Monday, January 17, 2011

Social Security Alj Ratings

Operai, siete dei polli.

Source: Paul Barnard: update 8

You looked , Fiat workers today. But look at this way: put yourself on a balcony looking out over the top and were watching Mirafiori and Pomigliano. What you see from up there? You see a chicken coop, where in 4 square meters of soil reeking chicken stir to defend their 4 square meters of soil smelly. And that quacking! Chicken is the most agitated and Landini. But the boss says no: "Four square meters are too many today, shake your network. At best, you do 3 meters. " And then the chickens in a fist fight among those who say " Well come on! Three meters mica suck! , and those who cry " No! They were 4 feet and we want those! They are our right, here we play our rights! . E chipped down to one another, and down to squawk, and there is a big mess, and smell even more because the soil is stirred, and chickens are increasingly shabby, mangy, depressed, and so on.

Now, like in the movies, the camera gets up, zoom out and the house gets smaller, the fluttering increasingly distant, while the landscape around gradually comes into view. And then you see the fields around the henhouse, then hills, then the valley, then the plain horizon with mountains and rivers and seas and the sky forever. And because you're lì nella puzza a sbeccarvi per 3 o 4 metri quadri di una prigione? “ 32 euro sto mese? Evvvaii!!... ” Ehh? Ma come Cristo vi hanno ridotti ad accettare conflitti sociali dove i vostri rappresentanti alzano la V di vittoria, e voi vi sentite vincenti, se portano a casa un sesto di diritto piuttosto che il settimo proposto dal manager? Ma come vi siete conciati in quel modo? Lo sapete che nessuno vi ha mai raccontato chi veramente vi ha fottuti?

Ora, se voi polli volete recuperare la ragione – ma soprattutto la vostra vita, date un calcio al referendum, alla FIOM, ai giornali, alle riunioni in fabbrica, ai sindacati (e chi ha bisogno di Marchionne con sindacati così?), e rendetevi conto di ciò che segue.

La ragione per cui siete in queste condizioni è precisamente perché

- vi hanno rinchiusi in un pollaio, vi hanno convinti che lì dentro stanno i giochi e lì dovete concentrarvi. Tutto vogliono meno che voi scopriate che le fonti dei vostri mali stanno TUTTE fuori dal recinto Italia, perché se le scoprite allora gli inceppate il gioco e li potete fottere.

- vi hanno convinti che la libertà e la dignità oggi per voi significhi contrattare su un altro metro quadro di recinto infestato di cacca. Sperano che a nessuno di voi salti in mente to realize that out of the network of the house there are unlimited areas of salvation in economic terms, there are always hidden.

Now no more talk and here are things to know.

The question is: where are your evils of workers chronically losers, always on the side of the shovel in the face, always a slim work, even to beg? Answer: do not come from government, not by Italian law, not by the parties of the caste, not the mafia, not by Tremonti, not Forlani Andreotti Craxi, not by debt. No. That the wages of the worker and the worker were to move from being a right human charity to a charity masses of losers, was enshrined in places and times that you do not know, from people who can not imagine, with the following ideas: first, they thought that if workers increase their income they spend more, and if spend more more money will circulate and circulate a lot of money if there is inflation, and inflation affects the value of money, and if the currency loses value the rich lose privileges. Second, they thought that highly paid workers are strong, acquire claims. The low-paid and precarious are weak, splitting the unions and big business make more profits, and export more. If then they lay off, the markets reward appreciating loro azioni e i manager di quelle industrie incasseranno premi milionari. Ma se licenziano, gli Stati s’indebitano con la Cassa Integrazione e altri ammortizzatori, e se si indebitano devono poi privatizzare i beni pubblici per pagare i debiti, e se privatizzano lo faranno a prezzi stracciati perché sono indebitati, e se i prezzi sono stracciati gli investitori compreranno a due soldi aziende e infrastrutture, poi licenzieranno e la ruota torna a giare su se stessa, con alla fine sempre tu, operaio a pagare il prezzo di tutto. In due parole: ideologia Neoliberista. Nasce a Chicago negli anni ’60, il padre si chiama Milton Friedman, conquista la politica di tutto il mondo ricco in soli 20 anni, attraverso i finanziamenti immani della Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and major foundations of the American right. In Italy the spokesmen of this monstrous hydra are Alesina, Stagnaro, Mingardi, Draghi Ciampi, Padoa Schioppa, Prodi, Visco, D'Alema and others in Europe, Brittan, Thatcher, Mitterrand, Kohl, Issing, Waigel, Attali Von Rompuy, Merkel, Sarkozy, Juncker, Lagarde, to name a few. The planning of this criminal idea, before going out strong from Chicago, was actually playing in France before the Second World War, with the declared goal of forging nations " in the future will get the supremacy of the super profits and the accumulation of wealth imposing poverty work "(Perroux 1933).

