Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Dispose Of A Camera

Daniel Estulin: Il discorso a Praga

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This is my speech in Prague. A room full of the highest dignitaries of the country. I talked to the nation-state, the immortality and human dignity. In total, about 90 minutes of speech. I think this speech is totally clear the role of Bilderberg in the organization of power. I'm not paranoid-conspiracy, are the ideals for which it is worth even dying.

Daniel Estulin
In the world of international finance there are those who run the events and those who react to them. While the latter we know more, are more numerous and apparently are even more influential, the real power lies in the hands of the former. Occupying the center of the global financial system today is the oligarchy represented by the Bilderberg Club.
Bilderberg The organization is dynamic, because it changes with the passage of time absorbing and creating new elements while eliminating unnecessary parts and decaying. Its members come and go, but the mechanism itself has not changed. It 's a system that perpetuates itself, a virtual spider web of financial interests, politici, economici ed industriali allacciati intorno al suo unico nucleo, il modello Fondi ultramontano veneziano.
Ma questa non è una società segreta . Non abbiamo qui un occhio malvagio che tutto vede o una cospirazione giudaico-massonica.
Non c’è una cospirazione per quanto la gente possa pensarlo così come nelle sue fantasie infantili. Non esiste nessun gruppo di persone, per quanto sia potente, che si siede intorno ad un tavolo in una stanza buia, tenendosi per mano , guardando in una sfera di cristallo e pianificando il nostro futuro.

Il Bilderberg non è un mondo di fantasia cartesiano nel quale, nel succedersi delle generazioni , si impongono intenzioni isolate di individui concreti invece di processi dinamici sociali che agiscono come fattori che segnano il corso della storia e l’evoluzione delle idee. E’ clinicamente rilevante il fatto che attualmente, le più diverse e disparate teorie sulla cospirazione riflettono lo stile particolarmente patologico nella fantasia  infantile associata al Signore degli Anelli , la Wars Galaxies or the cult of Harry Potter . This type of worship expressing mental action feature, which is the magical power of the will by acting outside of the actual physical dimension of space-time.

This is a gathering of people who represent a certain ideology. Bilderberg is a means to bring together the most powerful financial institutions and depraved of the entire global economic landscape. And nowadays, this combination of interests is the worst enemy of humanity.

Non è un Governo Mondiale Unico o un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale come molta gente crede erroneamente. Piuttosto, l’ideologia è quella di un’ Azienda Mondiale S.A . Nel 1968, durante un incontro Bilderberg in Canada, George Ball, che all’epoca era segretario degli Affari Economici con J.F. Kennedy, chiese: “Dove si trova la legittimità affinché dirigenti di corporazioni possano prendere decisioni che incidono così profondamente sulla vita economica delle nazioni la cui responsabilità di fronte ai governi è limitata?
L’idea dopo ogni incontro Bilderberg è la creazione di quello che loro chiamano l’ Aristocrazia Del Proposito , tra le élites europee e statunitensi al fine di gestire il pianeta del miglior modo possibile. In altre parole: la creazione di una rete globale di cartelli giganti. Più potenti di qualsiasi nazione sulla Terra, destinati a controllare i bisogni vitali del resto dell’umanità.

La vita è il potere dell’Universo. L’unica cosa che esiste che è più grande della vita è il potere della mente umana. Come can survive the human race in this era of resource depletion? How can we develop the future of humanity ?

Each generation of human beings should be an improvement over the previous one, in terms of skills, knowledge and culture. Since is so that mankind has a dynamic sense of be moving from generation to generation. We see that people today are part of a society without future . Why?

EDUCATION BASED ON THE RESULT. implies a strong suppression of creative powers of reasoning , those unique mental abilities of humans that are expressed typically in the form of valuable discoveries axiomatic - revolutionary in physical science.

However, the purpose of its training is not prepare young people for status social predetermined in adult life. The only moral purpose of education is to to develop an entire people and put them in of scientific knowledge and moral necessary not only to perpetuate the company was in of this 'humanity, but to elevate humanity to this a step further.

