Source: Saigon 2k
NAZARETH - It's called "Spot and Shoot "(" Locate and Shoot "). The operators sit in front of a TV monitor from which they can control the action using a Playstation-style joystick.
The goal: to kill.
Played by: young female Army Israel.
Spot and Shoot, as it is called by the Israeli army, might seem like a video game but the shapes on the screen are real people - Palestinians in Gaza - which can be killed with the touch of a button on the joystick.
Females in uniform, located very far in the operating rooms, are responsible for aiming and firing machine guns in remote controlled turrets that are placed in position after a few hundred meters between them along a fence that surrounds Gaza.
The system is one of the latest devices for "the killing at a distance" dall'azienza developed for the Israeli Rafael arms, which was previously a military research division within the Israeli army and now is a separate government.
According to Giora Katz, vice president Rafael, military equipment such as remote monitoring and Spot Shoot represent the future. Katz believes that within a decade, at least one third of the resources used by the Israeli army for control of land, air and sea will be unmanned.
The demand for such systems, the Israeli army admits, is the result of the combination of low enrollment and a population less inclined to risk their lives in battle.
Berebbi Oren, head of the technology section, recently told a U.S. newspaper: "We are trying to bring the unmanned vehicles anywhere in the battlefield ... We can do many more missions without endangering the life of soldier. "
The rapid progress of technology has raised the concern of the United Nations. Philip Alston, a special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, last month warned about the danger that may soon emerge a "Playstation mentality to kill."
Analysts, however, difficult to Israel is developing systems that will sideline - using the occupied Palestinian territories, especially Gaza, as laboratories to test their weapons.
remote-controlled weapons are in great demand by repressive regimes, and the thriving industry on the safety of the world.
"These systems are still in the early stages of development, but the market is large and is growing for them," said Shlomo Brom, a retired general and defense analyst at the Institute of National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University.
The Spot and Shoot - officially known as Sentry Tech - drew attention mainly because it is being operated by women in uniform from 19 to 20 years, making it the only system of war used only by females.
Females in uniform are preferred for operating systems to kill at a distance because of the shortage of male recruits in combat units in Israel. Young females can do so without breaking the taboo social missions to risk their lives, "said Mr. Brom.
Females must identify each person suspected of approaching the fence around Gaza, and if authorized by an officer, kill them using the joystick.
Army Israel, which intends to introduce the technology along with the others in the field of battle, he refuses to disclose how many Palestinians have been killed by these remote-controlled machine guns in the Gaza Strip. According to Israeli media, the victims would be several dozen.
The system was prepared two years ago for reasons of surveillance, but the operators have only recently had the opportunity to use it to shoot. The army has admitted to using Sentry Tech in December for at least two Palestinians were killed many hundreds of feet into the fence surrounding Gaza.
The Haaretz newspaper, which last week was given rare access to the control room of Sentry Tech, quoted a female, Keren Bar, aged 20, who said: " It 's very tempting to be one of those that do this. But not everyone wants to do this job [ Ed. why they went to fish in the segment of the Israeli population with the lowest moral level ...] . is not easy to get a joystick like that of a Sony Playstation and kill, but eventually for defense . [ Ed. sic ... about the "banality of evil"]
audio sensors in the towers mean that females feel the shock when kills the target. No female, Haaretz said, has failed to shoot the target that defines a Palestinian army that the "offending".
The Israeli army, which requires compliance with a no man's land without boundaries defined inside the fence that penetrates up to 300 meters in the small territory, was widely criticized for having opened fire on civilians who entered the area closed.
Rafael seems to be developing a version of Sentry Tech to shoot long-range guided missiles.
Another piece of hardware manufactured by the Israeli army has recently il Guardium, una macchina robot corazzata che può pattugliare un territorio raggiungendo velocità fino a 80km all’ora, può procedere dentro le città, lanciare “imboscate” e sparare a bersagli. Attualmente pattuglia i confini Israeliani con Gaza e il Libano.
I suoi sviluppatori Israeliani, G-Nius, l’hanno chiamato il primo “soldato robot” del mondo.
Ma Israele è meglio conosciuto per il suo ruolo nello sviluppo di “veicoli aerei senza piloti” – o droni, come sono conosciuti oggi. Sviluppati inizialmente con scopi di spionaggio, e usati per la prima volta da Israele agli inizi degli anni ‘80 in Libano, today are increasingly being used to make extra-judicial killings of thousands of meters from the sky.
Source: The National
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