That 's what's happening there, that is an unprecedented attack on wages in the western world planned to be 30 or even 70 years, and these are those who wanted and brought up to today. AND THAT 'S YOUR ENEMY worker!, And not held in the PDL or the Confindustria (most likely touch on the PD). The handlers are in the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the central banks of the euro in the treasuries of France and Germany and the United States, but most are the investors in the City of London, in Hedge Funds, Pension Funds in Europe, to Wall Street, a Pechino. E dettano legge sulle teste di ogni governo, senza eccezione. Marchionne a loro risponde, sempre. Marchionne è un loro pupazzo. Da qui capite che sbraitare in Italia su diritti, salari e occupazione è inutile, è esattamente come sbraitare col cassiere della vostra banca alla Fantuzza di Medicina perché i mutui costano troppo. Il disegno è molto più antico e ampio, potente e al sicuro. Va scovato e combattuto. La linea corretta non è Mirafiori-Sacconi, ma Mirafiori-Neoliberismo. Altrimenti non ne uscite.

La domanda è: come è permesso oggi a un’azienda come la Fiat, che ha succhiato il sangue dei contribuenti e dei meridionali italiani per 40 anni, ricattare arrogant our country? Answer is because since the early 80s Italy, and every other nation, has sold its economic sovereignty to the Market. Meaning? Simply said: a sovereign state with money (we had the lira, Italy today has no sovereign currency, the euro we lend individuals) could always buy whatever she wanted, and without spending limits, provided that everything you bought was priced in its own currency. In Italy, the state could buy all the work of the Italians, ALL, until the last resident worker. That is, create full employment using 100% of the unemployed = 0% unemployment. Could buy all hospitals, all schools, all roads, all nurseries, all nursing homes, all social workers, who wanted to pay all pensions. That create full welfare state. He could invest in all sectors of private and wanted, creating productivity Italian even in private. He never did, because otherwise the market would lose. The Market (Read the first application) has bought the economy, politics, unions, and decided that was not to lose profits and hurting millions of workers for decades. Having stopped just choked to death, the state's ability to spend money for the citizens of the sovereign, was he, Market, the only actor able to spend for us. " investment investment ... no ... You want? " " SIII ... for charity, "they all shouted. And then do what we want, what I want Marchionne said. "Chicken Fiat, want to work? "" I , please! ", then vote yes and you are in the henhouse (and crack there), if no investment at all.

But here's how that same interview would be with a sovereign state to spend money for full employment, the full welfare and productivity:

"Chicken Fiat, want to work? " Yes, but in conditions of dignity, and you Mr. Marchionne to work for you chicken you put your cousin. I I join the program for full employment of my Government, I feel I also have a full salary and full welfare. Sincerely . Fantasies? Not at all. The Argentine government, although reduced to shreds by the market, understood the lesson above, and in 2001 offered paid work by the government to every householder in the country exists. Two million unemployed back to work, which in proportion to population is an immense mass, and within two years, Argentina had the highest economic growth in the world. They have done them in conditions, imagine the rich Italy.