In a moral context , the aim of education is to bring potential cognitive each person to a standard of quality a citizen. The purpose of education is to say the universality of humanity , which is something that gets understanding the history of the discovery of universal ideas.

Obviously we do not have this type of education system in place. Why? Because those who run the world right now believe that the population exists to produce slaves that meet their interests. They do not care that we become smarter and that we realize that we do not belong to them. The power of the king comes from preparation and the will of the masses to accept their rule.

Empire is not synonymous with some king sitting on a golden throne. The empires are above the king. It 's a control system. E 'control through the financial system, an international system in the hands of big bankers.

If ordinary people claim to participate in self-government then it must be also share ideas for which one can govern a society. The awareness of these ideas from the general population would suppose the end of the oligarchic system. The nations that promote creative growth of their mental-producing citizens who will not tolerate forms of oligarchic control indefinitely. Those people who are technologically illiterate and retarded but will do so: in fact, there is no doubt that illiteracy and technological backwardness are causes that contribute to the resurgence of the power of the oligarchy .

Viewed in this way, here we have a moral problem. A problem for the destiny of human beings. Each generation must go beyond what has already been explored by the previous generation. This hope , that something will happen , which is beyond what we have today is the ' idea that should be in mind of a dying old man . That his life has meaning because it has laid the foundation for a better life than he knew.

said that I came to another question that I wanted to ask you this evening. What it means to be immortal?
If you die, what is the meaning of your life? This is a perception, this understanding of themselves, of what it means to be human, what defines a moral society. It involves being willing to give his life if necessary for their nation, in order to perpetuate these values \u200b\u200bto future generations and also to honor previous generations who have left us this legacy to be shared by all.

The problema è però che in politica ci sono pochi politici che hanno questo sentimento di immortalità personale. La maggior parte sono dei falliti dato che spesso quando raggiungono il punto di prendere una decisione, si produce una situazione nella quale quel politico sapeva che la sua parola sarebbe stata decisiva per questo o quell’altro aspetto dell’umanità ma sacrifica l’umanità per soddisfare la sua vanità o ottenere a breve termine vantaggio personale.  

La nostra vita mortale ha un inizio and an inevitable end. What 'is, therefore, our concern in the immortal' people be? All social leaders, especially in times of crisis, leaders are approaching it in some way to a standard. E 'through good education, especially in good moral education when we teach our children and others to understand that principle of immortality.

When we generate and transmit the discoveries of universal principles to our children, and those who arrived later, we remain that way forever live in history. In our mortal existence is no longer whether there is a beginning or an end. We found a place nell’eternità dal quale irradiamo questa esperienza alle generazioni che ci seguono e proiettiamo il nostro essere verso il futuro. Ci trasformiamo in figli immortali del Creatore dell’Universo.

Essa richiede il progresso tecnologico, scientifico e culturale , non semplicemente per essere più ricchi o potenti ma perché abbiamo bisogno di essere immortali, qualcosa che nessun animale può fare. Abbiamo bisogno di formare parte della scoperta e dell’applicazione dei principi fisici universali dato che nessun animale può, ma noi si. In questo so when we come face to face with our true motivation, then we are morally invincible.

Without love for justice and truth there is no value in us. In our civilization, all the people who send others to the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality in itself a bit of immortality. I believe that in the Czech Republic there is such a man. It may be that they've heard. You have heard of him . Il suo nome è Vaclav Klaus . Tutti i leader della società , soprattutto in tempi di crisi , sono leader perché s’incastrano bene in un certo tipo di standard. Questo è il motivo per cui gente come Barroso, Van Rompuy, Jean Claude Juncker, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (direttore del FMI) possono a mala pena considerarsi leader. Di fatto, è difficile anche considerarli umani dal perspective the human being as representative of a greater good FOR HUMANITY '.
order to survive, our society has to rediscover the virtue of political courage. L ' opportunity was given here and hours in the middle of a storm .

colonize Mars ...
Let's ask: We will be here in 30 years? It is 100? What will happen if I speak of 500,000 one million years or more ... maybe? What is the moral obligation of a human being? ensure the survival of the species. We need to develop Mars , this is a matter of infrastructure.
Earth-Moon-Mars. A project of three generations.

