L’Europa che non c’é
Friday, January 7, 2011
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of Ilvio Pannullo
These are hard times for Europe, crushed by the economic failures and questioned due to increasingly desperate masses. While Athens capital of classical culture, the deepest roots of Western thought, burning with rage and frustration of a generation deprived of any acceptable future, Dublin began to take to the streets shouting to the coup of bankers and wheeler-technocratic. Needless to retrace all the steps that have now brought the sovereign states of Europe under the slap of the market.
To sum sufficient to recall that what is happening today is the result of the socialization of loss, damage, unscrupulous financial alchemy of greedy companies. Legal persons, abstractions ultimately covering their brands with the interests of private parties, individuals, real flesh and blood human beings motivated solely by profit, the desire to accumulate wealth and therefore power. If on the one hand, in times of prosperity gains are privatized, the other when the wheel turns the losses are borne by the community.
The first thing they ask is if it really was necessary to strike pay and pensions - such as governments and media have supported and continue to support - and seek to rescue mechanism della Banca Centrale Europea, del Fondo Monetario Internazionale e dell’Unione Europea con l’asfissia economica, politica e sociale che da esso deriva. Nel 1936, la Grecia rifiutò, pur riconoscendo l’esistenza dell’obbligazione, il pagamento del debito contratto con la banca belga Société Générale de Belgique. Il governo belga, allora, intentò causa innanzi alla Corte Internazionale della Società delle Nazioni contro la Grecia, accusando quest’ultima del mancato rispetto di un patto internazionale. Il Paese ellenico rispose che l’insolvenza era giustificata dal pericolo che il pagamento avrebbe significato per il popolo e lo Stato.
Nel promemoria, the greek government wrote: "The government of Greece, worried about the vital interests of the Hellenic people, government, economics, public health and safety and security of the country, had no other choice" but that the restructuring of debt contract with the Belgian bank (Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1980, v. II, part I, p.25-26). In 1938, the Court recognized the reasons for Greece, creating a legal precedent on which, among other things, he based the Argentine government in 2003.
All this happened in 1936. It is therefore disturbing that the greek government in 2010, mindful of its legal history, sia riuscito a convincere la maggioranza dell’elettorato, circa l’ineluttabilità del ricorso al meccanismo di salvataggio. C’era un’alternativa, ma si è scelto di non prenderla in considerazione, di non discuterne neanche imponendo un processo di risanamento a tappe forzate. Una scelta che gronda lacrime e sangue.
Anche l’Irlanda ha subito la stessa indecente violenza. Scrive il Professore Robert E. Prasch, economista del Middlebury College, USA: “L’Irlanda poteva semplicemente dichiarare il fallimento, rinegoziare il suo debito e far capire ai suoi creditori che l’alternativa era prendere o lasciare un’offerta unilaterale del governo Dublin. But the International Monetary Fund and the European Union have understood this way out and have included the terms for the "bailout" of Ireland's claim that his government was being played as a guarantee to investors the money from the Pensions Reserve Fund National Irish ... simply put, the survival of pensioners in Ireland will be held hostage by this agreement. "
" Not surprisingly - continued the professor Prasco - to learn that one of the conditions of that agreement " rescue "of Ireland there are unexplained details such as the obligation to provide for families ogni casa di un contatore dell’acqua a unità separate, precondizione essenziale per la privatizzazione del servizio. O la riduzione dei già miseri stipendi minimi. Cos’hanno a che fare i contatori dell’acqua e gli stipendi minimi con le frodi bancarie, le deregulations, e la condotta folle del governo che hanno creato e nutrito questa crisi? Li hanno incastrati: il FMI, la UE e il governo di Dublino sono d’accordo che la via migliore è di smollare i rischi e i costi associati col salvataggio delle banche a coloro che non c’entrano nulla con quella frode e che ne hanno beneficiato zero.”
E ancora: “Gli appiopperanno più tasse e più alte, abbasseranno salaries for civil servants, will raise fees for students, assistance will collapse to the poor and unemployed will be cut benefits for families with small children, will be saved while groups of wealthy individuals, corporations, almost all of the bankers and foreign speculators. "Finally - continues Prash - without doubt the bankers and bureaucrats of the IMF and the EU crisis in Ireland have seized a unique opportunity: the possibility of imposing the Irish economic policy decided by an unelected power and out of control, just as under British hegemony 800. You could not write well.
hours Far from wanting to play at the prophets of doom, what concerns us here is to start thinking about how to save our continent from a similar future. How to transform the current European Union, already described as an economic giant, a political dwarf and military worm, into something new and better, perhaps taking the moves from the idea of \u200b\u200ba federal Europe is rooted in culture and ancient continental . You might mention Carlo Cattaneo and her comment that it anticipated a century, our culture of a united Europe: "We will have peace when we have the United States of Europe". In fact, even if the drive is still largely imperfect, this objective was, at least in part, achieved in countries that have been forming the European Union and have enjoyed for the first time in history, fifty years of peace.
The Federal and European tradition has its roots in ancient times, in a secular path of exhausting negotiations between the governments, without frustrations and defeats, with the endless compromises that had to accept those who have often dedicated their lives the construction of a truly united. What is missing? What is still missing today? Probably the peoples of Europe, of which many speak correctly, but that now seem to be missing the big for lack of a true awareness of their common political horizon, economic and social development.
It started in the past century and continued into the present, a process of great transformation of European civilization. But another Europe, with this new identity, there seems to still exist, unable - as today - to build a large federal state, able to cope with emerging demographic and economic powers like India and China , which are being developed each with over 1 billion people, or to cope with the historical powers like the United States of America and the Russia Federation.
This is dramatic and urgent need for governments of the 27 states of the so-called European Union is not involved. It is therefore time to revive a European federalist movement, because today, right now it's time to mobilize the people to save Europe and with it its own history, their culture, their traditions and customs.
The negative vote of the people of France (May 2005) and Dutch (June 2005), expressed in the consultative referendum on the draft of a Constitution for Europe, and the Irish people to the Treaty of Lisbon (June 2008) even if modified in the second referendum (October 2009), arises from a problem of content and purpose the European project, as well as method. It is necessary to redefine its raison d'être of the European Union, the ultimate in European integration, the Economic and Monetary Union, defending the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and democracy are merely the means.
To come back to see the sun in the skies of Europe, the poster for a free and united, also known as "manifest Ventotene, more than fifty years ago, may be the first step inspiration, with its strong denunciation of the "crisis of the nation state", the "actuality of the struggle for a European federation", of the "priority of the European federation" than any other policy objective, the "moving at a European level of the dividing line between progressive forces and forces of conservatism", the "creation of a new political entity to lead the fight for the European Federation "together with the claim of" a European Constituent Assembly "as a tool to build a European democratic power.
There is no time and the dramatic economic crisis will accelerate the realization of those now on the streets of the continent vent their anger against the puppets of power. That policy unable to see, understand and then solve problems. It's up to avoid the traps, how to identify, for example, the "strategy of tension" that from 1969 to 1984 in Italy destroyed all the good self-awareness and self-determination of the masses had, with difficulty, cleverly constructed.
We must not and can not again commit the same mistakes of the past. Urge therefore a new method: do not close their analysis schema, creatively confront the reality in its evolution, guided by ideals not passing as tenaciously to the unity and the common sense of Europe, to recover any inevitable defeat. Urge an indomitable will to action that is an inspiration to all those working to advance the European integration process, with eyes fixed on the future.
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