Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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Il decennio dei "nuovi poveri" europei

Picked by: Voices from the street

In the United Kingdom adjustments public spending will create nearly a million poor people by 2015, in the periphery of Europe could be even worse.

Andy Robinson

La Vanguardia

The bubbles of the decade 2000-2009 in Europe gave birth to the new rich of two villas and a BMW X3. Now, two years without growth, high unemployment, which now begins to be long term and the first cuts in the system of social protection are creating a new paradigm to be the new decade of economic crisis:
the "new poor"

. E 'less flamboyant of the archetype of the decade prodigious but you could see at each stop of a winter journey to Europe of austerity. Men gaze listlessly begging Christmas in the Philharmonic pub in Liverpool a few meters away from the flaming empty apartments built in a fit of euphoria for the year of European Capital of Culture. "Penny, euro cents, and I everything is fine" . Workers on strike in the waiting room of the railway station in Lisbon, asleep in agonizing positions. Adolescents aged white faces in the employment offices in Dublin at a pace of skeletal bronze statues of Famine Memorial, a tribute to the victims of the famine of 1840 and the subsequent mass emigration. Ecuadorian women looking in garbage cans in front of Carrefour in a district centered in Madrid looking for scraps of food.

Although it is difficult to quantify the impact it will have the double blow of recession and fiscal austerity in the most vulnerable strata of the European countries most affected by the crisis, mainly the periphery of the euro area, Ireland, Portugal, Greece and -Spain, the United Kingdom and Eastern European countries. "comparable poverty data do not help us because they date back to 2007, the peak of the boom says Christos Papatheodoruo, an economist in poverty expert at the University of Athens.

"But is not very difficult to deduce what is happening: what differentiates a country with a high poverty rate by another is the ability of social protection systems ". far in the troubled European periphery, no financial institution has been able or wanted to make a quantitative estimate of the impact of cuts on poverty. But in the United Kingdom, the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) and Rowntree Foundation this week published the results of a major analysis of the mega-adjustment of the budget adopted by the government of David Cameron which claims to reduce the deficit British of 10% del PIL fino al 2% entro il 2015. Sono devastanti ed hanno delle implicazioni preoccupanti per i paesi come la Spagna che cominciano ad adottare politiche simili.

IFS e Rowntree prevedono che i tagli ai sistemi di protezione sociale per un valore di circa 9.000 milioni di euro finiranno per creare quasi un milione di nuovi poveri nei prossimi 4 anni.

Il primo impatto della crisi saranno 400.000 single senza figli che si sommeranno alle file della povertà assoluta (con entrate minori al 60% delle entrate medie adeguate per l’inflazione) nel 2011.

Sono i primi “nuovi poveri” britannici. I bambini sono protetti inizialmente grazie ad un tax credit for families with children, a legacy of previous government. But after the cuts to Cameron and Nick Clegg will also hit families. A set of measures, reductions in child allowances, income support for cuts to the working poor, less aid for rents, cuts in subsidies for the disabled, the VAT increase, price increase for Social Security-will eventually to increase the ranks of the 300,000 children in poverty between 2012 and 2014. In 2014, 900,000 more people will be incorporated into poverty.

in Liverpool where 42% of the population now qualifies as a private salary required, one in three workers, belongs to the public sector. So draconian plans to eliminate 600,000 civil servants over the next four years, probably aggravate the increase in poverty. And in a winter with arctic temperatures, where even the sea is frozen, there is increasing concern about the so-called fuel poverty (Fuel Poverty) - People who spend more than 10% of its income just to heat the house. According to a new study, there will be seven million fuel poor in 2016 in the United Kingdom, a country where-as said an environmentalist, George Monbiot in his blog - more and more elderly people die of cold each year than the percentages of Siberia.

Dickensian England seems to be especially during this festive season. But it is not the only country adopting austerity measures worthy of Ebeneezer Scrooge, the protagonist of bad villancico Christmas. And because the adjustments are already in motion in the periphery of the euro zone this share much with the British and it is logical to think that the impact on poverty can be just as devastating as what predicts' s IFS. After all, the plan austerity Cameron was trained by Jose Barroso as "the right medicine required"

, Barroso is the President of the Portuguese Commission Europea. In Irlanda, ad esempio, sappiamo che l’indicatore di povertà misurata in termini di reddito, più un indicatore di privazione materiale- la frequenza di mangiare carne o pesce, riscaldamento, capacità di restituire i prestiti- è salito di uno spaventoso 25% tra il 2008 ed il 2009 dopo i primi tagli irlandesi con lo scopo di ridurre il deficit dal 9,4% al 3% del PIL nel 2014. Adesso- tra un’altra serie di tagli brutali, condizione del “riscatto” del FMI e dell’UE- l’Irlanda già sembra destinata al ritorno al futuro della sua storia di povertà e sofferenza.

“Non abbiamo dati per replicare all’analisi dell’IFS britannico but there are already many anecdotal evidence; incredible increase of people who are cut or the light that goes to distribution centers for food " says Sinead Pentony, an economist at think tank Dublin TASC. The decision to reduce by 12% the minimum wage impact on poverty in spite of this, with its € 7.60 per hour is the highest compared to other peripheral countries. "We have food prices highest in the EU, the highest for kindergartens and increased the VAT , Pentony said. And now back in the habit most Irish of all: "People go away en masse, mainly verso l’Australia” , aggiunge. Da aprile, si calcola che circa 100.000 irlandesi sono emigrati. In Portogallo- con uno stipendio minimo di 470 euro al mese, solo 50 al di sopra della soglia di povertà- gli ultimi aumenti dell’IVA e requisiti più esigenti per accedere a servizi anti povertà aumenteranno il numero di lavoratori poveri, secondo quanto calcola Isabel Baptista del Centro di studi per la Ricerca Sociale a Lisbona .

“E’ chiaro che non basta avere un lavoro per evitare la povertà” , dice. Allo stesso modo, l’esaurimento degli assegni per disoccupazione in un paese con un 10% di disoccupati aumenterà le file dei poveri senza work, "Although there are very concrete data, there is abundant historical evidence, an increase of 30 or 40% of people who resort to food aid," said Baptista. "In 2011, we will have 200,000 unemployed without social security " Ameno said Carlos, the Portuguese manager of the union CGPT. In Greece, for its part, the draconian cuts in salaries and work in public and private sector are undermining the ability of traditional Greek family to cushion the economic crisis. "The head of the family lose purchasing power and that in many cases the family condemned to poverty" says Papthedorou. Posted by Alba kan.


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