Bilderberg and Co. have destroyed the U.S. space program. And why? Why get space is progress. The space program symbolizes the idea of \u200b\u200bman as a being with a goal in the Universe. The future of humanity lies in space. When you live for the future of humanity and what that represents this in the future, then, the existence has meaning. Across the empire of money is based on the suppression of scientific development and knowledge and keeping people nell'arretratezza stupidity. According to Bilderberg and Co., there are no scientific principles. This means that the problem is concentrated in knowledge in the concept of truth. In truth there is no system Bilderberg . It 'an imperialist system. There is no truth. There is only 's arrogance of power .

Population reduction
  • 1-zero growth, zero progress. Club of Rome (Limits to Growth)
  • 2-The project of 80 of the CFR, which promotes the disintegration of the world economy.
  • 3-The "demand destruction" of the Bilderberg for 95 years. How to destroy demand? Destroying the world economy on purpose.
cuts into productivity, infrastructure, cuts in inventions and technology, so you force the collapse of the population. Also, if you do so that people are idiots and you can make that are not too many, then they can be controlled by a minority.

circles Liebniz I have discovered 300 years ago that progress and development are directly proportional to population density.

When we build infrastructure we are reorganizing the space-time biosphere, allowing it to reach higher levels of energy flux density. How look of human creativity, is not a project designed as a product for immediate consumption. E 'a process designed to extend the sense of man beyond his own perceptions, and connects it to the generations that will continue his legacy long after has ceased to exist as individual su questo pianeta .

In questo modo abbiamo periodi dello sviluppo umano: si comincia con i progressi via mare, il sistema fluviale , agro - industria , successivamente fino ad arrivare al sistema Stato Nazione. E quest’ultimo rappresenta l’unico modo di sopravvivenza in questo momento. Non capiremo il perché almeno che non lo vediamo nel suo contesto storico.

Bilderberg is something new, but his ideals have 2,500 years, ie, they are very old. Charlemagne has developed a civilization of the Augustinian tradition in cooperation with the Islamic culture of Haroun-Al-Rashid of the Arab Caliphate of Baghdad. The same forces that are currently employed to exterminate us trying to destroy what we have built by Charlemagne. They recruited these "criminals", who called the Regular cavalry under the command of the Venetian money-lenders and have mounted a system called The Crusades in which they killed everyone: Jews, Arabs, Christians, all have destroyed society and civilization.
And this brings me to the economic field. The economy has nothing to do with the money. Unless you're not one of those who do not believe in the future of humanity in the universal potential of the mind, in progress and you have no morality, then, yes, you define progress in terms of extracting something of the land and sell it. We have destroyed the world economy. Destroyed Europe, Africa, the U.S. and now we are doing everything possible to destroy Asia. You can see that 's economy real is linked to the power creative mind and the ability to discover universal principles of nature, which may improve the lives of people per sq km of ground won Nature .

elites monetary
These people want an Empire. And many people believe that we need to have an empire of money. But money is not the key determinant of wealth and state of the economy. The money does not affect the progress the planet. There a illusory belief that money expresses intrinsic value . The value can be seen not as a number in itself but as the effects of an increase or decrease the physical potential of the individual on the population density of society. The value of money is not in the individual exchange but functional unit, called dynamic social process of unifying the nation. Do you know what affects the development of a planet? THE HUMAN MIND influence this development. It 's so that humanity can be measured. What makes us different from animals is our ability to discover universal physical principles. It allows us to innovate, which in turn improves the lives of people. The progress of humanity, the formation of the power of the individual and the nation depend scientific progress.

