrow we will have a job and realize that one day we will make the board or file for bread. Questions that are careful not to leave us to do.
Officially Ireland is in crisis because the so-called housing bubble. Ie Irish banks would have more debt because of reckless speculation in real estate to the extent that such a step by colossal failures the Irish government was forced to intervene to rescue the banks.
What intrigues me more and more are as mentioned in previous articles about the crisis in Greek, as every time you accuse the real estate bubble .. yet the Euro was strong and solid thundered from Brussels, but also from Berlin, while the U.S. stock market collapsed ... American also will be that the bubble has other sources? At least partly so.
Actually in the next few minutes we will show you how there was no housing bubble in Ireland, but only a sale to take on the Euro and the national to enter the EU without Ireland, however, he had no need.
The first thing to impact on the Irish economy are the policies for the regulation of river fishing and hunting. The Lisbon Treaty provides for the sharing of river fishing and by virtue of its future adoption, the directives of the EU are moving in that direction, resulting in an increase in substance licenses to fish in various nations to come to nationals of nationality different ..
Ireland as do Greece and Portugal have always been a strong fishing industry, in fact, among the first to collapse both in Greece and Ireland. Armed with their large and fruitful river they made very well to the smaller number of fishermen and fishing industries of these nations, because obviously their population of fewer.
Another motivation is very important assignment in Brussels, seat of the WTO and with it the right to renegotiate trade negotiations with other nations to protect its domestic market. In other words, Ireland, Greece and Portugal as a result of WTO agreements and the EU are forced to suffer the invasion of fish outside the European low-cost, often the result di concorrenza sleale, senza poter fare nulla. E' quindi per tute queste ragioni che presto l'industria ittica Greca e Irlandese collassa fragorosamente nonostante le grida disperate di migliaia di lavoratori e cittadini contribuenti che chiedono da tempo un cambio delle politiche agricole e nell'indifferenza più completa della Leadership della UE che come previsto dal Trattato di Lisbona, per giunta prevede ed attua l'applicazione socialista/marxista della soppressione dei sussidi all'agricoltura e alla pesca in nome dell'abolizione delle dogane commerciali e dell'assegnazione di quote produttive per il controllo dei prezzi... ( teorie di Marx sul socialismo Internazionale ).
Il botto fragoroso delle relative industrie ittiche è ancora forte in memory of the Greeks and Irish citizens. Among other things, the same policies will also hyper exploitation of our rich fishing ponds to the point that the EU directive will give the senseless to prohibit fishing for clams and anything else going to seriously compromise an important niche Italian fish market that had never suffered from over-exploitation of the exponential first marine fishing licenses as a result of the above policies. We also talked about us not long ago in an article devoted entirely to the issue. In other words, just to maintain their vision of the European Union condemned to death entire industrial sectors.
In fact we see the same thing happens in other sectors. Ireland as well as the rest of the continent has suffered from unfair competition and relocation to China, India and Eastern Europe. We have been flooded with products well below market price and this has blown up as the market and industry. As a result, European companies are forced to compete with Chinese companies and are increasingly forced to underpaid employees, or to move elsewhere with the consequences of which we have spoken several times. The major industrial power in Ireland today buys about 80% of its goods from places like China.
Even then Ireland has seen the collapse of its tax revenues from industry and commerce in the face of increased costs for social assistance such as unemployment benefits, pensions and so on.
The coup de grace that will lead to a collapse of the spiral becomes steeper for the Irish economy that already faces as we see adverse market conditions, is the entrance and adoption of the Euro. By this time the Irish give up its independence in terms of economic policy such as the monetary exchange rate. 20 years ago there was already a corner on this issue and for sound economic reasons very precise because our economies, as witnessed by the difference of our currency, are very different.
Ireland viene quindi costretta ad adottare gli assai più bassi ed esigui tassi di cambio della Banca Centrale Europea con la conseguenza che la maggioranza degli investitori defluirà dall'Irlanda non più attratti da un tasso di cambio maggiore, non per cattiveria ovviamente, ma per pure e semplici leggi di mercato, e questo include fondi di investimento di grandi dimensioni come Hedge Funds sia di tipo finanziario che di finanza immobiliare il che denota un crollo del mercato immobiliare e quindi del relativo valore di mercato.
Inoltre col crollo dell'industria Irlandese crolla anche il settore finanziario che investe nel campo immobiliare come le banche e vari istituti finanziari sostenuti dall'attività dell'industria e del commercio Irlandese. Many financial institutions to invest in commercial real vice, but to protect and solidify their long-term capital nature, as the housing market is among the safest and long lasting with low volatility and diversity of income and productivity as well as resulting the sale also from renting. Property investment is not bad, but rather a supporting beam of the global economy to New York regarded as capital and global investment bank of the brick.
As we can see so the only real culprit of the crisis in Ireland is the adoption of the Euro and how we see the only real fault is that of Ireland being a country with economy is too advanced and in good condition the rest of Europe and that he had had a particular historical juncture in a very delicate political class incapable that has sold its national interests.
The Euro has not brought stability to the European economy at all and even some of these devastated nations, even those of very strong economies such as Ireland, let alone other weaker as Greece. The worst thing is that all this was to be expected from those who work for as well as for study, or at least should know about these mechanisms and economic laws that we are talking about their class and financial affairs. Indeed, who should know, except perhaps the political front, but have decided to sacrifice everything on the altar globalist ideology.
's why the full bride who writes words that Nigel Farage co.leader for Freedom and Democracy group a few days ago, addressing the European parliament says the European Commission and the global leadership behind it:
"But who the hell you people think you are?"
Those who believe they are to act so indiscriminately over the heads of people, and sacrificing freedom in the name of the well-being fanatic €-dream? Ditto for a new global order imposed from the same type and which we pay dearly for the destabilization of social and economic crisis.
Here we offer a better translation intervention Farage, compared with some already in circulation, plus some additional and important news in the queue to the movie:

Published by Sun

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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The banality of the economy (ideology) of the free market.

The image is taken from the site

Luca Correani

Just browse the front pages of a book in microeconomics to immediately see what are the conceptual categories that are at basis of modern economic thought. The first chapter is sure to be dedicated to the consumer

the second company.

universities, teaches the student that the consumer wants to maximize the utility and it does consume as many goods as possible and the firm, instead, maximize profits.

The functioning of the economy is so enclosed in two well-defined activities: production and consumption.

Economic theory tells us that a prosperous nation if the production of its industry is constantly growing and with it the consumption of goods produced. Mathematical models, increasingly complex and incomprehensible, show that the free market and deregulation facilitate this process. The state must therefore intervene only in exceptional cases as his actions cause distortions in the natural balance between supply and demand.

do not need a PhD in economics at MIT in Boston pears understand how a system based on growth

smisurata della produzione di merci e sul loro consumo sia destinato ad un inevitabile collasso, soprattutto quando la ricchezza prodotta confluisce principalmente al capitale piuttosto che al lavoro.

La continua ricerca della massimizzazione dei profitti, la necessità di garantire rendimenti crescenti agli azionisti e la presenza di forme di mercato ben lontane dalla concorrenza ha spinto le imprese da un lato ad adottare una politica di riduzione dei costi, dall’altro ad aumentare i prezzi. La perdita di potere d’acquisto del reddito da lavoro è in effetti un fenomeno evidente a tutti e comunque in atto


ben prima della crisi che stiamo vivendo. Per molti anni il sistema finanziario ha cercato di evitare l’inevitabile crollo dei consumi (e quindi dei profitti delle imprese) attraverso la concessione di credito al consumo. Ma nemmeno questo è bastato. per garantire la crescita continua del PIL si è resa necessaria la concessione di prestiti anche a soggetti privi di garanzie e dichiaratamente insolventi.

L’ingegneria finanziaria ha poi organizzato il trucco della riallocazione sul mercato finanziario di questi prestiti, con la promessa di rendimenti enormi, dando il via ad una stagione di forti e incontrollate speculazioni.

Il sistema bancario si è così trasformato, perdendo del tutto la propria funzione di finanziatore development to become rather skillful speculator, paying virtual money to people without collateral and earning real money from financial brokerage companies which yielded the debts, the latter, then, by reassigning those claims from the public, that it was intended to sustain huge losses following the burst of the bubble.

The crash occurred when the system is the enormous value created by these operations has proved to be false and without any connection with the real economy.

the free market has demonstrated its inadequacy in front of human greed and the expense is a citizen who has been due not only scale their consumption (but this is positive), making the financial crisis in the crisis of overproduction, but with its own taxes refinance banks

and (albeit to a much more limited) companies overwhelmed by the collapse of the system.

Suddenly the government action was called by all, even by economists rated the most liberal fundamentalist.

The free market economy and GDP growth has demonstrated its unfounded scientific proving to the world as pure ideology, an ideology that observed with cold eyes, turns out to be very trivial.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ballet Unitard Ballet????