Now, before continuing, a clarification:

- EACH CONCEPT rule is 'ECONOMIC SCIENCE PROVED TO BE AT LEAST 40 YEARS FROM SOME OF THE MOST' prestigious School of economies in the world. WHY THE PLAN OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETS 'that economy had never APPLIED AND' told in DETAILS HERE -

lose the Fiat? Better. First, as I wrote, Marchionne is not only tortured the poor chickens, Marchionne deceiving them as well, while they mill. It is well known to managers of all the major companies in the automotive industry that in a few years, the human presence on the assembly line will be deleted. In Korea the new plants do not have auto lights, because there are no humans there. This evolution is sick, as it was in shipping, where 70-80 ratings of oil tankers has been reduced to 8-10 per vessel, the rest are computers. Unnecessary suffering to pay for years with the only certainty that it will be for nothing. Let a gonzo ignorant as Antonio D'Anolf Ugl the nonsense that " We save the car industry in Italy ”, o a Bonanni di ragliare “ Noi pensiamo a come far uscire i lavoratori dalla precarietà ”. Cretinate, è precisamente il contrario, voi perderete ogni singolo posto di lavoro, è già deciso ma non ve lo dicono . Avete visto a Detroit l’altro giorno? Cosa dicono a voi le sigle QNX, Nvidia, Entune, Prius V hybrid, Microsoft Bing app, BlueLink in-car, Moustick, In-dash navigation? Vi dicono che fra una manciata di anni le Fiat saranno 80% Information Computer Technology e 20% metalmeccanica da far sbrigare a qualche robot. Riga. Voi, quelli con la tuta e due braccia e due gambe? Un ricordo della preistoria.

Secondly, China and India will soon be in the car market, and when that happens not only will miss the Fiat, but the entire global production system. Even now, a sneeze in China threatens your job at Fiat, as happened on December 27 last year when Beijing announced that the number of car licenses will be drastically reduced in 2011 (a third) in the capital, but also in Shanghai: Car titles in stock plummeted. In conclusion, you have to look ahead, that is, getting up from your house and I see much further, and start to run for cover today :

decide who really understand your wages; understand why it was decided to destroy the work, when and by whom. And target.

Understand that if you head over there to squawk in 4 square feet of chicken you will ever out do not, indeed, is what the True Power wants to fuck all. That 's what you did on January 14, you have cheated again.

Fiat and engineering to hell, Marchionne to croak "investment ... so no" against a wall.

Europe out of the euro coins and again ... and then sovereign

... Plans for full employment for all of you, paid by the government in Italy working in areas with dense human presence is irreplaceable. (the studies are published by the Center for Full Employment and Price Stability University of Missouri Kansas City Levy Economics Institute, Bard College, New York, and many others)

Finally tell FIOM to upgrade.

Landini chicken And you have to say hard things. The workers are justified because they have no time to understand, to know, to be guided. But you are the union and your task was precisely to even notice what was going on and who were the culprits. Instead they are completely ignored decades that the design of real power to get the most ferocious attack wages of Modern History ; Neomercantilismo ignored what was the Franco-German Europe, and what is the resurgence of neoclassical economic theory and that Neoagrarie sucks the blood to those who work and paralyzed states; ignored what was Maastricht and Lisbon for the workers, the abolition of Article 40 of the Italian Constitution that the right to strike and that the Stability Pact was designed just to kill work, ignored what the Trilateral Commission in 1975 decided to destroy you, and they succeeded, because now you think you are a hard core of rights when in fact you are the hard core of the house where smelly traded only on the degree of elimination of the rights ; Nicaraguizzazione ignored what the fuck do you work and every time from this pornographic strategy of power, namely, that torture in enough human beings, so that eventually tortured while undergoing torture to stop voting for those who torture them because they are the ones who control the instruments of torture. Landini tells you nothing? Nothing at Mirafiori and Pomigliano?

Why are you still in that chicken coop, bird blind reduced all'indecorosità the fight to keep a meter of slavery? Do you know who is the enemy? Do you understand what can a sovereign state money for you? What are you waiting to fly over the net and become people who win the rights? Today you are the chickens and workers.


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