The ideas of the Republic and the Nation State Progress shall be together hand in hand . About 6 and a half centuries makes the European economy has suffered a collapse known as the " New Dark Age", the most economic and demographic collapse of Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire. It was then in the mid-fourteenth century that much of the power of the oligarchy was disintegrated in violent form. This disintegration has taken place as a phenomenon of rapid chain reaction, was the worst decline in speculative financial bubble of debt in history, until today. It 'was the collapse of the Bardi and Peruzzi banker homes. This disintegration and collapse of the Lombard debt caused a collapse of power between the oligarchic families.

What has this to do with the Bilderberg?
Modern history has changed in that time, the medieval history were created and the institutions that distinguish the modern history from the Middle Ages. This happened in 1439 at the Council of Florence. What were those new institutions?
  • 1-The design of the modern nation-state republics under the rule of natural justice.
  • 2-The central role of promoting scientific and technological progress as an obligation for the Republic.
These lines represent two crucial issues: their existence in the form di istituzioni, in qualunque parte dell’Europa, ha cambiato tutto nel territorio europeo. Perché? Perché questi cambiamenti hanno aumentato il progresso “pro capite e per kmq” dell’umanità rispetto alla natura.
Quindi, nessuna nazione poteva permettersi di non progredire, non avanzare, per paura a rimanere terribilmente indietro. Questo è ciò che sta dietro il feroce conflitto di più di 650 anni tra le forze che rappresentano la cultura classica di Solone, Socrate e Platone contro le forze rappresentanti del male con la leadership di Venezia ed i suoi seguaci contemporanei personificati dal gruppo Bilderberg.

Il primo successo fu durante la Francia di Luigi XI, che duplicò le entrate pro capite della Francia e sfidò tutti i suoi nemici. Le vittorie di Luigi XI scatenarono una reazione a catena per cercare di stabilire Stati- Nazionie basate su questo stesso modello inglese di Enrico VII così come in altri luoghi.

Costituzione, Diritto Naturale  e benessere sociale
Il Diritto assoluto di una Repubblica sovrana Nazione-Stato a riaffermare la sua sovranità, sfidare le macchinazioni smisurate supranational bodies, resulting in the compromise of efficiency by the State to promote the general welfare. No other institution devised by man could replace these essential functions that can be performed only by a Member so, the form of law or facts. to take action to annul a rule of this kind is a crime against humanity. That is, cancel the principles of sovereignty and deprive people of all the benefits of the protection that no other institution could provide a measure necessary to assure that all citizens have the right to act and live according to nature human, not as that of a flock.
The superiority of the nation-state on any other social composition has been the impact caused by the struggle of the sovereign nations based on the principle of general welfare. This phenomenon has created social and physical ones that are essential for boosting scientific discoveries and technological progress. The population increase from the levels seen in the fourteenth to date would not have been possible without an impact produced by a world of freedom generated by the appearance of nation-states, at least in several cases.
If you are the Bilderberg and company, want to destroy the last vestiges of the Republic of the Nation State.
In fact, the pattern for a single European super-state under the command of a private oligarchy was the cornerstone for all fascist movements of the twentieth century in Europe, the original motion synarchic up to Hitler, Mussolini, through ' Pan-European Union or Europe of nation- Sir Oswald Mosley . In any case the plan implied an imperial dictatorship from across Europe in , administered through decentralized power structures , choking State - Country and attacking his vitality.

Lisbon Treaty
Well, here we see that one of the dangers of the whole plot is of course the EU Lisbon Treaty, which replaced the European Constitution. One trick to make sophisticated Lisbon's monster even more attractive was to present it as a necessary basis for European identity contrarrestrare the aggressive and negative influence on the rest of the North American continent. But this is false. At the same time, while it clearly defines the fusion between the EU and NATO and with the expansion to the East it is clear that we have is so much imperialist strategy of confrontation with China and Russia, something that these two nations for a long time, they got it right.

The world today is driven by monetary systems , Not by national credit systems. If you do not want to wake up the world is ruled by a monetary system. Interested have nation-states that run their own credit systems, credit systems that would be based on their own currency. should be emphasized here that the possibility of creating credit production , non-inflationary by the state, is something that is expressly stated in the Constitution U.S. and excluded by the Treaty of Maastricht as a method to determine the economic and financial policy.