"5 Star? Only in words. " The J'accuse a grillino disappointed


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Beppe Grillo è un po' qualunquista? Dì la tua
  • Grillo e il suo spin doctor: la Casaleggio Associati
  • di
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Alle scorse elezioni comunali di Bologna e alle regionali ho votato il Movimento 5 Stelle. Leggo i post di Grillo da anni, e ho visto nel Movimento una “speranza” per il nostro Paese. La scorsa primavera ho deciso di partecipare attivamente alle riunioni dello stesso. Avevo ovviamente letto il programma nazionale e ne condividevo i contenuti. Sono insegnante e mi interessano molto quelli inerenti alla scuola. Ci lavoro da quasi 30 anni e la demolizione della scuola pubblica portata avanti dalla Gelmini, la circolare Limina in Emilia Romagna che invitava i dirigenti scolastici ad assumere provvedimenti disciplinari nei confronti degli insegnanti che avessero preso posizioni pubbliche critiche nei confronti della Riforma, la situazione sempre più drammatica del nostro Paese con la crisi economica affrontata con i tagli allo Stato sociale, hanno suscitato in me la necessità di assumere un impegno civile diretto. Entrata nel Movimento ho organizzato il gruppo scuola, ho partecipato alle manifestazioni protest against the reform, the Movement believes that the content they share it. As a group, school, of which I was the coordinator, we presented a document which has been analyzed the current situation of the public school and requesting the Movement to take a clear position in relation to education policy of the Government. Few clear principles: defense of public schools and the consequent NO to the reform, secular state and thus the demand to abolish funding for private schools. We asked the motion to approve it. It was not possible. The response of the Movement was ostracized. School is not talked about or, if you are forced to do so, however, does not take a position, because within the Movement of the positions are different, and irreconcilable, not to expel anyone, better to "ignore it", better to discuss things any easier. The Movement not in fact take any position on the reform of the school, not as he takes on many topics regarding "social and economic policies of our government. Gradually I realized that the Movement is not what is described by Beppe Grillo: the national program and the name of Beppe serve only as a "smokescreen" to attract the votes of those who can no longer of the political class and its privileges and its inability to credible answers to the problems of the country. The movement is heterogeneous, composed of people who ride the tiger of the protest and issues that face only "easy" on which to converge. When it comes to cycling, or green spaces in the city, or decreasing the costs of politics, recycling, nuclear power ... it is easy to find a convergence of ideas and proposals. A different is taking political positions than the Gelmini reform, funding to private schools, the secular state, the rights of unmarried couples, 194 on the law, the problem now dramatic housing, temporary employment, the agreement Pomigliano, which is not a isolated event in the country, but an attempt to remove more and more protections for workers across the country. On these and other challenges, the Movement is not able to take a position, because inside there are people with often conflicting ideas: there are conservatives and "Orphans of the left, secular and Catholic fundamentalists, united in a" protest ", in easy platitudes but unable to have a realistic plan and consistent broader.
One of their favorite sayings is that they are a party, not a caste. In my view, are much worse: "a true one" is really just a slogan. In the meetings are decided only in certain areas, for mostly organizational, otherwise there is an oligarchy decides for all, are the elect and their collaborators. In recent months the group spent in the meeting did not decide anything important from political point of view. Favia are elected and assume that De Franceschi, independently, any policy decision on behalf of the Movement.
When I asked at the meeting to discuss certain issues, such as financing since the end of July by Commissioner Clerks private schools in Bologna, joining the demonstration in defense of public school opened in Reggio Emilia on October 9 last year, the debate the possible appointment as President of the Equal Opportunities Commission in Region Silvia Noah, the Agreement Pomigliano and the need to take a political stance in defense of workers, I never received a response.
not formally respond, left to decay, do not talk about, so they can pretend to be all agreed, so they can coexist in the movement often opposing positions, while the "elect" decide for everyone, because they are the "spokesman" of the Movement. Good example of democracy! Last night the latest "farce": the Regional Board meeting in public had a political and economic balance in the first six months in the region, have "put out its mandate in the hands of citizens, "then there was a vote to confirm or not to" trust "in Favia and De Franceschi.
No chance to ask questions to the Councillors, to discuss what really was or was not done. A unanimous vote, for a show of hands, in the worst tradition of the worst parties. One spot of propaganda, "not an instrument of democracy, a" transparency "of the facade. Un'autoesaltazione of their work and continued vilification of what they do "all others", this was, in a paucity of content and projects real impressive. Amazing find, among other things, that money from the salaries of regional directors (the Assembly decided for them a monthly fee of 2500 €) is not handled by the Movement itself, but by the Directors who retain the amount due in their personal accounts! And this would be a new approach to politics?
Not to mention the total closure of showing respect to all other cultures in Bologna. No comparison and no covenant, that regardless of possible convergence, because they alone are the bearers of "truth" Grillini. Meanwhile, for the next municipal this movement so open to civil society, so different from the other parties will have a candidate for mayor the next administrative autocandidatosi and chosen by whom? By voters who show under a program? No, the Assembly of choice in the closed active, and only by someone who appears to be active on 30 September 2010, then chose a few people in the worst tradition of political parties.
criticize the party, not realizing, however, be even worse than themselves, because there is no real democracy within. And who "dares" to point out certain inconsistencies are immediately seen as an enemy, someone to be isolated. So never go on without taking any clear position, as I am convinced that both will win elections in any case: the voters will vote on the basis of what he says at the national level Cricket, the protest vote will continue to be there and that alone counts. The same attitude at the bottom of the league who: speak easy, understandable and effective slogan for, nothing more. To believe that there is a shared national program, to believe that the movement is new, a chance for redemption in the country, speaking to the "belly" of the people, to gloss over issues qualifying for a clear position alienate someone, the important thing is to take votes by all, from right and left because they are "above" flying "high". Words without real meaning, just empty propaganda slogan: just as the League. Poverty
cultural, intellectual, political. Unacceptable from a movement of protest when you decide to enter into the institutions, it is decided to act as a force that must manage the cities, regions and maybe tomorrow the country. To do so we must have ideas, we must have the courage to take political positions, to make clear choices, shared not only by the "elected" but the whole movement and especially out of the easy slogans of protest and optical effect, it must deal with problems real citizens and to take clear positions, setting out its ideas and trying to increase the consent for this more 'than for the invective against the other. For these reasons I leave
il Movimento, per la mancanza totale di democrazia all’interno, per la povertà di contenuti. Lascio il Movimento perché non voglio rendermi complice dell’inganno che stanno perpetuando verso gli elettori: a parole sostengono il programma nazionale di Grillo, nei fatti approfittano del suo carisma per ottenere facili voti di protesta ed iniziare la propria personale “scalata” alle Istituzioni. Non ci sto. I partiti non mi piacciono, ma il Movimento non è ciò che appare: non c’è democrazia all’interno, non ci sono idee che non siano quelle “facili” e scontate che la stragrande maggioranza delle persone può condividere, non c’è un progetto serio di società, solo slogan.
a movement to words of all, in fact only a few.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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Friday, October 8, 2010

