taken from appeal to the people
of Claudio Martini
The facts of these days suggest many reflections. I say this because strange things happen, or rather things that seems strange finché non ci si impadronisce della logica che le governa. In queste righe tenterò di enucleare questa logica.
Per farlo mi concentro su quelli che possono essere a buon diritto considerati gli eventi della settimana: la prosecuzione delle proteste in Tunisia, dirette ora contro il governo provvisorio di Fouad Mebazaà, e la "scoperta" che attorno a Berlusconi gravita un gran numero di… ragazze.
Quel che ora mi preme non sono i fatti in sé, ma la loro trattazione da parte dei media imperialisti. Uso questo termine oramai desueto per delimitare una precisa categoria, quella delle grandi imprese di comunicazione nelle mani, in ogni paese, dei potentati economici locali. Queste imprese (in primo luogo newspapers) have a tendency, for years, to look more like each other, to constitute an indistinguishable, or rather, a swarm of media agencies that moves with extraordinary firmness. Republic takes the articles in the New York Times survey taken from El Pais, while the Courier published an editorial signed by a journalist of Le Monde that talks about the latest revelations of independence. This phenomenon is not mysterious is explained by recalling that the owners of these titles belong to the same class, often attended the same schools, they are able to speak the same language and have the very same interests in the financial, economic and even geopolitical . Nothing strange, then.
These large publishers who dominate the world of communication from both sides of the Atlantic, hate Berlusconi . I hate how they hated Craxi (as he sharply noticed the time), and almost for the same reasons, and as against Craxi, trying to hurl it down from the bench with subversive methods. L 'affaire Ruby, like the previous D'Addario and Naomi, are resolved in these simple considerations.
brackets. From what is written may seem that I support the thesis of the coup of the judges 'red', just as the leaders of the PDL, the script even copiassi Cicchitto. Error: I am convinced that something akin to a coup "painless" bark removed the crack of the AFC in '92-93, and you try to repeat today with Berlusconi, but I do not think the perpetrators of the plot are judges; far, are journalists.
are no investigations to bring down governments, not the PM to upset the political coup with ulterior motives: is the media, with their unique ability to create "noise" and unleash a lot of noise to interfere with the democratic process. An indictment, and even an arrest, that does not raise the adequate publicity in the media, would not provide anything. Salvatore Cuffaro Remember? During the trial for aiding and abetting aggravated President della regione Sicilia era stato oggetto di una vera e propria Crociata della Legalità. Bene, ieri il soggetto è stato recluso nelle patrie galere. La notizia è passata in secondo piano. Oppure: sia Steno sia Antonio Marcegaglia, noti magnati dell'acciaio, sono entrambi stati condannati, in circostanze diverse, per episodi di corruzione. Ciò ha forse impedito a Emma Marcegaglia di diventare presidente di Confindustria? Per nulla: i giudici hanno esercitato senza sconti l'azione penale, ma è mancata la gogna mediatica. Capito chi fa il golpe? Fine Parentesi.
In questi giorni di furore anti-berlusconiano, con inviati stampa e tv in giro per l'Italia per scovare qualcuno (qualcuna) che rivelasse gory details about the exuberance of Berlusconi, will be the most overlooked one detail, the meeting between our prime minister and that of Somalia. In the unfortunate African country, just as strategic, the civil war between the nationalist and anti-imperialist force (here in the form of political Islam) and committed the colonial system has reached a compromise with the formation of a government coalition: his meeting with Berlusconi wanted to clarify on which side is our country. Obviously, to be the wrong one.
This was news. You want to nail the head of government to its terrible responsibility? He speaks of his support for rapists of Somalia, a country transformed by the entire Western interests in a battlefield and in a dump. is tacking on issues such as a serious advertising campaign, and see if the Italians are really so in love Elder Monza!