However, in Europe, this can not be done here because governments are under the control of bank interest called private banking system independent. These institutions have the power to set standards and dictate to the government. Think of this institution building in Europe which is called the ECB. Try to run as an independent European Central Bank that has no other above. There is no government. There is no nation. It of a group of nations operating under the command of a private central bank .

not you see? Belonging to this group is crazy. The alleged "independence" of the ECB is the control mechanism decisive in favor of private financial interests, created historically in Europe as a tool to use against the authoritarian economic policy based on nation-states oriented toward the general welfare. The Bank Europea è un vestigio della società feudale nella quale gli interessi privati, tipicamente rappresentati dai vecchi cartelli veneziani o dalla Lega Lombarda decaduti nell’Età Oscura del XIV secolo.

La crisi monetaria è un riflesso dell’insana imposizione di un processo di distruzione dell’economia fisica. Il motivo per il quale abbiamo una crisi di decomposizione non è la fluttuazione dei mercati finanziari. Il problema è che siamo in “modalità” di iperinflazione: questo significa che se considerate la quantità di denaro in teoria in circolazione e dopo la percentuale di quel denaro che corrisponde ad una realtà fisica vedrai che la seconda quantità si è ridotta, quasi fino a ZERO. Ma non è questa la crisi! La crisi è la produzione fisica pro capite. Le risorse dalle quali dipende questa produzione si stanno esaurendo.

Grande Depressione: Trasferimento della Ricchezza
La Grande Depressione non fu un avvenimento che ha spazzato via dalla mappa i capitalisti USA. E’ stato un avvenimento che rese i ricchi più ricchi a causa del trasferimento della ricchezza dal popolo nelle mani di quelli che già possedevano. Fu così che la Bank of America billion won in profits with foreclosures for the period 1927-1937. Let no one think even for a moment that the rich will come out injured from the collapse that is coming. The only injuries we will.

Look Greece . Look Ireland . What we are trying to do is to blow up the system without allowing Greece to redesign its turning into a tool, asking that the debt is offset greek Europe. But this debt worthless! It 'a waste of Monopoly money. Although course, at the request of 'Europe , which in turn has suffered a financial collapse, which absorbs an unpayable debt, which the Greeks, of course, can never pay indicates that certainly will destroy Europe. And this is happening on purpose, because nobody, not even Barroso who is incompetent, he believes that Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain could be saved.

rid of burocrazia di Bruxelles. Licenziamo a tutti. Sono inetti. Questa gente non ha fatto nulla di utile nella loro vita. Liberiamoci di Barroso.E’ stato rimandato in storia alle superiori. Togliamoci di dosso lo “ straccio bagnato ” di Van Rompuy, non perché sia un fastidio inservibile ma perché è malvagio e molto pericoloso. Non è la prima volta che un tipo senza cuore e maligno riesce a farsi posto nelleviscere del potere.

Ad esempio, ci hanno detto che dobbiamo salvare l’euro. Il fallimento dell’euro farà si che crolli l’UE. Questa è una bugia. Invece di mantenere un’Unione Monetaria debole e disfunzionale si  dovrebbe ritornare alle Repubbliche Stato-Nazione, l’Europa delle Patrie.

La verità si basa sulla posizione suprema nell'ordine delle cose . La vera Sovranità non si trova nell’opinione popolare ma nei processi creativi della mente umana individuale.

La diversità culturale non è soltanto a seal of quality that indicates the progress of humanity but is also an insurance policy against the extinction of species. Once born, the concept of Nation State never dies, just wait for it's courageous and healthy human beings are brought out to defend it, to refine the concept . So, it should be a brotherhood of nations, sovereign nations, united with a common goal for humanity. Until we are able to carry humanity into the age of reason, the story in reality, is becoming a non-human to the will of the masses, but for a handful of people who for better or worse, direct the fate of all ' humanity like a herd grazing.
And sometimes, even slaughter

Thank you for your attention.

Translated by Voices From the Road from Vanesa


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