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I'm going to see it but I'm afraid it's a bit 'in ** Luoni.
What do you think?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Paddlewheel Boat Invitations

c 'was a very nice house in the beginning was

I love old houses and a bit 'wrong. Unbalanced, with the walls are not well in the bubble, i pavimenti con le gobbe, le pareti bianche che più bianche non si può e le finestre di legno. E Bologna è piena di case così! Che gioia!
Bhè, è ovvio che una casa troppo vecchia con le finestre troppo sgarrupate e i muri pencolanti non è molto pratica e soprattutto non molto termica…e certamente non viviamo in congiuntura storica economica e astrale che permetta di spendere chissà quanto (in questo caso per il riscaldamento) per togliersi uno sfizio.
E a proposito di spendere, non è che l’idea di lasciare giù ad un’agenzia la commissione mi riempia di gioia. Certo è che se trovo la casa dei miei sogni, credo di poter make the effort.
But back to the finer things in life. I lived in Bologna for a while 'a couple of years ago. To be honest I was not a great explorer and certainly there are some areas that do not know and to be really cool. But I fell in love with the area of \u200b\u200bZaragoza in and out the door. And what can I do? Love is love!
And then I work here and on foot. O bus, or, if I decide, I'll be on a bike. So it is best to avoid areas too remote or poorly connected.
Coming from Milan Bologna the fact that you cross on foot in half an hour seems like a miracle and I have no intention of desecration by choosing a home in half an hour by bus from the office! People living in big cities ... I understand
And then you want to put the satisfaction of saying: mmm I just want to make a sandwich with slinzegha and get it under a house and a snap when you bite into it. Then ensure that the quality of your life improves!
And now we move on to practical things. I have a lot of things. That is a lot of items. Mostly books, then I have a boyfriend and a bau (which is not really a wow like the others, is a Basset ) who come to see me at the weekend. And where I put all these things if I live in a studio of 22 square meters?
not put. And this is a big problem. So I need a home where I can put my boyfriend and basset over the weekend, complete with doghouse and bowls (for basset, or Do not for a boyfriend!), Books and libraries, clothes (which luckily for me are few), pots, pans, pictures, films and his mother comes to visit me and the aunt who always follows his mother and my two brothers and friends and enemies, not all at the same time, however, I also need my space and my time.
A home for all these things should be 200 square meters, but I'll settle for 50, which is better, as he put the smurf. And I love
being outdoors, and then I Assaji happy to have a balcony, a terrace, a garden, any thing that is out of the house.
And then I want to decorate my image and likeness. Then a little 'freak, a bit' bohemian, a bit 'year 50', 60, a little 'design a little' no, but more about that later.
And then you, otherwise I admitted to the neuro for manic detachment from reality.
Oh I forgot! All this for the modest sum of eurini 450/500 per month.
I'll make it?