Picked by: Live Journal
of Valerio Evangelisti
is now accepted without question by commentators of different inspiration, as Innocent Cipolletta and Loretta Napoleoni (1). The origins of the current economic crisis, there are the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To finance companies that the U.S. military could not afford, the U.S. administration, through the Federal Reserve, almost zero interest rates, so you have the availability of substantial liquid capital that they needed. All Western governments were obliged, as always, to do the same to keep pace.
Simultaneously, the U.S., looking for consensus in favor of the war between the middle classes, made easy - always through the Federal Reserve, which guides the behavior of other banks - to obtain loans for the purchase of case, senza riguardi per la solvibilità degli acquirenti. Non lo dico io, lo scrive Cipolletta.
Affluirono capitali, però in larga misura speculativi, attratti dalla pacchia che si profilava. Il mercato immobiliare diventò un nuovo Far West, un oggetto di conquista. Tutto ciò, nelle intenzioni, sarebbe stato riequilibrato dalle materie prime dei Paesi assoggettati. Non fu così. Le guerre divennero pantani, incapaci di compensare ciò che costavano. La finanza crebbe oltre misura, con un volume di scambi insostenibile. Chi aveva venduto titoli di dubbia consistenza, confidando in un imminente rialzo dei tassi, restò deluso. I mutui sulle case furono le prime sabbie mobili delle eccessive banks' exposures, followed by other chasms.
The banks at that point, hurriedly pulled the oars in the boat, after a couple of famous shipwrecks. They sold shares to foreign debt in abundance, packed in packages that include large percentages of garbage. Too late. The crisis was no longer cyclical, but structural. Fast loans, European companies began to close not quite solid, stronger ones to relocate. The monetarist dogma, as popular after the collapse of the socialist and social democrat, wants the cost of labor is the first to collapse in times of trouble. So it was. Obviously, the consumption in Western countries, have collapsed, in view of questionable eden in the future these emerging economic powers (China, Brazil, India, in part, Russia). Too bad there
large sectors of the population remain excluded from any development, and therefore unable to absorb the entire surplus of the West. Too bad also that the new powers as they emerge, they are able to produce clones or evolutions of the same artifacts typical of the West, at times of high technological content.
falling rate of profit, overproduction. Between these two coordinates, and other consequences, these are the foundations of a crisis not at all volatile. You may only remedy the achievement of economic goals set by the military adventures. Nothing suggests this is possible. Open other fronts, try again? Despite the snarling exhortations of the Israeli government and some Arab states (as revealed by Wikileaks), when no one can afford it.
He spoke of "systemic crisis". This is partly true, but if you want the system to capitalism in the broadest sense, finance and industry, it never falls alone. If not countered, it has many weapons to fight back and survive. First limit his appendix 'lifestyle, democracy (2). Arouses envy in many Western observers, the Russian model. Drastic limitation of control from below, in an economic structure not at all Socialists, headed by privileged strata constructed from piece to piece (with periodic purges, under judicial pretexts, the blocks that do not work or are too bulky). A similar admiration inspires the Chinese model. The instruments of the old "dictatorship of the proletariat" in the service of a purely capitalist growth (whatever you think Diliberto), with ad hoc ruling classes. Those who criticized "left" real socialism, arguing that the facade concealing forms of collection system that claimed to fight, they were right to sell.
The old primary weapon with which capitalism deals with its historical crisis, authoritarianism, is verifiable in the Western world, including the EU. This only serves to generate the central organs of economic control subtracted from any democratic scrutiny and invested with full powers. Monetarism, the EU has raised a central doctrine and unquestionable even to the constitution (to vote again forcing those who had voted against, to not do anything to vote for his last revival, the "Lisbon Treaty"). Parliaments have been deprived of their sovereign rights through limitations in office, or voting mechanisms altered to exclude up to hostile opposition to the basic philosophy. Every effort is aimed at preventing people may influence the choice determinants that affect them.
course, the effect is more sensitive in the factories, the cell authoritarian par excellence. Woe to hinder the efficiency of the bosses, except for a transmigration of companies. You pee less, eat less, work till you drop, from day to night. Otherwise we will produce (without selling), where the workforce costs about shit, and where the rights of workers bordering those of the first industrial revolution. Yellow unions, only a strong base of retirees enrolled in force to submit a tax return, enthusiastic cheering. Two alternatives: either they did not understand anything, or understand too much and they are complicit. Good second.
But how, without being able to sell what takes place (eg cars), to keep the market? The fact is that finance capital has ended up overlapping with the royal capital. Hilferding had expected, but Marx had guessed (DMD with the formula: Reread the first volume of Capital to see what it means). The "M" goods, it is out of the picture. Prosperous countries such as Ireland and Spain are placed in a corner, downgraded by entities such futile rating agencies . Agents and fake horror, that only a lunatic theory as monetarism, without any scientific basis (as he demonstrated in the late Federico Caffè Lectures economic policy, Bollati-Basic Books, 1980), could make. Well, even the currency is the official doctrine of the European Union. No matter how one country is vital and productive. Importantly, to assess it, its debts. Towards what? Towards a bigger overall debt. All are in debt. Especially in Africa, the continent's richest deposits of raw materials and. As it happens, seems to be the poorest. Its inhabitants fled north chased from hunger. Who persecutes them? A natural poverty? No, the debt. The rich become poor, the poor become rich. There is something wrong.
A specter is haunting Europe and the world: it is a miscalculation. It has nothing to do with the economy properly understood, that the distribution of resources among the members of the human race, trying to ensure that there are goods for everyone. It 's a collective madness that goes beyond the atrocities of capitalism, that is the modern version of the relationship between masters and slaves. We are the servants of figures occurs or not. We are the servants of a cash register in the hands of others, apparently manipulated by a madman. But is not that crazy. Choose which class to hit, to make her a victim of its bizarre math. It 's always the underclass, that of the employment register. Everything you touch except the profits and revenues, essential to the realm of abstract algebra economic fiction. Where who does not produce gains, the producer suffers, who is poor would be rich, the poor and to calculate the flows of wealth and assets are meant to exist do not benefit.
The "debt" is an abstraction related to ideology stupid, now the only one taught in universities - the "monetarism", the most common variant, the Supply Side Economy dear to Reagan, Thatcher, Pinochet - and the system, shame, you have built it on an entire theoretical edifice. Stop being the servants of an abacus meaningless.
But also remember an old saying: "Without the force is not the reason "(Andrea Costa, Avanti, 1881). It is not an invitation to terrorism, but an exhortation to keep the squares with the determination of December.
(1) Innocent Cipolletta Bankers, politicians and military , Laterza, 2010, Loretta Napoleoni, The vice. The real reasons of the global crisis , Chiarelettere, 2009.
(2) See Vladimir For, Factory false. Strategies of lies in contemporary politics , Derive / Landing, 2008.
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