But the media imperialists can not do anything like that. policy followed by Italy in Somalia, just to be the case, is dictated by NATO. How do the newspapers De Benedetti or Fiat Berlusconi could attack with real issues, like his scandalous complicity in the occupation of Afghanistan or to blackmail by Mirafiori and Pomigliano, when that occupation, blackmail, and those were taken, defended and pleaded precisely those papers? We live in the paradoxical situation in which a man from countless drawbacks as our prime minister is criticized for its only very few positives. In this the ultimate has reached the refined Bersani, when he publicly expressed concern that "after Berlusconi is a Chavez." Got it? The problem with Berlusconi, are his points in common with Chavez. So just because there is the siege of the media imperialists.
brings us to Tunisia. Here, too, do not talk about what happened in itself, but its treatment of media, subject to considerable discussion that surprises. Ben Ali was certainly
a dictator, a man "put there" back in '87 the French secret service and Italians (who have shown ingratitude sum denying asylum in need), an authoritative representative of the decline of Arab socialism beyond the borders of Iraq (where there never was any lapse, and we had to destroy a military invasion). Curiously, the vicissitudes of fate has superimposed the two presidents, Ben Ali, and Berlusconi, both debtors of their fortunes alo same character, Craxi.
I said that the Tunisian president was indeed a dictator, a dictator but a friend of the West. In theory, the guardians and masters of the West, the oligarchs that own the means of mass communication, they should defend their man, exasperated and defame the masses by giving them a negative connotation as much as possible in the public eye that counts, that is white and Christian.
media imperialists have not done so, and, in solidarity with the governments of respective countries, "let go" ( to drop down), happened in his time as the tyrant of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, the Arab tyrant, but went further. They have created a climate of solidarity and sympathy with the rioters, and found a nice name to the revolution (now "jasmine"). About the Republic of flipping through a few days ago, would be a nice map of despotic regimes in North Africa, stating that it seemed a hope, that the germ of revolt could infect the masses around the battered Arab world.
Now this appeal to overthrow the dictator is fully understandable in the logic that drives the imperialist media, with regard to Libya's Gaddafi, but Mubarak's Egypt? The old scavengers has transformed his country into a real outpost of the West, and guarantee Israel's security. Coem can hope to fall swept away by a popular uprising?
Avanzo a hypothesis. The 'habitus mental journalist average Western advertising agencies has been formed, roughly, in the '80s. The end of that decade and the beginning of the following are historical moment of the anti-communist revolts (Solidarity in Poland, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Soviet regime in Ethiopia and Yemen, falling Ceusescu in Romania, attempted uprising in Beijing, Yeltsin dismissed the coup, etc). From the standpoint of our friend who works in the imperialist media, the popular uprising outside the boundaries of the West is democratic by definition. And so, for the conditioned reflex, you end up putting in a good light, putting them in the same pot, not just the "color revolutions" clear and widespread. like the one in Serbia in 2000, Georgia in 2003, Ukraine in 2004, in Lebanon in 2005 and so on, but no events events have no connection between them, as the demonstrations in Tehran in 2009, in Bangkok than in the same year to the sedition act in these days in Tirana.
The Tunisian case falls into this category: the reporter saw a popular uprising in a country-western, whose government is by definition undemocratic. The cultural attitude of the educated and semi-educated class in Europe and the USA states that, outside the West, land of freedom, democratic governments do not exist: only the dictatorships of beasts: when the popular exasperation ends the power of these brutes, even if these brutes were faithful guardians of neo-colonial Western media fail to take properly le linee guida della convenienza geopolitica e vanno a sbattere nella solidarietà con i rivoltosi.
Questa impostazione, che definirei quasi istintiva, è il riflesso di un altra convinzione, che ha del metafisico: se i governi fuori dell'occidente sono anti-democratici, quelli dei paesi dell'occidente sono per forza democratici, ragion per cui chi li contesta senza rispettare, non dico la legalità ma persino il galateo, è necessariamente un matto o un estremista. Come facevo notare parlando dei fatti del 14 dicembre a Roma, le proteste violente, le proteste vere non sono accettate all'interno della metropoli imperialista, e ciò che è eroico a Tunisi è scandaloso a Milano. Logicamente questa regola vale anche per le emanazioni dei governi occidentali-per-forza-democratici, come ad esempio le truppe in missione di pace , per cui chi si azzarda a combatterle con il trascurabile fine di liberare la propria Patria è un orribile terrorista.
Siamo perciò al paradosso: quando la resistenza irachena, alfiere della libertà e della dignità araba, attacca le istituzioni dell'occupante dei suoi collaborazionisti, commette crimini inaccettabili, meritevoli di tremenda punizione; quando il popolo egiziano, desideroso di quella stessa libertà e di quella stessa dignità, scenderà in piazza per conquistarla, avrà tutto il plauso di chi finora li ha condannati alla miseria e all'oppressione.
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